Hi I am new to the programming world . I took a certification course for my MCTS .net I passed one of two certs for MS. But even though i undersatnd syntax i don't get coding in its entirity. I don't want to see that my time and money went to waste. Does anyone know where i can get some real world knowledge on coding. I still have my school books and disks and i prefer to use Visual studio 2008. But i need to know how i can find out excatly what i am doing?

Tahnks for any help.

If you don't know what you are doing, considering what you already did, you are in big trouble.

The best way to learn is jump into coding. Write more code, compare your code with online available code or ask questions here on how to improve it.

To start serious learning, think of a real-life project that you want to sell in the market. For example, a simple Stock and Invoicing application. Plan the layout of your app. and scrutinize the competitors in the market.

If you are not selling your skills, you are not learning.

@ddanbe didn't you ever not know what you were doing with coding? I have only been at it for 6 months total and its all been book learning just following someone else's code in a book that doesnt always work. Maybe i am in big trouble. But i am trying either way.@rpk2006 thanks i will try to think of something creative to build and see if i can get the hang of it.

how we can set the form size is equal to the screen sixe dynamically in C# .net.

how we can set the form size is equal to the screen sixe dynamically in C# .net.

you want to use the WindowState property in the Load method of the form.
also you want to change the FormBorder value to "none"

k. how we can set the panel or picture box size is equal to the screen size?
matter or information how we can arranged in center of the form?

The best way to learn is jump into coding. Write more code, compare your code with online available code or ask questions here on how to improve it.

To start serious learning, think of a real-life project that you want to sell in the market. For example, a simple Stock and Invoicing application. Plan the layout of your app. and scrutinize the competitors in the market.

If you are not selling your skills, you are not learning.

:) I like this sentence, "If you are not selling your skills, you are not learning", i will bear in mind

just simply set it into center



Hope this could help!

go on to simple application after getting into more complex one! I do experience it also. just CODE.DEBUG.REPEAT until you get it.

I learned C# with a free online copy of sams teach yourself C# in 24 hours. That got me the knowledge of the syntax and practice of starting a project. Then to really get down and dirty with it you have to decided on a program that you want to write, not impossible, something simple like a notepad clone for instance. Then start searching for information on your project, for example how to save the form's position to the registry, and xml file, or preferable using the .net project settings. Then implement it. Keep going until you have a full featured application that you understand everything about because you pieced it together from nothing.

Once you finish that, and feel up to a bigger challenge try something harder, always staring with an empty project don't start with some one else's project and change it.

Good Luck!

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