Hello. I'm trying to write a program that will convert a user input infix expression into its postfix form. My current code is allowing the user to input a string, but it does nothing with the string. I'm fairly new to JAVA, thus I think I'm making a simple mistake in the main method. I'm using a generic class for a stacks implemented using arrays to store any data type. Thanks in advance for any help.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
//begin coding for the stack interface
interface Stack<E>
public boolean isEmpty();//tests is current stack is empty. Returns true if so, and false if not.
public E top() throws StackException;//retrieves value at the top of the stack. Stack cannot be empty.
public void push(E value) throws StackException;//pushes a value on the top of the stack.
public void pop() throws StackException;//removes a value from the top of the stack. Stack cannot be empty.
}//terminates coding of Stack interface
//begin coding for the objArrayStack class
class objArrayStack<E> implements Stack<E>
public objArrayStack()
}//terminates constructor
public void push(E value)throws StackException
if(topValue<ArraySize-1)//currrent stack is not full
}//terminates if
else //current stack is full
throw new StackException("Error: Overflow");
}//terminates push method
public void pop() throws StackException
if(!isEmpty())//current stack is not empty
else //stack is empty
throw new StackException("Error: Underflow");
}//terminates pop method
public boolean isEmpty()
return topValue==-1;
}//terminates isEmpty method
public E top() throws StackException
if(!isEmpty())//stack is not empty
return (E)Info[topValue];
else //stack is empty
throw new StackException("Error: Underflow");
}//terminates top method
//declare instance variables
final int ArraySize=10;
private Object Info[]=new Object[ArraySize];
private int topValue;
//begins coding for the StackException class
class StackException extends RuntimeException
public StackException(String str)
}//terminates text of constructor
}//terminates text of StackException class
//method to convert from infix to postfix notation
public static String InToPost(String infixString)
//operator stack initialized
objArrayStack<Character> operatorStack = new objArrayStack<Character>();
//postfix string initialized as empty
String postfixString = " ";
//scan infix string and take appropriate action
for(int index = 0; index < infixString.length(); ++index)
char chValue = infixString.charAt(index);
if(chValue == '(')
else if(chValue == ')')
Character oper = operatorStack.top();
while(!(oper.equals('(')) && !(operatorStack.isEmpty()))
postfixString += oper.charValue();
oper = operatorStack.top();
}//end while loop
}//end else if
else if(chValue == '+' || chValue == '-')
if(operatorStack.isEmpty()) //operatorStack is empty
else //current operatorStack is not empty
Character oper = operatorStack.top();
while(!(operatorStack.isEmpty() || oper.equals(new Character('(')) || oper.equals(new Character(')'))))
postfixString += oper.charValue();
}//ends while loop
}//end else
}//end else if
else if(chValue == '*' || chValue == '/')
Character oper = operatorStack.top();
while(!oper.equals(new Character('+')) && !oper.equals(new Character('-')) && !operatorStack.isEmpty())
postfixString += oper.charValue();
}//end while loop
}//end else
}//end else if
postfixString += chValue;
}//end for loop
Character oper = operatorStack.top();
if(!oper.equals(new Character('(')))
postfixString += oper.charValue();
}//end if
}//end while
return postfixString ;
}//terminates text of InToPost method
public static void main(String[]args)
objArrayStack mystack = new objArrayStack();
System.out.println("Enter a string");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
String str = scan.nextLine();
}//terminates text of main method
}//terminates text of objArrayStack class