hey guys,

I have written a calculator program in C++. It suppose to get the input from the user which is a string. Some thing like ((5+3)/2)*5. If you input that expression it gives 20, which is the correct answer. The problem i am having is that it cannot compute the expression if i input a negative number. like if i input ((5+3)/-2)*5 or ((5+3)/2)*-5, it will throw an error. I really cant seem to figure out where the problem is.

If some1 can tell me what to change to fix the problem, it would be a great help

here is the code...

using namespace std;

enum {PLUS='+',MINUS='-',MUL='*',DIV='/'};

double Value_Of_Num(string &Expr)

   istringstream is(Expr);
   double value=0.0;
   is >> value;
   return value;

double Value_Of_Expr(string &Expr)

  int i=0,p=0,pos_mul=0,pos_div=0;

       for(i=0;i < Expr.length();i++)
        if(Expr.at(i)=='(') p++;
           else if(Expr.at(i)==')') p--;
           if(p==0) break;

       return Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(1,Expr.length()-2));

   for(i=0;i < Expr.length();i++)
       if(Expr.at(i)=='(') p++;
		else if(Expr.at(i)==')') p--;
		else if(p==0&&ispunct(Expr.at(i)))
				case PLUS:
				return Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(0,i))+Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(i+1,Expr.length()-i-1));
				case MINUS:
				return Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(0,i))-Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(i+1,Expr.length()-i-1));
				case MUL: pos_mul=i; break;
				case DIV: pos_div=i; break;

  return Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(0,pos_mul))*Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(pos_mul+1,Expr.length()-pos_mul-1));
  return Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(0,pos_div))/Value_Of_Expr(Expr.substr(pos_div+1,Expr.length()-pos_div-1));
  return Value_Of_Num(Expr);

// several important validation checks on the input
bool Check(string input_string)

   for (int r = 0; r < input_string.length(); r++)
               return false;
   string array="0123456789+-*/()";
   int count=0;
   for (int s=0; s < input_string.length(); s++)
       for(int z=0; z < array.length(); z++)
   if (count == input_string.length())
     return true;
     return false;

int main()

string expression;
string rerun = "y";

	cout << "                   Welcome to Rajat's calculator!" << endl;
	cout << "" << endl;
	cout << "" << endl;
	cout << "With this calculator, your problem solving is made simple." << endl;
	cout << "You do not have to calculate each part of an expression one at a time \nlike you do with you simple calculators." << endl;
	cout << "All you have to do is simply input an expression \nand the calculator will give you the answer." << endl;

	cout << "" << endl;
    cout << "Enter your expression:";
    cin >> expression;

     cout << Value_Of_Expr(expression)<<endl;
      cout << "" <<endl;
      cout << "Error in the input" << endl;
cout << "Would you like to solve another expression? If yes, the press \"y\" and enter or press \"n\" if you want to quit." << endl;
cin >> rerun;

}while (rerun == "y");

return 0;

modify the signature of these two functions:

double Value_Of_Num( const string &Expr ) ;
double Value_Of_Expr( const string &Expr ) ;

or a comforming compiler will give you errors.
you can't initialize a reference to a modifiable value with an anonymous temporary (deemed to be a constant).

> The problem i am having is that it cannot compute the expression if i input
> a negative number. like if i input ((5+3)/-2)*5 or ((5+3)/2)*-5
hint: it also baulks at positive numbers with a unary +.
eg. ((5+3)/+2)*5 or ((5+3)/2)*+5

modify the signature of these two functions:

double Value_Of_Num( const string &Expr ) ;
double Value_Of_Expr( const string &Expr ) ;

or a comforming compiler will give you errors.
you can't initialize a reference to a modifiable value with an anonymous temporary (deemed to be a constant).

> The problem i am having is that it cannot compute the expression if i input
> a negative number. like if i input ((5+3)/-2)*5 or ((5+3)/2)*-5
hint: it also baulks at positive numbers with a unary +.
eg. ((5+3)/+2)*5 or ((5+3)/2)*+5

hey thnx for the relpy...
I made the change but it didnt work....im very new to this and i dont understand much of this. I got a lot of help from people in writing this code. I would have just asked those people for help again as they know what i need 2 do exactly. But unfortunately those people arent available anymore.

If you can just correct the code and paste it here it would a great help as i dont have much time left. This assignment is due 2 days. thnx

I haven't read your code, but I would guess that you are not tokenizing properly...

I would take a finite state machine (FSM) approach to solving this problem...reading in input character by character, and calling routines based on the input...(somewhat of a C influence I suppose).

With that in mind, you really only have a few tokens to consider, depending on how complex you are making this...

That is, you should account for a number state (if you read a number token), and a symbol state (reading a symbol). So for example, if you read in a character "3", you need to call a routine that peeks at the next character. If it is a number, you need to put the numbers together (i.e. if it is a "5", then you need to make the whole number 35). If it is a symbol, then you move to a different routine that parses symbols (i.e. brackets, operators, etc).

I apologize if that sounds confusing....gotta run!

The problem will be solved if you write the following:

case PLUS:
if(expr.substr(0,i) != "")
return evaluateExpr(expr.substr(0,i))+evaluateExpr(expr.substr(i+1,expr.length()-i-1));
return evaluateExpr(expr.substr(i+1,expr.length()-i-1));
case MINUS:
if(expr.substr(0,i) != "")
return evaluateExpr(expr.substr(0,i))-evaluateExpr(expr.substr(i+1,expr.length()-i-1));
return -evaluateExpr(expr.substr(i+1,expr.length()-i-1)); //the number is negative

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