I receive the following error when I compile my code:
blade71(154)% gcc -o vt visitype.c
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
aVal /var/tmp//ccrbSM18.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to vt
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
blade71(155)% cat visitype.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 1000
void aVal(char asciiname[], char S[]);
main ()
int i, c, j;
char asciiname[] =
"NUL\0" "SOH\0" "STX\0" "ETX\0" "EOT\0" "ENQ\0" "ACK\0" "BEL\0"
" BS\0" " HT\0" " NL\0" " VT\0" " NP\0" " CR\0" " SO\0" " SI\0"
"DLE\0" "DC1\0" "DC2\0" "DC3\0" "DC4\0" "NAK\0" "SYN\0" "ETB\0"
"CAN\0" " EM\0" "SUB\0" "ESC\0" " FS\0" " GS\0" " RS\0" " VS\0"
" SP\0" " !\0" " \"\0" " #\0" " $\0" " %\0" " &\0" " '\0"
" (\0" " )\0" " *\0" " +\0" " ,\0" " -\0" " .\0" " /\0"
" 0\0" " 1\0" " 2\0" " 3\0" " 4\0" " 5\0" " 6\0" " 7\0"
" 8\0" " 9\0" " :\0" " ;\0" " <\0" " =\0" " >\0" " ?\0"
" @\0" " A\0" " B\0" " C\0" " D\0" " E\0" " F\0" " G\0"
" H\0" " I\0" " J\0" " K\0" " L\0" " M\0" " N\0" " O\0"
" P\0" " Q\0" " R\0" " S\0" " T\0" " U\0" " V\0" " W\0"
" X\0" " Y\0" " Z\0" " [\0" " \\\0" " ]\0" " ^\0" " _\0"
" `\0" " a\0" " b\0" " c\0" " d\0" " e\0" " f\0" " g\0"
" h\0" " i\0" " j\0" " k\0" " l\0" " m\0" " n\0" " o\0"
" p\0" " q\0" " r\0" " s\0" " t\0" " u\0" " v\0" " w\0"
" x\0" " y\0" " z\0" " {\0" " |\0" " }\0" " ~\0" "DEL\0"
char S[MAX], *p1;
p1 = S;
c = getchar();
for (i = 0; c!=EOF; c=getchar())
S[i] = c;
S[i] = '\0';
aVal (S, asciiname);
void aVal(char asciiname[], char S[])
int i, j;
int k;
i = 0;
asciiname[i] = k;
for (asciiname[i] = k; k!='\0'; i++)
S[k] = j;
What is wrong with A_Val? I don't quite understand why I'm getting this error. The program is just supposed to take a file in and write to the output the ASCII value of each character. It is supposed to print the ASCII name of the character followed by the hexadecimal value. I am currently just working on getting it to output the proper ascii value when given a file.