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136 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for rizrash

I downloaded TC3 and tried it out (ahh .. the not so good memories) and I get the "black screen" thing happening as well. For me I have to wait 10 to 15 seconds when switching from TC to any of my other running Windows applications. I get a delay …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for yellowSnow

Hello, I am trying to parse a string using regular expressions. This string can potentially have any number of non-alphanumeric characters acting as delimiters. These delimiters can also be grouped together. Here are some examples of the data: 00923:5342:123 --> I want to extract 00923, 5342 and 123 into an …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Gaiety

alloca is similar to malloc in that you can allocate memory dynamically, however the memory is automatically freed when you exit the function that called alloca. With an array you can't compute the storage required at runtime.

Member Avatar for monishch
Member Avatar for hket89

<rant> For crying out loud, is this a forum on how to shortcut the English language? Sometimes it feels like it's a tutorial on how to read friggin' SMS messages. [QUOTE=hket89;941743]Then u noe hw 2 use do-while loop mar?[/QUOTE] u=you, noe=know,hw=how, 2=to, mar=anyone's guess [QUOTE=hket89;942042]Could u gv me the website …

Member Avatar for dani_277
Member Avatar for needhelpe

Ok here we go: - you're missing the semi-colon after your declaration of the variable [B]n[/B]. - you haven't declared the variables [B]i[/B] and [B]count[/B]. And you don't need the [B]count [/B]variable. Just print the value of [B]i[/B]. - remove the semi-colons from the end of your for statements - …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for jetx65t

Just a few things to take note of: 1. This thread is almost five years old. 2. On the previous point and your request for help - a full working example was given by Narue (again 5 years ago). As Narue stated - there are tons of examples for these …

Member Avatar for soulcandra44
Member Avatar for herrel17

[QUOTE=herrel17;989805]I am making a program to compute simple interest. P*R/100 this is what i have done... Please tell me whats wrong [CODE]int main() { int p,n,count; float r,si; count=1; while(count<=3) { printf("\n enter values of p,n,andr"); scanf("%d %d %f",&p, &n, &r); si=(float)p * (float)n * r / 100; printf("simple interest …

Member Avatar for bulger2503
Member Avatar for RIsagara

[QUOTE=RIsagara;1028142]Hi Modify this where possible[/QUOTE] And what exactly do you want to modify? Ask a specific question.

Member Avatar for RIsagara
Member Avatar for 143wena

[QUOTE=Salem;948609]So what have you learnt (or even attempted) in the past two weeks? [url][/url][/QUOTE] Obviously not that much. Here's an idea, drop that Turbo C crap and move on to decent compiler/IDE setup.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for aya_brea

[QUOTE=THEOUTLANDER;1027980]ok i have made a calculator using turbo c but it keeps disappearing when i choose the run command can any body help me please [/QUOTE] Well congratulations on bumping a five year old thread. In future, start a new thread.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for hemant_is_here

[QUOTE=Anjoe18_Edica;990396]can u hlp me about modulu and looping statement?[/QUOTE] This old thread has been accidently revived. Stop posting on this thread (I know this is rather hypocritical of me). Start a new thread and for crying out loud, formulate a proper question. Your rather vague question has no relation to …

Member Avatar for jamma
Member Avatar for chescarleta18

Oh for crying out loud. Stop being such a cry baby. You have posted enough messages now to know that you should be using code tags. WaltP has kindly asked you on at least two occasions to use tags and you just choose to ignore the advice. Since you're too …

Member Avatar for chescarleta18
Member Avatar for A Tripolation

[QUOTE=A Tripolation;1034933] man, that only makes it a LOT worse, but thanks for trying. I appreciate it. Here's some rep ;)[/QUOTE] At any rate, if you haven't noticed, this is a forum on C not C++. You should post your questions in the correct forum.

