4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for S2009

Hi all, I have a login form and ChangePassword form. I want to retrieve the value of username entered in the Login form at the time of logging. I have created a property named as RetUserName as follows: [code] public partial class frmLogin : Form { private string UseNam; public …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for wewehalim

Hi, i need help in building a program about automata cellular. So, there is 4 state of cells, `0 = space, 1 = ".", 2 = "+", 3 = "#"` This state is continuous from 0 - 3, after 3, it will be back to 0. we need to compare …

Member Avatar for wewehalim
Member Avatar for sudharani

Hello Friends, What is the code i have to write on Button click event to perform signout from a web page using C#. I have just wriitten the code Response.Redirect.But if I use back Button it is coming back to the page again. Please help me . thank U.

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Smoking Bros

Well.. It's actually pretty simple.. I just created this real quick project to try out a new (and better ;)) way of loading images in XNA Game Studio 3.0 Visual Studio C# 2008 Express Edition but when I run & debug (F5) I get a warning telling me that I …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Evs.NiceGuy

Hi , I want to show exisiting excel file. I want when I press button on form, then my existing excel file open in excel application.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for igalep132

hello, which event is fired when i close form with X button ? i want event that fired only with X button pressed, i know that there is a FormClosing event, but the problem is that it fires each time when form is closed... also with frm.close() and i don't …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for C#Beginner

I m a beginner trying to learn Visual C#(Visual Studio 2008). I was able to run a simple Visual C# program without errors. I was trying to look at the values of the variables in the DATA TIP in Break Mode.. by hovering over the variable. I have not been …

Member Avatar for C#Beginner
Member Avatar for terdie

I recently posted a thread here but have different subject so I decided to make another. I have two questions 1.[B]]how can I deploy my application?[/B]there is a function Publish in visual studio but that didnt do the job(of maybe Im just doing it wrong).I have a database in my …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for Mongz

Im passing a query string from 1 page to many pages, the second page accepts the query string and pass it to the next page and so on. On the second page i accept the query string and it appear's on the url bar, that shows that the second page …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for engg_mahesh_knl

hii All, I wants to Create XML File DYnamically Using ASP.Net C# which retrieves data from sql server database. Also I wants that To delete / Create Xml files on server Just By Clicking a button... Thankyou....

Member Avatar for IdanS
Member Avatar for EvilLinux

Hi, I've been working on this project I'm doing and its killing me because I can't figure why my array\formula's don't want to get along. Here is the general overview of what the project requires: Here the project: Operation • The user enters a score and clicks the Add button …

Member Avatar for EvilLinux
Member Avatar for dzruptz

i am currently starting on a project that requires to load a flash movie from a remote website (which keeps track of the user authentication) and edit the variables inside them. in other words, something like a flash game bot. i have figured out how to embed the flash swf …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for husna_

Hello, My question is: Can I add in new column(S) in the gridview if the column is not found in the database? - E.g. An indicator if a certain lecturer is a ML/Lec (roles). I have a gridview that is "extracted" out from the database. But I want to add …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for moorcroft

Hi I use the following code to connect to an orace database in Visual Studio 2008 and it is falling over with the exception of ServerVersion threw an invalid operation exception at line 3: [CODE=C#]m_strConnectionString = Settings.GetMandatoryConfig("databases", "SourceDB"); m_strQueryTerminator = Settings.GetConfig("databases", "QueryTerminator"); m_odbConn = new OleDbConnection(m_strConnectionString); m_sql = new SQL(DatabaseType.AnsiSQL, …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for diogoc.pinheiro

Hello guys, I need help here. I´m new to C# and asp.net, i'm doing a program that shows a list box with the users in the DB. A user has a group or a schedule. What i want to do is, when the user selects a user i want to …

Member Avatar for lenj
Member Avatar for sardonic

I am using Microsoft visual c# express 2008 ide. I want to cycle thru my open files - I know there are a couple ways to do this but I want to be able to click on the name of the open file on the tab that is above the …

Member Avatar for sardonic
Member Avatar for msr

Hello, In order to introduce myself to C# and, in particular, Visual C# I decided to make a small program with 'windows forms'. At the moment I have some questions: 1) Im using a grid (dataGridView). I'd like a menuStrip (I dont know if is exacly that component) to appear …

Member Avatar for msr
Member Avatar for thilinam

HI, I am a Beginner to C#. I have knowledge in C++ programming. please give me a reference to learn C#.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for learningthings

Hi! I have a grayscale image in my pictureBox. I want to box up the white pixels in the image using the rectangle. Can anyone teach me how to write the code. Thanks in advance .. Best regards,

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ITech

I have created a windows application using C#. the problem is fairly simple. I doono how to refer to the Application path in c#. In Vb we can use App.path to refer to the Application path My C# code for opening a report is as [code=c#] public partial class frmSpaBill …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for momo_rose

i need login code in my project. in my project two different category of user one is administrator and other is data operator. both have to redirect different page after login. my problem is that how to login the both user on different page .

Member Avatar for Mongz
Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi, My Dear Friends i have Develop a Inventory System in C#, now i want to print the Reports, But there is no link for Crystal Report in C# Express 2008... Please any body tell me that what should i do to get the crystal Report to print out the …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for sydneyram

I am trying to accomplish a Master Detail Display here. The master item is ProductName and Child items are the details of the Product. Example: Dell Desktop V305 - Model: Black - 23877487y24y - Mother Board - Intel .... - RAM - 3 GB DDR HP Printer - Ink Jet …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Although there is little need for any sort algorithm in C#. Every collection class has a sort method, so why would you wanna write one for yourself? My guess to learn and see how it is done. Well her are implementations of two popular sorts. The arrays are integer but …

Member Avatar for subtercosm
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Visual Studio is a great tool to use. But for beginners like me a few years back, it was a bit overwhelming and confusing. You got the feeling you lost all the control. VS has it’s special ways of doing things with partial classes and so on. So lets get …

Member Avatar for ddanbe

Encryption has many issues. It can be very simple or very complex. I personally don’t have that many secrets, but when the company I worked for wanted to encrypt something I used the following : XOR ! What is nice about xor is that you can use the same method …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Class to convert between Celcius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin temperatures. Set one temperature and automatically get the other two. This class makes use of properties. See the code snippet for details. A short main program is added to exercise the Temperature class by printing a conversion table between celsius and fahrenheit.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ddanbe

If you ever want to get information about files stored in a particular map or directory, you can find out how it is done here. With a little modification you could turn this snippet into a DOS DIR-command or a UNIX(LINUX?) ls-command.

Member Avatar for ddanbe

[TEX]Solve an equation of the form Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0.[/TEX] The class is commented, but if you have any questions don't be affraid to ask. You may exercise this class in a console application with the following snippet : [CODE]QuadraticEquation z = new QuadraticEquation(1, 3, 3); z.Solve(); …

Member Avatar for toraj58

[B]Sometimes it is good to sit back and reflect on life[/B]. More specifically, you can sit back and reflect on yourself. Often you will discover information that you didn’t realize about yourself. [B]it is possible to have a C# program reflect upon itself.[/B] You can use such reflection to learn …


The End.