4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for crash0verride

Im developing a website for a company and it is my first time to use ASP.net in c# language. I am expert in graphic designs but slow on programming. please help me how to create a login page using in ASP.NET using c#. :) thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for rahul_galgali

Hi, I have developed a app using facebook c# sdk.I got the api key from fb after making registration on api page.But the problem is no other user except me can't login into the app.Plz app

Member Avatar for notuserfriendly

Hello, first this is not a homework assignment so please respond whenever you have time as a speedy solution is not exactly needed. I have been learning C# recently from a microsoft book and had an idea of a program i want to make. Basically i want to be able …

Member Avatar for notuserfriendly
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Hello, I create a delayer for something but it dont work right, that i want is 1, Load Form 2, Draw a text in TabPage 3, Show a text in tabpage for 5 seconds 4, when delay end then add WebBrowser Control to TabPage PS: I forgot notice, when use …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for vinoth.raj2k

For eg : i am having textbox , in tat v need 2 enter rollno , aft clicking the go button , result of tat individual person hv 2 display in Gridview . itz like Result system , jst i am new to this tech . I need some one …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for sifuhall

I have not done development work for many years now but I decided to download the new (and free!) Visual Studio 2010 Express C#. I'm enjoying this, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to data bind controls. Here is my setup: I have a SQL …

Member Avatar for sifuhall
Member Avatar for sah

The following code is used to connect C# with mysql server connectionParam = "SERVER=" + DbServer + ";DATABASE=" + dbName + ";UID=" + uName+ ";PASSWORD=" + pass; MySqlConnection mConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionParam ); But what will be the code, if MySql can only be accessed through HTTP Tunneling. Tunneling URL: …

Member Avatar for heppiedad
Member Avatar for divyam_shukla

i have an existing database and i want to attach that database one time to sql server and when thee database is attached then it open that database

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for junharefa

Hi all, I have 4 (four) tables using MySql database, ie: [CODE]tb_item ( id_item, (varchar) --> PK item_name, (varchar) price, (double) ) tb_order ( id_order, (varchar) --> PK id_item, (varchar) -->FK date_order, (date) lead_time, (float) order_quantity, (double) ) tb_use ( id_use, (varchar) --> PK id_item, (varchar) -->FK date_use, (date) use_quantity, …

Member Avatar for junharefa
Member Avatar for adem87

ım doing a c# security program this detect the desktop, any human musnt exit from program with use the windows types . what codes ı need

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for sha2

hello..im a new user of the c# programming language,.im asking for your help in finding a code for my project..can you please give me the code on how to have my own log in form???since c# doesnt have a log in form.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for NeilA

Hello All, My son (14) just finished a course on C# and I'm looking for some practice assignments for him. Can anyone tell me a good place where I can find such? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for WarDoGG

I am looking to create a desktop application in C# which : 1. Allows the user to select a file / multiple files / folder containing files from his computer. 2. Upload the files selected to a PHP script (which is already equipped to handle file uploads using the $_FILES …

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

Is there any way a user can input numbers into an array like you can in c++??? Or strings for that matter????

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i have a question in C#.net report viewer. i want to create a report which will take a user input and generate a report. what i want is get the month from the user input and get it as a parameter for the sql query go get the result. …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for haanjae

hi all, i have the server code and client code, but it cannot communicating with each other. i try to run it in 2 pc but happen error. i do not know what is the problem, please help me. server code: [CODE] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for complete

How do I get a dattime format in C# that will look like this: 2011-09-01 00:00:00:000 This works DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now; string test = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-01 00:00:00:000}", saveNow); Now I want to know this. How would I subtract one month from the current month? It T-SQL it would look like …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
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Member Avatar for Momerath
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Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for ganil_22

Hi , I am good at C# concepts, but i am looking to gain expertise on C# programming (developing tools e.t.c) Can any of you please share some links, which contains good basic programs and projects. Thanks in advance. Regards, kumar

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for priyad2

please help me with the code behind file..as i am really confused...otherwise give me some tips to start doing the code

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23
Member Avatar for SyncMaster170

Hello there, I am having trouble with my C# datagrid. Im working with sql. I have four columns in my datagrid: firstname, lastname, membership, date. So heres the design behind my app. Employee scans a card, hits update. Info pertaining to that member gets pulled from the sql database, then …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

I am trying to make a simple calculator for my code and I wanted to know, how can I have the user input a number like c++ cin >> number; and then just have my math functions do the rest. I have this so far... [CODE] public static void Main() …

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23
Member Avatar for techlawsam

So I was looking at this problem , and in monodevelop (and Visual Studio). But for somereason I keep getting unreachable code or error in Visual Studio, I retyped and relooked over my code but I cant seem to find what the mistake is that I can run my code. …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for gerard4143

I'm really new to C# so this may seem like a novice question..How does C# accomplished passing a reference to a object reference? I'm really trying to understand the underlying mechanisms and how it applies to the attached code with the comments - //what happens here? Do we pass a …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for TurkAlush

Hey I have been trying to make a chatmachine, and i wanted to make it play music when the user asked for it, but the problem is how can i make the music stop again? Without closing the player, but by closing with the program.. I used this code [CODE]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Moves …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for thommahh
Member Avatar for SteveyD

I'm encountering some problems with converting Delpi7 pascal to C#, maybe a fresh set of eyes will see what I can't. Pascal [CODE] procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); var Data: TData; i: integer; s: string; begin if not (CheckBox1.Checked) then begin StatusBar1.SimpleText:='Bidirectional operation not allowed'; exit; end; for i:=0 to 255 do …

Member Avatar for SteveyD
Member Avatar for lianpiau

I want write a text file event log. but when i want add second record(from datagridview) to text file, it will replace 1 record. [CODE]private void btnAddGoods_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand cmdCheckID; SqlDataReader dtrCheckID; foreach (DataGridViewRow r in dataGridView1.SelectedRows) { string PONO = r.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string DeliveryDate = r.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for Khyati Patel

When I click the Submit Button in a form it should check whether 6-7 textboxes,2-3 pictureboxes nd combobox which resides in that form should not be empty..? How it is possible in Short to provide this validation..???

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca

The End.