4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for deebi

I've planned to do my final year project on neighbor discovery in sensor networks... I wanna know if simulation of sensor nodes is possible in C# and .net? reply me ASAP. thnx in advance

Member Avatar for c++_fem

Hi, Is there a way to stop a function from returning a value if a condition evaluates to true. For example my function returns the sum of two integers. How can I stop it from returning anything if one of the integers is negative [CODE] Class C1 { ... public …

Member Avatar for c++_fem
Member Avatar for suliya

Hi Morning all, here I've code how to insert data into multiple tables in Sql Server using asp.net C# form but the data unable to enter ang got error, may anyone help fix it form me? because i've tried so many times already but still cannot, there is the code …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for Johnrocks

Hello, I want to put all my events in one class file and call them in a main window following is my code in mainwindow.xaml file [CODE] <Window x:Class="WPF123.MainWindow" xmlns:Local="clr-namespace:WPF123"> <Window.CommandBindings > <CommandBinding Command="Local:MyCommands.Print" Executed="PrintCommandHandler" CanExecute="CommandBinding_CanExecute" /> </Window.CommandBindings> ... <Button SmallImageSource="Images\Print.png" ToolTipTitle="Print" Command="Local:MyCommands.Print" /> </Window>[/CODE] mainwindow.xaml.cs [CODE] public MainWindow() { …

Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22
Member Avatar for 2aliraza

hi plz help me how to simple displaying 1 to 20 prime numbers with for loop plz help me

Member Avatar for 2aliraza
Member Avatar for Taximus

Hi everyone. I have a problem. I need to write a program where I can draw elements just by pressing the buttons on the form and I can do some operations with figures which I drew like (spin, delete, maximize/minimize). The task was given to me: use keys on keyboard …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi i'm a vb.net programmer trying to learn C# for now. Let me ask you about simple questions in C# How do you do this in C#? this is a vb.net code: [CODE] TextBox1.Text = 1 [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for ChaseRLewis

So need to use C# to create this tool I want for a game. It will involve an interop between Excel and my own program so I can easily tweek values on some items in my program or through excel. So far it's going ok, but when I'm constructing the …

Member Avatar for charlybones
Member Avatar for Mirfath

Hi i am currently creating a login screen for my project.The logical error with this code is that it does not display the message "invalid password" although i have written a code for it.Can anyone please tell me whats wrong with this code.Thanks in advance [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using …

Member Avatar for Mirfath
Member Avatar for srieja

is it possible to send data from remote object to the server in C# remoting using TCP channel???? Please reply thanking you in advance....................

Member Avatar for devloper
Member Avatar for nmohammed

As you know I am new to C# and am having trouble with some code that I am writing, thats why im posting here to get knowledge from you guys:) Well, i have a text box in which i will enter the usersID of the user (the userID is in …

Member Avatar for nmohammed
Member Avatar for Manorly

Hey guys! I'm taking a C# class this semester and I've been struggling extremely bad. It's like, I can't get my mind to think simply, everything I think, I over think. When I'm doing labs, I can break down what I want each thing to do bit by bit, but …

Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant
Member Avatar for geekman92

hi i am trying to make a program that whilst ingame (magicka if anyone is interested) reads what is pressed on the keyboard and the simulates a combination of keyboard key down and keyboar key up and mouse press. eg if i press NumPad0 it would simulate Key Press A, …

Member Avatar for cybereality
Member Avatar for c#learner

Recently started basic programming in uni and I am struggling with c#. One of my lab questions was write a dice program, i will write the exact question below. Because of anxiety I cannot ask the lecturer for help in class so thats why I am here. I am unsure …

Member Avatar for bmc100
Member Avatar for compulove

I am writing a code that will login the user then one they are logged in they will enter in other information in textboxes. I wanted to know how to check that the username, password and ID match what is in a sql database. Also once it goes through how …

Member Avatar for compulove
Member Avatar for VasquezPL

Hi guys, I have a small problem I am writing a program which adds informations about broken systems in my company. Customers are informed about new events (outages) via RSS (XML) channels. My program simply download xml from the web page and give a possibility to add new items (events) …

Member Avatar for VasquezPL
Member Avatar for vatwindad

I am new to C# and am having trouble with some code that I am writing. Below is the code. I want the user to be able to enter a number between 10 and 50. Once the user does this, I want it to evaluate to Acceptable if it is …

Member Avatar for vatwindad
Member Avatar for DeathEater

hi, I've been working on a little program for my company for keeping the records of some members, it's basically a WinApp, but since the company has a website in which certain people visit and become members i was wondering if i could update my DB from the website, provided …

Member Avatar for DeathEater
Member Avatar for Karthik J

Hi all, Does anyone know how to convert raster images(bmp) to vector images using C#?. My task is to convert raster images(bmp) to list of vectors using C#. I surfed in the net, got many open source tools which does the job, but my constraint is not to use any …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for HackRabbyt

Hello, I was wondering if I could get a little guidance regarding an error I keep running into on this assignment. I'm not necessarily looking for any answers as I'd like to complete as much of the assignment myself as possible. However, I've been beating my head against a brick …

Member Avatar for HackRabbyt
Member Avatar for RoBb0

Hey all, For my project I have decided to create a web app for a bus tracking system using ASP.NET/C# and SQL Server. The reason for doing it in ASP.NET is because I'm much better at it compared to writing PHP and Javascript code. For one part of my app …

Member Avatar for ryan.khan06

I'm new to deployment of an application in C#, especially im running on a 64 bit OS. When i entered Visual Studio, i configured my application to run in 32bit, what happened was, it created a folder in the debug folder and it's name is "x86". When i checked it …

Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22
Member Avatar for zainemma

I am building a real estate website and I am getting a following error: aapkaghar2.UserLevelsdal_base+UserLevelsDataException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. U can visit [url]www.aapkaghar.in[/url] for more error details When I run this same on my local pc, it runs fine, without errors. Please help me.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for glut

Here's my error. "[B]System.NotSupportedException[/B]" I have some problems with the StreamReader class. I have a textbox, and with the textbox, the text is the files location. I have tried with a pattern('@'), and with using the double slash character, and NOTHING has worked. Here is my function [CODE] static string …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for nssltd

Okay hi, Firstly i have a border less which i need as i have my own custom 'skin' which looks like this and is found here.[URL="http://i51.tinypic.com/2i77o94.png"]http://i51.tinypic.com/2i77o94.png[/URL] As you can see it has no drop shadow at all. What i want to achieve is for it to have a drop shadow …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Jazerix

Hi I just set up my IP Board. Now i want to retrieve some of the data via mysql, so far I have no problem getting a table into a datagridview, but what do i do to get a value from a table right now i got SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for mikev2
Member Avatar for Siimont

Hello! I'm doing a calculator in c# and I have one problem. I can't get the "%" button to work. I want it to work just like microsofts calculator and it would be great if annyone could help me! :) Its the code for how to calculate it I need!

Member Avatar for aadisabri
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All I have a Dynaically created a Textbox and i have a Dynamically created DIV. So what i want to do is to Find the Position of the Textbox and and Dynamically when this textbox is created , please a Div just next to this textbox. So my …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for 07-0466

Hey, What is the fastest way to learn C#?? I need to clean out some source code with bugs... Help needed urgently! Thanx.

Member Avatar for 07-0466
Member Avatar for educated_fool

Hello, dear All I have the following problem: i have a .net (C#) app and a Windows Installer project to deploy it. Now i want this Installer project be able not just to install the app onto a 'bare' client machine, but also to check if some previous version of …

Member Avatar for narin143

The End.