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257 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki

[QUOTE=William Hemsworth;1033570]Mmmm. Pizza.[/QUOTE] I eat more than my fair share of pizza because I work in a pizzeria. ;) It really is the best food.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for samaru

I don't watch anime, but anime video games are awesome. I love Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Vesperia, the Star Ocean series, and the Final Fantasy Series. Any one agree?

Member Avatar for thompsonmax
Member Avatar for StarZ

The name of the file should be the name of the class in an example like this one. Save your file as Did you mean to put the '.' in between Test and Disk?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for senaddor
Member Avatar for yonela.yonce
Member Avatar for johnvitc
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sillyboy

Hey, I always listen to the Bronx Underground band If But When (my brother is the bass player). They have a really unique pop-rock sound. Check out their debut EP on iTunes and check out the newly redesigned myspace page at [url][/url]. By the way, sorry for the advertisement, but …

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for sknake

[QUOTE=jasimp;1044569]Actually, I was the first abuser of the voting system. I down voted every single post by The Mad Hatter. So...way to be wrong ;)[/QUOTE] Yeah, you and everyone else who read that thread ;)

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for clickspiker23

I think in the Nation function, you are trying to give values to some of your variables. If this is indeed the case, you are assigning values in the wrong manner. You need to use variableName = value; to accomplish this [code] name = lname; land = 20; // etc …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Ieako

Can you please tell us what the program is supposed to do? The code compiles fine but we won't be able to help you fix it if you don't tell us what the code is [I]supposed[/I] to be doing. Thanks.

Member Avatar for al john
Member Avatar for swagatikat856

[QUOTE=Ashwini bc;1023319]hiiii i want source code for online banking management php...[/QUOTE] And I want a billion dollars. Can't always get what you want. Moderators may want to think about closing this thread. I don't see it going anywhere helpful albeit comical. ;)

Member Avatar for zinahun
Member Avatar for happygeek

Music (bass guitar) geek RPG geek sit-com geek Rock Band geek Internet geek Frog geek

Member Avatar for Chatterbox721
Member Avatar for fidget08

You will need to use output and input [code=cplusplus] cout<<....; cin>>....; [/code] and also if statements to check if the user entered the correct answer. [code=cplusplus] if( //user input == correct answer) cout<<"correct"; else cout<<"wrong"; [/code] I hope that can get you started in the right direction.

Member Avatar for quila1
Member Avatar for Archenemie

The lines ranging from 26 to 50 should be enclosed in a while loop that keeps running until the user guess = the random number.

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for networkZombie

You just need to change your 2 inner while loops to if/else statements. [code] if( number % 2 == 0 ) [/code] on line 15 AND [code] else [/code] on line 20 Good job, you're almost there.

Member Avatar for networkZombie
Member Avatar for New2Java2010

The data type on your variable seems wrong to me. The input should be an integer (i.e. the number grade). The way you do your scanner input would also change along with the data type. Good luck.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for cortez716

You are very much on the right track. But have a few problems that are holding you back. First, you can't use variables that haven't been declared with an appropriate data type. You've done that with high, low, and sum. Low and high can be replaced by the x and …

Member Avatar for dalymiddleboro
Member Avatar for edwalk

In my opinion, it would be much easier to think of the each name as separate character arrays. Take each name in separately and print the 0th element of each. [code] #include <iostream> #define MAX 20 using namespace std; int main() { char first[MAX]; char last[MAX]; char mid[MAX]; cout<<"enter first …

Member Avatar for edwalk
Member Avatar for baconswife

You have most of the code written to solve your problem already. You just need to put it in the right spot. Re-write your division case as follows: [code] case '/': answerd = Numbera / Numberb; if (Numberb == 0 ) { cout << "ERROR Cannot divide by 0" << …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for cortez716

Hi again, First of all, your code is really messy. You can't write functions inside of main. You should write your function after main concludes. Also your function needs to be enclosed in braces{ }. Finally, you need to provide a function prototype before main. Your code should look something …

Member Avatar for cortez716
Member Avatar for jjf3rd77

Show us what you did so far then we will be glad to make corrections and suggestions. As a preview, I think you will want to use a for loop nested in a while loop. We'll get into the specifics when you post your code.

Member Avatar for hupy
Member Avatar for AGU.Jessica

You can use [code] <center> text here </center> [/code] open the tag at the start of the body and close the tag at the end of the body.

Member Avatar for charlesying
Member Avatar for Nepenthe

You can use a series of if statements to test the input of the number of books. Depending on the input, the different if statements execute. Each statement will produce a different discount.

Member Avatar for ubi_ct83
Member Avatar for gorgey506

Just add a while loop at the beginning of the code and close it at the end. This is a simple way to allow repetition of a program. [code] char again='y'; while(again == 'y') { //execute the program cout<<"Would you like to run again?"<<endl; cin>>again; }//close while loop [/code]

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for Dani

[QUOTE=Aahd;1015967]Hi there Please, can someone help me with my Computer Science class 160? It's about machine cycle (LOAD, ADD, JUMP...) and algorithm.[/QUOTE] Start a new thread, this one is 7 years old. ;)

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for jjmy95

I'll give you a hint to what I'd do. Use a for loop to iterate through the array Use an if statement to check if the number is greater than 1. You'll need to include a counter which you will increment every time the if statement is successful. This is …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for anthony5557

You have a ton of easily resolvable errors in your class. 1. class and while must be lowercase ( you have them starting with a capital letter) 2. You're missing semicolons after [code] void setday(int d) {day = d} [/code] and I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for sidra 100

In the for loop, check the condition. You say int<=b; when you really mean i<=b; Sorry Fbody, I missed your last post. :)

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for rena0514

Maybe my eyes are decieving me, but it looks like you just need to add another curly brace at the end of your main method. It seems to me that the while loop started on line 22 never gets closed.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm

Hello. I'm trying to write a program that will convert a user input infix expression into its postfix form. My current code is allowing the user to input a string, but it does nothing with the string. I'm fairly new to JAVA, thus I think I'm making a simple mistake …

Member Avatar for cymercutie88
Member Avatar for PuQimX

Remove the semicolons after the if statements. If statements followed by semicolons will not result in compile errors, but will mess up the output of the program.

Member Avatar for tjsail

The End.