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125 Posted Topics
Re: Switched to Firefox at work, Simply because Chrome is yet to implement Wayland support. Firefox is great, To be honest I don't notice the difference really apart from the when I use the dev tools. Firefoxes push for privacy is really cool though, I think chrome is (or soon) blocking … | |
Does anyone know of a good SVG editor that allows you to easily edit the document in text as well as visually. I have been using Inkscape, but the XML viewer/editor component is less then ideal, plus it adds alot of crud to the resulting XML. I attempted SVG Editor … | |
Re: I don't know if you made any mistakes, but my advice would be to log the exceptions to the event log so that it's known when it doesn't successfully run and why. | |
Re: Hello my name is Paul, I am 20 and a Computing Student at Ballarat University. Ballarat is a country town in Victoria Australia. Im into Java, Perl, C , C++ and C#. If you wish to torture me make me program in visual basic. Bash is my fav shell, emacs … | |
Re: > Lol, I didn't know a dictionary could be "authoritarian". Why not, bloody thing is always telling me how and how not to spell. As an example, When I was in high school I used to use the word 'gradiate', but the dictionary, smacked me down and advised me that … | |
Re: > is sound only sound if a person hears it? Taking the wikipedia definition, yet again > Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through some medium If a tree falls in the wood there will be an oscillation of pressure transmitted, regardless of if … | |
Re: You may have to write a driver for the USB device or uterlize it as a communications port as say you do with usb serial adapters or things like that. The windows device foundation SDK has methods for dealing with USB devices ( and also quite possable some sample code. … | |
Re: have a look at [url]www.perlmonks.org[/url] its a really good perl site [code] @args = ("command", "arg1", "arg2"); system(@args) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?" [/code] | |
Re: So on a system that requries encrypted signed binary, and will only run encrypted signed binarys is there anyway of either unencrypting the binarys or executing unsigned encrypted code. With enough time and processing power you could brute force the encryption, although unless you get quite lucky or have the … | |
Re: I'm guessing that you wan to look at OpenGL then http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/ , I suspect may be helpful. | |
Re: Matrix algebra is the possibly the best way of doing this. You can either write code to do the matrix inversion and multiplication or alterativly use a library that already supports matrices ( such as OpenCV ). http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/systems-linear-equations-matrices.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cramer%27s_rule Curious, what's the error when using determinats | |
Re: PSUDO code would look something like this: create 6 random numbers for 0 to 6 ask the user for a number \if ( number => 1 && number <= 30 ) store input (this is where you may want to increment your varible for iteration ) \else tell them they … | |
Re: If it's for non commercial then MBROLA has Aribic support, I think its a command line application, so while it does not support .NET as such it should be easy enough to incorporate it into a .NET application by just launching the MBROLA binary from within your .NET application. http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/ | |
Re: Personally I would send the type followed by 2 bytes for the size ( unless the type dictated size ) For instance If : INT = 1; STRING = 2; Then sending the int 5 followed by the string HELLO would result in the following message 01 00 00 00 … | |
Re: Perhaps use a char, and not an int, initalize them all your chars to the numbers you have been using, if it's x's turn and he picks 1, change the 1 to an x. Then after each turn print the result. Also I have a feeling you might want to … | |
Re: Might be easier to use the `getRGB(int x, int y)` so that you don't have to attempt to support all 14 image types that the that ImageIO supports. | |
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Re: If you press the code button you should be able to insert your code into a code block in your message. | |
Re: You could create an int to store the age and an int to store the index. Set the age int to something unrealistically high ( 100 perhaps ) then as you loop compare the persons age with the stored current min age, if it's smaller store the age and the … | |
Re: At a guess I would say the database is changing the UTC formatted time into localtime. The Z specifies that the time is in UTC format. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 | |
Re: Hey, I just run the code and can confirm it works fine. On my mac the "Video" window was hiding behind my IDE and the "ball" window was visible. | |
Re: Also, there are a few problems with this idea in general, you are not able, from just the number of miles the car has travelled during 2013 ascertain the amount of fuel it has used, the average fuel consumption, and the amount spent on petrol. If you know the amount … | |
Re: Your issue may be that std::cin >> name; does not remove the newline char from the resulting string. Replacing std::cin with the following may work for you : std::getline( std::cin, name); | |
Re: System.out.println does not throw a RandomExc. What you need to do is change SomeExc(); so it takes an int i, then calls the System.out.println method if i!=0 as well as throwing the Exception if i==0. After that replace where the println in the main method with SomeExc(i), I suspect it … | |
Re: You can seperate the function declarations and implementations into different files without stdafx. Just create a file YourClass.h as well as YourClass.cpp then include your .h file in your .cpp file using the #include preprocessor directive. | |
Re: [Quote] 1. Faster than php because it runs on the .NET framework is based on compiled languages and the Web applications is compiled and not interpreted. [/Quote] Im pritty certain you can compile PHP too. But also J#.net, would be the best to use interopratability (spelling) wise, since you could … | |
Re: Talking about faster compilers and benchmarks, I bleave there is some good gcc benchmarks for selecting the right flags for you system... I Think.. But when compilers commenly have optermizations that can be turned on and off for instance -O3 or -O2 in gcc -O3 makes the code larger in … | |
Re: [URL="http://gcc.gnu.org/java/"]GCJ[/URL] can be located at [url]http://gcc.gnu.org/java/[/url], Is able to compile java into bytecode or a native executable ( don't know if this works on win32 tho ). Launch4J is another GPL option [url]http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/[/url], a small JVM that ships with your software. | |
Re: Um, I don't know if there is anything out there for this personally, But I may be able to point you in the right direction if you want to make something like this. You will have to use System.IO.Ports.SerialPort to communicate with your modem, if you google System.IO.Ports.SerialPort you will … |
The End.