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23 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for oredigger

I'm curious about write locks with MySQL and how they are prioritized with eachother. Specifically, I'm wondering if "low priority write" locks have lower priority than "normal" write locks, or if they are equal. The only documentation I can find states that the low priority locks have lower priority than …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for spoonlicker

[INDENT]I'm currently in my senior year studying Comp Sci. I came to school intending to study Mechanical Engineering, but after taking a required C++ class, fell in love I suppose with Comp Sci. Now my school doesn't have Software Engineering, Software Development, etc. - just Comp Sci. Further, it is …

Member Avatar for Fareena.B
Member Avatar for AAXXOO

[QUOTE]Have a look at the ComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged event. [/QUOTE] To explain a little further, in your handler for the SelectedIndexChanged event you'd query your database for cities that belong to the selected country ([ICODE]select city from Cities where Country = _selectedCountry[/ICODE],or whatever you'd need to do). Then you populate your City …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for xanawa

How are you storing your reservations for a table? If you keep track of them in a 24 element boolean array then you can just check if the three "hours" in the array are true/false depending on if there is or isn't a reservation on those times. For example [CODE] …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy

Try using a FileStream instead of a memory stream. Then when you read the next 1024 bytes, write them to the file. [CODE] int bytesReceived = 0; int bytesWritten = 0; FileStream _myFileStream = new FileStream("myData.part", FileMode.Create); while (BytesReceived != Buffer.Length) { try { BytesRecieved = BytesRecieved + NetStream.Read(Buffer, BytesRecieved, …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Adding to WildBamaBoy's suggestion, you could add a button, set its foreground to be the image of a "standard" PayPal web button, and when you click it call the code WildBamaBoy posted, obviously substituting paypal for daniweb.

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for eaon21

If you use different DialogResult values depending on what was clicked you can pass that back/forth between your forms. For example instead of using [ICODE]DialogResult.OK[/ICODE] when you click the back button, use [ICODE]DialogResult.Cancel[/ICODE]. So you'd end up with something like this: [CODE] // in Form3 private void finishButton_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs …

Member Avatar for Bridgekeepers
Member Avatar for xanawa

What do you have now in your [ICODE]close_button_Clicked(...)[/ICODE] method?

Member Avatar for xanawa
Member Avatar for Saidar

What about transitioning your data to a database? That way the data is stored on disk instead of in RAM (or the bulk of it at least) and you can just grab smaller chunks to process at any time. You could even add functionality such that if you call [ICODE]process(myObjectType[455]);[/ICODE], …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for Edward472

I was working on an app a while ago that dealt with getting handles from window names and I ran into a lot of problems. In short, I wanted the handle of a Notepad window I had open, whose name on the screen appeared to be "Untitled - Notepad". I …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for skatamatic

Whose machine is now running Win7, yours (the sender), his (the receiver), or both? Try to track down if the problem is sending the packet or receiving the packet. You can also use something like Wireshark to watch network traffic to ensure that you do in fact see your UDP …

Member Avatar for butcher1012
Member Avatar for krosty4782

When/where do you append "mystring" to the end of the received data? And why do you have to do that anyway? The data returned from the remote host will include the length of the content sent, so you'll know where the "end" of the file is.

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for rminator

See my post on your other thread about this question: [URL=""][/URL] Hopefully that will help.

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for rminator

From what you said in your earlier posts I don't think you want [ICODE]StringBuilder[] Temp = new StringBuilder[source.Length][/ICODE] which is an array of StringBuilders. Your line [ICODE]String STR = Temp.ToString();[/ICODE] I think would just return the name (type) of the object, an array of StringBuilders, not the string that you're …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for fka

If you create a base class that your individual classes inherit, and then an enum containing the names of your classes, you can create a new object by passing the enum. Something like: [CODE] class BaseClass { public BaseClass(ClassType ct) { if (ct == ClassType.First) return new First(); // etc. …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy

I'm not completely sure on this, but my first thoughts are that since you're opening the socket and accepting a connection in a new thread, it would cause the main thread to throw a "not connected" exception since it's in a different context... but that could be completely wrong. Some …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for oredigger

I've been reading about ApplicationCommands (specifically Paste) [URL=""]here[/URL] and I have a question regarding the following paragraph: [QUOTE]A MenuItem is created and it's Command property is set to the Paste command. The CommandTarget is not explicitly set to the TextBox object. [B]When the CommandTarget is not set, the target for …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

[QUOTE=TheDocterd;1388263]I read the article. Very interesting I must say, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. If I can save it in a text file, or perhaps indeed a login field it would be great, but how to go about and get started?[/QUOTE] How are you trying to implement …

Member Avatar for TheDocterd
Member Avatar for jlovesfishiee

You should be able to do [CODE] string[] octets = ipTextBox.Text.Split('.'); int octet1 = Convert.ToInt32(octets[0]); int octet2 = Convert.ToInt32(octets[1]); //... etc. [/CODE] But if you're specifically using an IP address, I'm sure there's a constructor for an IP address object of some sort that takes a string in dotted-decimal notation …

Member Avatar for jlovesfishiee
Member Avatar for recawo

What's the error you're getting? One thought though, take a look at [url][/url], specifically the part about @-quoted strings and how they affect escape characters. Also, when I've loaded files, I've always used say [ICODE]"\\resources\\file.xml"[/ICODE]; that is, backslashes instead of forward slashes. I think that's how path descriptions have to …

Member Avatar for recawo
Member Avatar for tantii

First a couple of observations... -By calling [ICODE]randomnumber.Next(1, 7)[/ICODE] you will receive a "random" number whose minimum value is 1, and whose maximum value is 7. Thus, your conditional statement in line 7 from your post will always evaluate true. -In line 4, think about how the computer is going …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for tom_cat

Most routers have an option in the administration tool that will automatically update your dynamic dns account (for example with any time your external IP changes from your ISP. I use this, in conjunction with specific port forwarding rules on my router, to access the different computers I need …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for oredigger

Hello, To start off, this is not a homework related question, just something I've run into on a project I'm working on for myself for fun. Basically, I have a screen whose controls are dynamically created (I create one for each root entry in an xml file) so that the …

Member Avatar for oredigger

The End.