Does anyone know how can I make changes to a folder and its contents without having to pass through any authentication or permission thingies? Because I have this program that renames, copies and moves files from folder to folder. The problem is that, There are some folders that my access to is denied. How can I disable that excessive security measures Windows 7 uses.

Two items:
1. If the folder is in use (even just in explorer) then you will have to close the program that is accessing the folder. (you may even have icons working on the tray that can prevent folder access)
2. The read/write/ attributes of files and group policy and level of user all can prevent you changing a folder. (ie if a file (not folder) is read only then trying to changer the containing folder will not usually work until you clear the read only attribute of the file)

Permissions aren't set to allow the program to edit the contents of the folder.
This can be changed easily, but be wary that when you allow this program to edit your system files, you allow ANYTHING to edit your system files.


You can simply right-click->Run this program as an administrator. It will ask if it can make changes to your computer, to which you can say yes. This is a much more secure option. ;)

Hope this helps!

already tried both!
no go

for any who read this I have found that Iomega put a program onto the start of the ,hard disk so that only their own 'iomega management' download program will alter the root folders of the drive.
thanks to all

When I right-Click the program which I created, I cannot see the Run As Administrator from the menu. It could have been a good idea

When I right-Click the program which I created, I cannot see the Run As Administrator from the menu. It could have been a good idea

get and run a Linux life disk or install linux os on your system, then go to my computer and locate the folder you want to work on.

mmm... Changing an Operating System is not easy. But thanks for the ideas

mmm... Changing an Operating System is not easy. But thanks for the ideas

you dont need to change OS, a linx live disk runs from the cd and ram ,not the harddrive

If you are not the administrator, then you can't edit system files. It's that easy. Microsoft does this to make sure a non-administrative person cannot mess around with the system files. Sorry, but that's the truth. And I think that Microsoft's tech geekies are slightly more intelligent then the people offering help here, myself included. If there were a way to bypass it, then many, many computers would be hacked, compromised, and infected with viruses.

Just my two cents. I did not intend to offend anyone, and I tried not to provide a biased opinion. If I have done either, let me know, and I'll edit my answer.


I am writing a program that fixes this right now. It is still in late alpha.
I hope you can open a .zip file?

I promise it has no malware, no ads. It is a simple script that runs in the command line. It drops in a temp file and runs completely from there - it only uses NATIVE WINDOWS stuff, and leaves no trace of itself when finished.

If it does not work, [lease let me know and I will upload an earlier, less elegant but more stable version.

please be gentle with me. it is not 100% completed yet, and you are the first person that I have ever shared this with.

you want the option "o". right now, it completes the operation then closes instead of going back to the menu. it is a tiny bug I will fix later, but you can use it right now instead of waiting 6 hours for me to find the problem and uploading another version for you.

please give me feedback!

(yes, I will create a gui for it one day)

OK, I didn't forget, the uploader timed out (I have a dodgy internet connection) and I didn't double check it worked before I posted...

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