Hi, I've code like this

namespace RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan
   public class Karyawan

when I want to use the Karyawan's Class in User's Class

using RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan;

namespace RestaurantSoftClassLib.User
    public class User
        Karyawan.Karyawan karyawan;

why I used to write Karyawan two times, Karyawan.Karyawan not just Karyawan?


That's weird .. works fine for me when I use this:

using RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan;

and then

Karyawan karyawan;

Try to remove one Karyawan .. what's happening if you use only one?

Try to remove one Karyawan .. what's happening if you use only one?

if I remove one there is an error like this
"Error 1 'RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\sky\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\RestoranSoft\RestaurantSoftClassLib\User\User.cs 18 9 RestaurantSoftClassLib"

The confusion comes from the fact that Karyawan is a namespace which contains a class with the name Karyawan.
If you have a namespace A with classes A and B, you would also say A.A and A.B

so...what is the solution? so that I can use only Karyawan

Put your Karyawan class in the RestaurantSoftClassLib namespace not in the RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan namespace.

commented: solver++ +6

Yes, its works. Thanks ddanbe.

Or use using directive inside of target namespace:

namespace RestaurantSoftClassLib.User
    using RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan;
    class User
        Karyawan karyawan;        

In your code the RestaurantSoftClassLib is visible even without this:

using RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan;

Because the User namespace is inside RestaurantSoftClassLib . And if you remove this using - there will be no effect. I'm not sure, but suppose that this relationships are more significant and the code, when you're trying to make a reference on RestaurantSoftClassLib.Karyawan is just being ignored.
But since the User is aware of RestaurantSoftClassLib - it has no idea about Karyawan.
So if you restrict the scope of using directive to particular namespace - it would work just fine :)

Did you also check your references?

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