49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for cambalinho

i'm buiding an image class, but i need some information... the C\C++ teach how read binary\text files... but not how the files are build like JPEG, PNG, GIF and others :( i can't find a page for give me the file struture and when i found it, i only see …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Ivzirnalsradeys

a) SYNTAX, LOGIC and RUN-TIME are three types of errors a programmer will encounter during program development. Distinguish carefully between them and give a meaningful example of EACH. b) In high-level languages, different data types such as INTEGER, REAL, STRING are provided. Explain why different data types are needed and …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Ivzirnalsradeys

a) Program code is often written using procedures. Give THREE advantages of using procedures in programming. b) Write an algorithm (pseudocode or flowchart) for a procedure to validate the input of a date in February in any year. The date should be input in the form ddmmyyyy e.g. 07021998 You …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ken.green.142035

Define a class for rational numbers. A rational number is a number that can be represented as the quotient of two integers. For example, 1/2, 3/4, 64/2, and so forth are all rational numbers. (By ½, etc we mean the everyday meaning of the fraction, not the integer division this …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for sandyprc78

I want to add jni code into my servlet,i have used JNI in my desktop application but now i want to add in my java web project. let me tell you a condition.i have logic code on c++ and i want to add that code with my java web project.so …

Member Avatar for raj.mscking
Member Avatar for mpike

Hello there. I recently have been teaching myself C++ and have come across something that I just can't seem to grasp. I undersatdn the basics of structures but when it comes to this nesting type situation I just can't figure out what is going on. If someone could explain in …

Member Avatar for mpike
Member Avatar for er.akshayk

We have Escape sequences in C++ Dont we have any escape sequence for displaying astriek (****) when i want a user to enter a 4 digit PIN (int).

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for salafiyya1

Hello how can I read xml file without using xml librariy in C++ here http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/140931/

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for andrew mendonca

Write a complete program that reads three integers from the console and outputs the number of distinct values entered. For example if the input is 34 55 23 then the output will be 3, since there are three distinct values . If the input is 42 78 42 then the …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for myk45

Hi all, I have an xml file with some information inside it. I want to load this xml during runtime and generate an equivalent HTML document for this xml file. All this needs to be done programatically and on the fly during runtime. How could i do this? I'm using …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Cave_1

Hi. I'm trying to use brace-initialization notation: int number{}; But I get the following error: "expected an expression". Shouldn't c++11 allow this kind of initialization? int number2(4) works just fine. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Cave_1
Member Avatar for andrew mendonca

Your Math class has five 100 point tests over the course of a semester (and nothing else that counts toward your grade). In addition to getting an average score of 70/100 you must pass at least three individual tests in order to pass the class . For example, if your …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Entalist

Hi all! I'm having some trouble with constructors and destructors. I've been told that a constructor creates an object and a destructor destroys it. The problem is that in my code I try to destroy `straight2`, but I can still print out it's length as if it wasn't destroyed at …

Member Avatar for Entalist
Member Avatar for davecoventry

Here is my code: #include <string> extern std::string commands[]; extern std::string shortcuts[]; int in_array(std::string ar[], std::string txt){ for(int i=0;i<ar->size();i++){ int g=ar->compare(txt); if(!g){ return i; } } return -1; } int actioncmd(char* command){ int act=in_array(shortcuts,command); if(act==-1){ return -1; } act=in_array(commands,command); return act; } I'm simply trying to find out whether a …

Member Avatar for davecoventry
Member Avatar for haider885

i am trying to write input() function into file..... please help.... i am using visual studio 2013 // N Copy.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "fstream" using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { fstream file; file.open("NCopy.txt"); file << …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for aluhnev

Hi can any one tell me please does visual studio 2012 support any features of c++11? Or only in 2013 version?

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for andrew mendonca

Without using arrays, write a complete program that reads three integers from the console and outputs the same three numbers in ascending order on separate lines. For example if the input is 5 4 3 then the output will be 3 4 5. Do not prompt the user or produce …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm creating a wosa/xfs I've followed correctly the guide and the code has no error till I try to debug it or build it. I get this error 1) error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol_WFSStartUp@8 referenced in function "int_cdecl Wfs_Startup(void)" (?Wfs_Startup@@YAHXZ) 2) error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol_WFSOpen@36 referenced in …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for iqra aslam

how can i download the c++ software, like turbo c can any one give me the link?

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for joel_3

Hello everyone!i'm new here and in c++ programming.I've wrote about 30 small programs and when i close the program and want it to run after, it compile well but when i'm waiting the answer, it comes and goes fast.i've tried to put cin >> a; as told me someone to …

Member Avatar for Sarkurd
Member Avatar for Nikolas9896

Hi! To Everyone! Could you tell me how I can use GCC with that file comunicatoin, because : g++ main.cpp program1.cpp -o program1.exe - not valid - It didn't saw program1.h and all declaration in him. I had the task : Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 …

Member Avatar for Nikolas9896
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I'm developing a system using c++ for the XFS. I've followed the documentation on how to install the SDK but the problem is that I've successfully installed the SDK but when I start to create the sample, when I try to put the required includes they are not …

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Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Aqeel Rafique
Member Avatar for david muchuku
Member Avatar for Mr Gates

I'm really new to programming, and I really only know web scripting. But I want to excel in programming. Anyway, what languages would be used to create something like adobe photoshop? I've created about 2 programs using c++, but they're like those tutorial things where they run in DOS, and …

Member Avatar for melissad
Member Avatar for Jjajangmyeon

Can you initialize (easily/simply) a vector with multiple values? Like an array:`int fu[] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6}`

Member Avatar for melissad
Member Avatar for kamylz.pm

hi :D We've been asked by our instructor to create a program that will accept your birthdate and display the chinese zodiac sign and its description using *switch* statement. Should i have to input all the possible birthdays ?or is there a shortcut for this? by the way we are …

Member Avatar for kamylz.pm
Member Avatar for tan.revilleza

hi can any one know how to program in c++ the *143# in globe all iknow is u can use if else conditional statement!! tnx in advance

Member Avatar for Naveen508
Member Avatar for oyinkansola.aremu
Member Avatar for rubberman

The End.