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About Me

Just a guy who mucked around with computers a little bit too often. Now I am trapped here forever... Sweet.

Computers. Duh.

177 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for craiggale

my connection is slow at the moment so a brief reply today: the possibilites are: [U]Error Message: [/U] The remote access server is not responding. [B]Explanation:[/B] One of the following might have caused this error: The remote access server is not running. Contact your system administrator to make sure the …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for LutherVespers

The answer is simple. i know this thread is getting old, but I am answering it for the benefit of all who may need this in the future. It is one of 3 things. 1. a custom install disk that is corrupted. 2. a damaged DVD. 3. a faulty DVD …

Member Avatar for Young1cby
Member Avatar for vegaseat

[QUOTE=Salem;508403]People repost the same old urban legends, and no one knows why. [url][/url] Actually, they'll believe anything printed shoved in front of their noses and never bother to conduct even the slightest bit of independent research.[/QUOTE] Good On Ya!! Thanks for the link. I was trying to figure how this …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for FireSBurnsmuP

This is an interesting question, and I understand the thread is old, but I do have some insights on the topic. 1a. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this: Some operating systems are limited to the max ram they can see. 32bit OS's can only see a theoretical maximum of …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for ncleo

[QUOTE=sucka;864321]when you get a "'PXE-M0F Exiting PXE ROM message" you are booting to PXE through bios. Turn off Network booting in bios entirely, and make sure that in your boot sequence, cd rom and hard drive are first. Network should be last in the boot sequence or not enabled at …

Member Avatar for prasad1312
Member Avatar for erum

[QUOTE=petergolan;1707161]Goto command prompt and enter external drive letter (eg. G:) and try these commands chkdsk/r and chkdsk/f If they wont work use ur harddisk manufacturing tools to diagnose or troubleshoot the problem. or go to [url][/url][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]DO NOT DO THIS!!![/COLOR] It may further destroy any data - or at least, …

Member Avatar for semontuffel
Member Avatar for spudireland
Member Avatar for subhro
Member Avatar for idRATHERgoHUNT

Some of those types of those games are available here: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for remixedcat
Member Avatar for JonasBruunJacobsen

You're not going to believe this... It's most likely the one thing that you haven't looked at. The first thing that I would do is replace the POWER SUPPLY UNIT, if yo uhave one lying around to swap it out with. I have had 3 computers do the same thing …

Member Avatar for FzFx
Member Avatar for asif49

Nope, that's perfectly normal and expected behaviour. Windows runs in something called virtualised memory now, as do most apps inside it. basically each app is almost sandboxed to protect them from each other when they crash. once upon a time (XP) if one app locked up the whole PC locked …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for `d3x

Ok, so what you have is an update that is "stuck". I still don't know why this happens, but there is a fix for it in the Microsoft database, here somewhere: there's heaps more helpout there, too, but this is a good start. Get back to us and we …

Member Avatar for `d3x
Member Avatar for phillip.hanback

what version of windows are you running? control panel - hardware - power options - change power saving settings - change (current) plan settings - change advanced power settings. or you might have a third party utility that does it for you (eg such as a built in utility like …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

yes, caperjack is correct, all RAM should underclock to the lowest stick of RAM in a config, but keep in mind that it will then generally disable dual channel benefits. But usually, that's no biggie unless you are a top-end user, and if you were you'd be buying 4x matched …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for joan.david1973

When you say "I plan to", that's fine. but the answers to the following would be handy; 1. why? is it a 'my computer is slow on W7', or 'I know and therefore prefer XP', or something else. Just a thought, tech keeps moving right along. Official support for the …

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for deancloud

Is there any way you could get in touch with someone who know how to use a multimeter? it could be that your power supply has stopped working, I would check that first, most "nice guy" repair shops would check that for you for free/next to nothing.

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for blade_costic

If that happened to me, it woudl become a 160gb doorstop. you can buy new 500gb hdd for less than $100, would you really trust you data on a sub-par drive? Just my 2 cents, and I have been burned with this issue 2x. Never again...

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for armand.mamani

as it boots up., press F8 continously until it comes up with an advanced versio of the "would you like to boot to safe mode" screen. look for the one that says "load last known good configuration", and try that first.

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for jasonbond007

My first thought would be to go to the device's manufacturer's pages and download any applicable drivers (IDE, SATA, RAID, USB, HOST CONTROLLER, ACHPI, CHIPSET DRIVERS), and also to see if there are any firmaware updates for the motherboard, both on the computer's driver support site and on the actual …

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for niks.saluja
Re: help

Hi there. HP Pavillion DV6 are REALLy well known for doing this. there is a big law suit against HP about the design flaw. the heat-sinc isn't sufficient for the CPU and GpU, and the GpU (graphics card) dies. you can hope that's not the case with you, but then …

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for blaze420711

Well, there's always the possibility of a hardware issue or failure. DVD RW drives have lasers in them, have you cleaned it lately ? Especially if you use it extensively. Something like this:

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for Portgas D. Ace

[QUOTE]To most christians, the bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll the the bottom and click "I agree." [/QUOTE] nice. I like to think that I am a 'practising christian'. yes, I do read that book. about a 1/2 chapter a night. Then spend …

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for mlfbell

[QUOTE=realyve;732905]cannot open one particular website Ebay.[/QUOTE] My guess is you are on a network at work and they have blocked it.

Member Avatar for Dark Abhay
Member Avatar for mokkema

[QUOTE=whirlwind;124431]hmm..i would figure that everytime you want to dock your laptop while you're at your desk, you want to charge the battery, use your laptop for some period of time before you undock. I can only imagine the standard design spec is to leave the battery so as to avoid …

Member Avatar for soforwhat
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for arwin123

have a llok at this post of mine is a similar thread: mostly for the RULES. [URL=""]what not do do[/URL] easeus has a free deleted file recovery software. there are others, too: namely [URL=""]glary utilities[/URL] [URL=""]recuva[/URL] undelete and a couple more over at [URL=""]freewarefiles[/URL] there is a pretty good post …

Member Avatar for smithdavid
Member Avatar for stultuske

I Just wanted to say the same thing. I didn't realise that was that icon's purpose - could it possible have aTextual Tag added to it, so we know what it's for in the future? I was coming here to post the EXACT same thing, on the same spammer - …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for emanfman

OK, that sounds like something has played with the registry for you. I am going to have a play with my computer and I will see if I can replicate the error. If I can replicate it, I can fix it... bear with me please, I am listening to you!

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for miniru

Heh. All of these suggestions. Let's try and get back to basics and troubleshoot your issue, shall we: I understand if the boss wants to "not allow exceptions". That is his prerogative. But with 500 computers, one would expect that he woudld just let the internal IT dept handle it. …

Member Avatar for swifttech
Member Avatar for cbk
Member Avatar for Johnbonono

The End.