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98 Posted Topics
Hi there)) Guys - I have this error = [QUOTE]umount is not in the fstab (and you are not root)[/QUOTE] on local PC during trying to unmount fuse-based filesystem - please tell me - how tp unmount system/ My mount point is tmp folder so - when i try = … | |
hi there) my brothers-programmers) please tell me - how to get double type character by character - i need make custom realization of fprintf - so it's necessary for me to show double type numder on the screen. (For integer type this problem could be solved by subtracting 32 - … | |
Hi) Guys , please tell me - which java graphic (which make you able to work with winforms) library should be studied at first? I started with SWT , but that i heared that it isn't "standart"...... thanks in advance for help. | |
Hi there!) Guys please tell me - where can I see the realization (or custom realization) of fprintf in C++ ? I'm especially interesed in working with no fixed number of passed parameters. I need to made somethings like fpintf() by myself but i don't know how.... big thanks in … | |
Hello everyone)) Guys please tell me - is there any way to create thread in lunux , which will not executed itself (at all) - until will get SIGCONT signal? I can't thread self stopping after creation , because in this case - we cann't be sure that the thread … | |
Hi there) Guys - if anybody know about a good articles (or something like that - what will be usefull to read) on the topic "[B]file system driver[/B] creation -[B] C language[/B]" - please give link or advice). I need something not too sophisticate for begining. big thanks in advance) | |
Hi there)) I know that one of the ways to pass variables values into thread -is to create a special structure which includes all needed parameters/ But what about getting values from thread? Is it any way to get value after modification from the thread ? I know only one … | |
Hi there)) Guys please tell me - how to make reference to directory which is on higher level that site root (by php - site is on local machine) - may by this situation need some aliases in apache .conf file? As I see the server(apache) don't want to understand … | |
hi mysql athlets!)) Guys, please tell me - how to solve problem like this = I have sql-query like this one (imagine that all this tables and fileds exists - and error can't be in its adsence) = [CODE] select NAME from (TAB1 left join TAB2 on TAB1.ID = TAB2.ID) … | |
Hi there) I'm trying to install PHPUnit - does anypne know how to solve this problem ? = [QUOTE]Failed opening required 'PHPUnit/Framework.php'[/QUOTE] I can find the solution ib the internet! big thanks in advance) | |
hi there) guys, please tell me - is it any way to make associative array in php without assignment values to the arrays elements? in my situation i need to read indexes names from txt-file -so i can't immediatly give them values.....what will you advice in this situation? Is there … | |
hi there) guys please tell me - how to solve this problem - open get access to data on the microSD usb adapter which doesn't want to shoe itself in my computer window (to be useful for ordinary windows user ))) big thanks in advance) | |
hi there) guys , please tell me - is there any way to check that the standart input is empty or no. big thanks in advance) | |
hi there) guys, plesae tell me - what should i change in this code to see message in a console window (i also need define the OS) = [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #if defined(_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64) #include <windows.h> #define WINDOWSS 1; #endif int main() { char* mtext = " Please specify … | |
Re: [QUOTE]what are exactly p1,p,p2[/QUOTE][QUOTE]This is an incomplete code[/QUOTE] from where did you get this code? | |
Hi there) Guys , as I understand - this is c++ code = [CODE]int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst,HINSTANCE,LPSTR,int ss) { /* создаем и регистрируем класс главного окна */ WNDCLASS wc; wc.style=0; wc.lpfnWndProc=MainWinProc; wc.cbClsExtra=wc.cbWndExtra=0; wc.hInstance=hInst; wc.hIcon=NULL; wc.hCursor=NULL; wc.hbrBackground=(HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wc.lpszMenuName=NULL; wc.lpszClassName="Example 4 MainWnd Class"; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return FALSE;[/CODE] but tell me please - … | |
hi guys) please tell me - why the Turbo C show the error - [QUOTE]LINE_MAX is undefined [/QUOTE] for code = [CODE]/* */ #include <stdio.h> #include <alloc.h>/* */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> main() { char a=''; char * ch; char * inputstr; printf("\nPlease specify the input string \n"); / fgets … | |
hi , guys/ I again have problem with C understanding. Please help . there's code = [CODE]/* */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> main() { char* inputstr; inputstr = simple_readline( "Please specify the input string (one more notification))" , 0); printf("\n You've specified string = %s\n", inputstr); getchar(); getchar(); … | |
Hi guys) Please tell me. Is there a way to make the #left_line block to be whole in the parent #dynamic ? It isn't so because the bootom property doesn't work correctly (as i understand....) I'll add an example file piece of html = [CODE]<div id="dynamic"> <div id="left_line"> <div id="left_line_top"> … | |
Guys hi there)) pleace tell me - Is this default attribute correct (it doesn't work in my costom control) - [CODE][Bindable(true), Category("BrushOptions"), Description("end color"), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "White")] public Color EndColor { get { return endColor; } set { endColor = value; OnChangeProperties(); } }[/CODE] thanks in advance)) | |
Hi programmers!) I'm developing a custom component and I can't understand - how to make a property which can show a window with options like "font" property for button, for example ? please tell how to do this from where i can find it out. big thanks in advance)) | |
hi all) Does anybody know a good example to add a smart tag to custom component? | |
hi athlets!)) please tell me - how it's possible to copy object in c#? (get it not by reference) does anybody know a good article to understand this process? on msdn I've found only [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.icloneable.clone.aspx"]this[/URL] , but it's not clear.. thanks in advance! | |
Hi guys! please tell me - where is error here - [ICODE]select `OWNER.OWNER_ID`, `Previous_owner.GDATE` from `Previous_owner` left join `OWNER` on `Previous_owner.OWNER_ID`=`OWNER.OWNER_ID` left join `AVTO` on `Previous_owner.OWNER_ID`=`AVTO.OWNER_ID` where `AVTO.AVTO_ID` = 3[/ICODE] phpmyadmin shows error - [QUOTE]#1054 - Unknown column 'OWNER.OWNER_ID' in 'field list' [/QUOTE] the db structire is = [CODE]create table … | |
Hi ,programmers! Please tell me why it's possible to use such condition - [CODE][U]if (!fork ( ))[/U] return 1;[/CODE] as I know the fork() returns pid_t-type but at the same time "if" needs boolean.. big thanks in advance) | |
hi programmers!) Please help me understand this - as I understand from practice - the getting SIGALRM by process is ends the process - but I can't find the explanation of this guess. for exp. - I have code - [CODE]int main(void) { /* Установить будильник */ sleep(1); if((alarm(5)) > … | |
Hi guys!) There's a peace of code and I can't understand - what's wrong in it - [CODE]#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> int main (void) { int status; pid_t pid; if (!fork ( )) return 1; pid = wait (&status); if (pid == -1) perror ("wait"); printf … | |
Hi guys! In my makefile I have line - [CODE]gcc -Wall parent.c errmsg.o -o parent[/CODE] What does it mean "Wall" here ? big thanks in advance) | |
Hi guys - I need your advice) In which cases It'll be correct to use <T> after class name when I want to have generic type fileds in this class? big thanks in advance) | |
Hello, athletes and champions ! )) Please tell me - what's wrong here - [CODE] public class LinkedSet<T> : ISet<T> { public LinkedListElement<T> Root; public LinkedListElement<T> Focus; public class LinkedListElement[B][U]<[COLOR="Red"]T[/COLOR]>[/U][/B] { public LinkedListElement(T value) { this.Value = value; } public T Value; public LinkedListElement<T> NextElement; public LinkedListElement<T> PreviousElement; } } … |
The End.