4,589 Topics
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Hi, I have a solution set up in .Net with a website. Each page is written in aspx and each code behind file are in the format of aspx.cs. For some reason when I build the solution it builds successfully although does not compile these code behind files to a … | |
Hi guys, I am working on a conversion of the Mandelbrot Fractal from Java to C# and my programming skills are lacking quite a bit. I am desperately trying to improve but I have come across some errors that are stumping me. I have attached a txt file with the … | |
In my program this statement.. [code]FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:\SQL.txt" , FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);[/code] shows me error... illegal character in path. is there in problem in path ... please quick reply .. thnks .. | |
Hello all! Looking for some help with this, I've been using a book to make an sql database to store names, and was hoping to use a button to randomly select any of the names in the database to be allocated to one of two machines. Also there is a … | |
Hi I have downloaded an editor called OceanTiger CSDesigner & it has no compiler with it. I have read the sticky posts, & I know that I could use netbeans or microsoft visual instead but I want OceanTiger because its small like Dev c++ & doesn't uses heaps of memory … | |
Hi there, Please help me. I am having problem trying to include Checkbox in 1st Column in DataGrid for all the Rows. Being a newbie and I am struggling doing it. I need your help. | |
How do you stop forms from being movable and resizeable after you have maximized them in code.(this only happens if the maximize box is disabled) If you maximize a form with the maximize button it does not let you move or resize the form. | |
Hi , just would like to ask on a few questions Is it possible to make a voice to text system without using the Speech SDK ??? If yes, can anyone provide me with the info on that? What can be used? | |
Hi. I would like to create a 3D desktop environment like the one done in [url]http://www.real-desktop.de/[/url] please check it up. However I do not know how to start... I thought of creating a a huge form that is always on the top and calling short cuts when someone clicks on … | |
Hi all, my code is like.. [COde]string strConn; strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=C:\\ifocus\\Excel Worksheet.xls;" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", strConn); myDataSet = new DataSet(); myCommand.Fill(myDataSet, "ExcelInfo");[/code] and My EXCEL data is like ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold --- [B]in@GLDM.1[/B] -- 14,917.00-- [B]Gold MCX[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALUM--- … | |
What is the difference between following declarations: [CODE=C#] WebUserService.Service.IUserService userService = new WebUserService.Service.UserService(); WebUserService.Service.UserService userService = new WebUserService.Service.UserService(); [/CODE] I want to know the difference in usage and the the one that is most efficient in terms of programming in C#. | |
hello, i m using c# and vb both in my web project. it gives error when connectin c# page with database. it is not taking any label taken in c# page. can anyone help me. | |
hi, I want to access ini file in my application , which asked for the centre ID b4 login & starts, it asked this only for one tym when it start at first tym & never asked this question again. The second reason to use ini file is , i … | |
My C# program is able to work with existing MySQL and Access databases. Additionally, it will also create a new Access database if none exists. I am not able to get it to create a new mySQL database though. When the program attempts to run the ExecuteNonQuery command for CREATE … | |
Hi Gurus, A colleague and I have a process where we want to look at a file we receive from a vendor (XML) and data that is in our db. In order to bypass loading the xml and comparing it once loaded we are loading the db data and xml … | |
I've spent a bit of time porting my database connection over to MySQL. It's taken a bit of time, but generally been fairly easy. However, one of my insert queries is currently failing due to an auto increment ID field. I have this insert query: [CODE]INSERT INTO entries(text, name, screen_name, … | |
Hi I'm creating a multiple form GUI app using a scene-manager to set the current visible form. There isn't an issue regarding it working, that's fine. What I am noticing is that when each form is set to be active/visible, it takes a few seconds to load each component, and … | |
Hi, I am having problems with a device bulit by a colleague that needs to be working for Tuesday. If you talk to this device in HyperTerminal it errors all the time as it get the data from the UART too quickly it , he has found a thing call … | |
Hello every body Please any one to help me I want to upload and download files from sql database using asp.net with C# i need to do that using grid view or data list. i want to view with grind view to download my uploaded file from sql data to … | |
Hi, I have an assignment to read mails from Outlook and store them in DB in C# plateform. When I read the attachment File and store its contents in BYTE[] when I run the query to store contents in Database it is throwing EXCEPTION [quote]"An object or column name is … | |
Hello all, i want to creat a list of an object so i used ArrayList in C# after declaring a class book i declare the array list as follwing: [CODE]private ArrayList mobileStore = new ArrayList();[/CODE] then i have an object of class , say Mobile [CODE]Mobile m1;[/CODE] and finally i … | |
Hello, I wish to get the code to pass the log in information (i.e server name,pass word etc) as parameter at the time of calling report Now its asking (user name ,password) before going to the report page each time .please help me. | |
Hi, I'm new to .net. I'm finding difficulty in figuring out how to Import emails from external email servers using C# ... I want to access any external mail server to import email addresses from it ... Kindly Please guide me !!! I will really appreciate your help ... Looking … | |
i am not getting the desired result in link list in C# when i am putting the record bt its nt showing in the records when i view this code so plsss help me to find the desired result [code=csharp]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Single_Linked_List { class Node … | |
how would i do this i need to do it other wise u have to havesomthing (i forget what is on your comp in order for them to worK) | |
Dear All I am new in ADO.Net and i am using C#. My problem is I want to execute one trigger in my program I am having name of student in my student table now from my C# program I will pass any name which is in table from textbox … | |
Hi, I've code like this [CODE] namespace RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan { public class Karyawan { blablabla } } [/CODE] when I want to use the Karyawan's Class in User's Class [CODE] using RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan; namespace RestaurantSoftClassLib.User { public class User { Karyawan.Karyawan karyawan; blablabla } } [/CODE] why I used to write Karyawan … | |
Hi there, Being a newbie to C#Net 2003, I am having problem trying to retrieve data from a specific clicked row on the DataGrid to display the data on the TextBox on the FORM. This is the structure of the DataGird:- Col0 = CustomerId Col1 = First Name Col2 = … | |
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Ok I'm converting a program from Java to C# and currently stuck on a certain aspect of it. Ok I have; [code=Java]private Graphics g1; private Bitmap picture; picture = new Bitmap(x1, y1); g1 = Graphics.FromImage(picture); pbMand.Image = picture;[/code] pbMand is the name of my picture box, which I will use … |
The End.