4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nemo_NIIT

Hi I want to generate sequence number in C# window application I have got one link on Google, but I it is not helpful. I want that on click to add button an order sequence number should generate and stored in SQL Database i have written this code but it …

Member Avatar for ashishkumar008
Member Avatar for Baby G

heyz... i need help. i new to C#. i need to add timer to my code. but i don't know how to do it... can help mi!! all i have done to the code is declared int time. :(:(

Member Avatar for Baby G
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Can anyone perhaps help me with my problem please? I want to apply security to my winform application but I am stuck.. This is the code I have that will run when the view job button is clicked and I it doesn't work [CODE] private void viewJobBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for TheDocterd
Member Avatar for jainendra.shah

hi frds, i have create a .txt file and write some data. i want to open on screen that .txt file for reading by a click a button. if you have the answer, so please help me. thanks in advance ....

Member Avatar for Amit Dhemar
Member Avatar for moone009

Hello! Basically I need this program to go line by line down my text file and tell me if it sees "000-00-0000"......we use this as a dummy number otherwise the file wont process. Right now the program will tell me it sees "000-00-0000" in the file but a few lines …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for john_zakaria

hi guys thanks everyone for help in my last post now i made my windows service that get response from a web service and everything is working well. all that i need now is: 1- The windows service should pop-up something saying there is a new application to be downloaded …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for stevanity

Please help me debug this. Ive used a permutation generator class as a dll file. Its not loading. Please help me. Main Project: [code]http://www.mediafire.com/?7glk636ncm49spx[/code] DLL: [code]http://www.mediafire.com/?l41b3l2uaugqmwz[/code] Thanks. I had some problems with strings and stringbuilders. It would be nice if someone could suggest a better solution after seeing my code. …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for walerhola

The bit of code below is giving me the error: Cannot read from a closed TextReader. [CODE]public static int maxUsers(int logMinute) { StreamReader maxNum = new StreamReader(@"C:\Users\jplishka\Desktop\LoginSorted.csv"); string sortedstrline = ""; string sortedUser = null; string sortedComputer = null; string sortedDate = null; string sortedInTimeSec = null; string sortedOutTimeSec = …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for meensatwork

I tried many codes in internet for this but it says Access violation. Can somebody provide me the code snippets in C++ and C# for this?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for pikkas

hi, i m trying to make something like a login page and i used the following code to compare the Users password from a password text box and then compare it with the Database password to see if it is the same. nevertheless when i compare the strings the system …

Member Avatar for pikkas
Member Avatar for GAME
Member Avatar for uchiha203

Hello everyone, before i ask this question i would like to say first that im a beginner in asp c#. I would like toask for a tutorial on making a download button for binary datas. My file upload is already working fine. I just need a download button so i …

Member Avatar for jugosoft
Member Avatar for umair.sabri

i m giving my file path in image.imageurl but it is not show picture how i can show image can any body help me????

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for fullmetalboy

The main problem is that I recieve the following message: "base {System.SystemException} = {"Unable to create a constant value of type 'BokButik1.Models.Book-Author'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context."}" based on this LinQ code: [CODE] IBookRepository myIBookRepository = new BookRepository(); var allBooks = …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JPByD

I have a C# website that includes AJAX. The site has a master page and sub pages. I am revamping the photo gallery sub page to include a jquery function that displays a larger version of a thumbnail image when hovered. The thumbnails are listed in a xaml file, at …

Member Avatar for JPByD
Member Avatar for meensatwork

Hello, I have created a C++ dll with some functions and structures.I need to access the structure in my C# program. When i searched the net, i found that there is no way to include header files in c#. What is the alternate way to use the structure definitions in …

Member Avatar for IdanS
Member Avatar for vigneshkbv

in my masked text box, the mask property is setting like aa aa aa aa.my issue is, the mouse cursor is not setting the initial character automatically,when i click the mask text box..pls help me.. Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for vigneshkbv

In my form have a text box...My requirement is... when is type characters in that box... before typing the 3rd character the space should come automatically or programmatically...the sturucture is look like 21 33 44 55..pls help me...Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for vigneshkbv
Member Avatar for Girum1

I create a simple data base table using Microfoft SQL Server 2005 and i want to display this simple table as a hole in my form.I use DataSet and DataAdapter to communicate with my SQL data base.i try to pull all the record at data base in to the DataSet …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for 3BeeData

the syntax should be something like this: <% function("var") %> ...but this does not work. The function is called and no errors are produced. The function return value simply does not print. Please help, I know this is a very simple explanation.

Member Avatar for 3BeeData
Member Avatar for fawi

Hi, First I am beginner in C#. 1-But I need to know how to use wor automation and save the new file in other location then print it when need, that was first. 2-I also need to know how to play a specific video from a path using Microsoft.Directx.AudioVideoPlayBack library. …

Member Avatar for fawi
Member Avatar for er.sajal

can anybody tell me how can i create array of buttons so that i can give same code to every button

Member Avatar for S.Santosh
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Okay, so I have pretty much changed my entire program around to be strictly C++, and this last question I have is a very simple one. [CODE]Generic::IEnumerable<Item^> ^Items;[/CODE] What is a good equivalent for this? Just a simple vector? Ty :D

Member Avatar for goleyass

Hello everybody. I've a question about resources: When can we use <%= %> and when use <%$ %>? what is deffernce between them? the question is about this code:<%= GetGlobalResourceObject("LangResource", "Map")%> and <%$ Resources:LangResource, Map%>

Member Avatar for pikkas

hi, i m trying to make something like a login page with C# using VS 2010 and SQL server database. I am using the following code to get the password from the appropriate username but i get an error of Object reference not set to an instance of an object. …

Member Avatar for pikkas
Member Avatar for goleyass

Hello everybody. I've a question about resources: When can we use <%= %> and when use <%$ %>? what is deffernce between them? the question is about this code:<%= GetGlobalResourceObject("LangResource", "Map")%> and <%$ Resources:LangResource, Map%>

Member Avatar for delia99

We may set one password for a file if we don't want others to open it, especially the secrete document. Generally speaking, we are used to writing articles or papers in Microsoft Word. And we may need to encrypt Word document if it is very important for security. Also, when …

Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello Im intrested in making a small online store mockup just to test a bit how it would work. Id like simply a "shopping cart" with a login system where I can add products to the shopping cart and "buy" them. Any guides, tutorials, tips, snippets, etc? Thank you :)

Member Avatar for nemcsakbali

Hello everybody! I could really use some advice in c#! I have the following homework in programming, please help me choosing the easiest one( I only have to make one of them) or just tell me some tips on how to start on them. If you have some codes like …

Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I have a number 2879068. I want to display it in currency format as like [B]28,79,068[/B] in C# Can any one help me

Member Avatar for MARKAND911

The End.