Member Avatar for banders7
Member Avatar for mitsuevo

The modulus operator (%) requires integral data types for its operands. At any rate x % 1 is zero.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for ch.ankit87

[QUOTE=ch.ankit87;1033962]can you please help me by elaborating this.i mean with full program[/QUOTE] You need to show some effort - you will not get answers for "free". Read this: [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for nirav99
Member Avatar for Wtyy

Post your code - or at least the minimal amount that compiles and illustrates your issue. Also, "if" is not a function.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for aalice

Well, can't you just change the algorithm you used for the limit of 20 and adjust it to 100000? Perhaps you can post the code you have already.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for LostnC

[QUOTE=LostnC;1027671]Here's what I have so far. I am trying to enter a number and convert the number entered into hours, minutes and seconds. I must use "pass by reference" in my code. [code=c] #include<stdio.h> void time(int, int*, int*, int*); //Function Prototype int main(void) //function header { int hold; float total; …

Member Avatar for yellowSnow
Member Avatar for seo2005

[QUOTE=seo2005;1026840]I want to write a C program to test whether the character is uppercase, lowercase, digit or special symbol. void main () { char ch; printf("\n Enter any character from the keyborad"); scanf("%c",&ch); if (ch>=65&&ch<=90) printf(" \n the character is uppercase); if(ch>=91&&ch>=122) printf(" \n the character is lowercase); if(ch>=48&&ch<=57) printf("\n …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for kapiljain469

[QUOTE=Gaiety;979541]Please let me know what is bb tags, and how to use that. thanks, Gaiety[/QUOTE] Read the material at this link: [URL=""][/URL] On the front page of this forum, there are a number of threads at the top which as a "newbie", you should read as well.

Member Avatar for paradip
Member Avatar for cgaceta

Do you mean that you want to print 10 primes per line? If so, then use the col variable to count the number of primes that have been output for the current line. Check the count and if it's 10, print the newline character and reset col to 0. [CODE=C] …

Member Avatar for yellowSnow
Member Avatar for agr.pallav

[QUOTE=dkalita;1021493]use getch()[/QUOTE] Just be wary that the getch() function and the associated conio.h header file are not portable.

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for boydale1

Mmm ... interesting. I always thought that bitwise operators were only valid with integral operands. The only way I can think of using bitwise operators with floats/doubles is to use casting pointers. Perhaps something like: [CODE=C] int isNegative(float f) { int *ip = (int*)(&f); return (*ip & 0x80000000 ? 1 …

Member Avatar for yellowSnow
Member Avatar for riahc3

[QUOTE=MrNoob;1019162]you can use code blocks it's cool[/QUOTE] I concur - Codeblocks is good. But I use Eclipse far more often as it has support for other languages that I use (for work and for play). So for me, it's a "one-stop" shop as far as an IDE is concerned. And …

Member Avatar for jeeter19
Member Avatar for darkw1sh

[QUOTE=darkw1sh;1020027]I actually had a bad experience with that when A classmate stole my work turned it in and i got in trouble :([/QUOTE] I'm sorry that you had this experience. But it's going to be awfully difficult for anyone here to help without some code to look at. At least …

Member Avatar for darkw1sh
Member Avatar for dragonbone

[QUOTE=dragonbone;1019405]HI , I am a student in an university... I am assigned a project about the knight's tour on the chess , but must use the Warnsdorff's rule ... rule : Put a knight on the chess with any square , and find all patchs of knight (knight pass each …

Member Avatar for neithan
Member Avatar for Dazaa

Using scanf for strings, you will run into trouble if your input string contains whitespace. Only the first word will be reversed. Also, in your reverse function, you are assigning the null incorrectly - it should be: [CODE=C] p[i] = '\0'; [/CODE] and not [CODE=C] s[i] = '\0'; [/CODE] Also, …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for arasucute

Why are you even posting this piece of crap as a code snippet? Code snippets are usually posted by more knowledgeable members of this forum who have something useful to share with the rest of the community. That piece of rubbish should have been posted as a normal thread and …

Member Avatar for yellowSnow
Member Avatar for hangulagerson

And what do you want us to do you? You're just plain lazy. Do some work and show some effort. You obviously haven't read this sunshine: [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for yellowSnow
Member Avatar for Navera Karim

Like so many other ignorant newbies that come to this forum, you obviously haven't read this: [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for yellowSnow

The End.