4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Darth Vader

Now I use a C++ code where I save a color like this: [code] public: System::Drawing::Color ColorSaved1; ColorSaved1 = textBox1->BackColor; [/code] I wonder how I can convert this to C# ?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for VidyaYadav

Hi, In my datagridview there are 3 columns. I am entering values in all of these but second and third column values are not compulsory. So user can escape those two columns. But, when inserting those values in database If the cell 2,3 contain value then to insert that value …

Member Avatar for sanch01r
Member Avatar for SFletch

I've written a small web db app, designed to sit within another page (in an iframe). It is designed to be called with a parameter (or two). iframe html calls Default.aspx?Parameter=4 The default page does nothing except check for the existance of the parameter and store it a session state …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jonahmano

I am building a program with Name, Roll No., Marks in different subjects, Total and Average. Just wanted some advice. Pls encourage me. class Report { static void Main () { string s = " "; int a; /*,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;*/ Console.WriteLine ("Enter the Name:"); s= Console.ReadLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Enter the Roll …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for nirveshverma

HI friends her my code i want to correct this code please help me thanks and i want to connect or read multiple client at a time using System; using System.IO; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; namespace SocketConsoleclient { class Program { static void Main() { byte[] receivedBytes = newbyte[1024]; IPHostEntry …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Jimmalmquist

i need help with a maskedtextbox in a C# applikation. I want want it to display the date in the following format "00.00.0000" but it refuses to show the "." instead it shows "00,00,0000". I have tried several different solution but none of them works. The mask is correct but …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for santhoshvarma.a

hi, i want some examples regarding user control in asp.net with c# and how to retrive data from main page and send it other pages thankx & regards A.Santhosh kumar

Member Avatar for guru_sarkar
Member Avatar for kyllle

Hi all, Going to begin learning C# and then ASP.NET and was wondering if anyone knew of any good websites teaching beginner level C# or if anyone has any advice for me before I begin my mission! Thanks in advance! Kyle

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for sahmed

I want to implement FIX protocol in C#. Can anyone tell me what documents should I read to implement this protocol? Also, if there is any library available in C# to implement this protocol, it will be a lot help.

Member Avatar for sahmed
Member Avatar for john_beginner

hello all, as i know that if we don't want to specify the static path of databse then , we can use "Server.mapPath" like,( in any .aspx page ) [code] str = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=" + Server.MapPath("student1.mdf") + ";" + "Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; [/code] but my question is that , why …

Member Avatar for john_beginner
Member Avatar for yamid

How to read a part of a text file and put them in an array in c# 0 #1 1 Day Ago I have a text file including several strings and doubles. I want to find a specific string in the text and read all double numbers after it which …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ShailaMohite

I have designed some reports in C#.net. I have used the Database Files option in Crystal report wizard.The path to all reports are the same, but now i have moved the database to other location, i only chaned the connection string in my application. Now the application runs fine, but …

Member Avatar for shilpa88

How to import any web file in to our window application on c#??? i m making prj in whiich i need to add files in my prj.. plz help me out.............

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for ssmeshack

hai there, Im using ASP .NET c#... I have created form to send to email. Im using try catch... it giving that message that the email sended successfully. But it didnt appear in my mail account. I dont know where is the problem in the coding. Please check the coding …

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Member Avatar for pavan146
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for yamid

I have a text file including several strings and doubles. I want to find a specific string in the text and read all double numbers after it which are located between two slashes"/". The number of double data could be unknown-but we just know they are bounded with two slashes- …

Member Avatar for PyroPaul2

Hi all. Could anyone give me a pointer please? I've almost finished a project I'm working on but have one last issue to resolve. I have an image on a form that I apply a colour gradient to. However, when I grab this to create a bitmap (this.DrawToBitmap(BackGroundBmp, BackGroundRect);) I …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for pymatio

Attached is a project that lets you control a sports league. If you enter these teams: [CODE] FOO A FOO B BAR BAZ [/CODE] & the restart the program it should print out something like this: [CODE] FOO A vs BAR FOO B vs BAZ [/CODE] but it doesn't it …

Member Avatar for minigweek

Hi, I am working on building a C# Winforms application which will allow me to login to a forum or site and perform certain tasks. I am stuck at the very 1st step. I cannot login to the forum. Here is what I have tried so far, the [B]Login[/B] button …

Member Avatar for hohy
Member Avatar for saradha

hi all, i am new to c# ... i seek your help for a code snippet which can validate a form that is using asp tags like text box,a read only text box with a calendar control associated with it,a submit button which when clicked must validate the above said …

Member Avatar for saradha
Member Avatar for Chocobo_Knight

Hey all, Not sure if this is a C# or a XML question but i decided to post it here as i'm trying to use C# to update XML. I'm trying to update XML document Attributes from a XLS document. The XML documents are 1000's of lines long and there …

Member Avatar for amey.rane86

When I export a page to MS Word, Word cuts off some of my data on the due to a problem with the margins. I've checked the margins under "page setup" in Access as well as in Word, but for whatever reason, Word won't use the new margin settings. As …

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Member Avatar for Evil Genius

Hi, I had a little personal project I made using Winforms in C#. When i published it, it gave me some installing files and stuff.. Is it possible i can make just an exe file out of it? one exe runs it all. its very basic project no db, or …

Member Avatar for Evil Genius
Member Avatar for deepas

I have a datagridview control which shows workdays from database, now i've to find /search the date picked from datetimepicker, when the selected date is found in the grid, pointer should be in that row or that row should be selected.can anyone help me how to do it?thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Harshkumar
Member Avatar for valter

I am having a bit of trouble with a property. I am developing a class "Photo" which has properties etc for a single photo using System.Drawing; public Image Imge { get { try { return _Imge; } catch { Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(100, 100); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm); g.Clear(Color.WhiteSmoke); …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for kahaj

I've been trying to look up an answer to this online, before having to post it to the board. All I've managed to do with what little info I've dug up is to confuse myself. How does one go about accessing some sort of standard dictionary for C# (or .NET …

Member Avatar for vinnijain
Member Avatar for sa3q

Hello all i want to make application in c# to read any xml file in tree example the xml file like that ======================= [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <directory name="D:\ajsam"> <directory name="D:\ajsam\Muscle & Fitness"> <directory name="D:\ajsam\Muscle & Fitness\aa"> <file name="جديد.txt" size="12"/> <file name="Cover.jpg" size="8828"/> <file name="Thumbs.db" size="11776"/> </directory> <file name="Allthewarez.lnk" size="447"/> <file name="Allthewarez.nfo" …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for stoymigo

Hi , I recently read this on another forum... [Quote] C/C++ are still standards for writing fast, standalone software, so you'll be wanting to work your way there. [/Quote] If I want to develop an application that has many "if statements" and many "loops" , that executes only on the …

Member Avatar for stoymigo
Member Avatar for PyroPaul2

I need to get the background image of a Panel that's on another form. I'm using this as a texture in a DX application. I cannot use "CopyFromScreen" as any other control that is over the top will be included in the captured image. Maybe one approach would be to …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi Dear Friends...!!! I am developing a Attendance System in C# using MS Access Database. I want to Count the totall P and A in the Attendance Column... now Dear Friends Please tell me any Query or logic to do the above work...!!! ***P for Present*** ***A for Absent ***

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The End.