49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for rickykoh1983

Hi. I am trying to do a program whereby the user needs to enter some information before he/she can use the file (some sort of a lock). My problem is how can I put the file together with the exe so that when i enter the correct information, the exe …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MikeL

Hi all, I'm trying to locate information that would assist me in obtaining the BIOS boot order and hard drive parameters in DOS. The hard drive information I think I can extract from the FreeFdisk source code with a little more time, but the BIOS boot order has me stumped. …

Member Avatar for mostafa_bd

Heloo, Is this possible to Write in Sectors in CD (CD-R/CD-RW) by C++ Code. I am in serious problem with this. If not possible, Is there any tool exists that may help me. Please help me. Thanks in forward. Ahsan Mostafa Bangladesh [email]mostafa_bd@hotmail.com[/email]

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Member Avatar for Cardinal

HI, My project is due tommorrow, I am stuck at this error which i have no clue. I have tried all my best to understand what is its cause but couldn't. I really need help. All I am saying is if you can explain why its doing this. ***Problem*** We …

Member Avatar for sai365

I am unable to open a file using the below code in c++. The code used to work before. I am running this program in unix (sun c++ v4.2 compilers). The file I am reading currently is now > 2GB. I am able to read files < 2GB using this …

Member Avatar for fakespike

hey guys i have been studing c++ for a while now. i have learned so much only problem is i find it difficult to apply any of my knowledge. i mean i knwo how to make things but i dont know what to make. thats why i came to you …

Member Avatar for fakespike
Member Avatar for fakespike

hello i wanted to create a tetris game. i would really appreciate it tho if some one could roughly outline what i have to do. leave the coding for me i will take care of that.

Member Avatar for odious face
Member Avatar for long shots

I am currently working on a game called realm knights ([url]http://www.realm-knights.tk[/url]) i need 2 c++ programmers. Email at yonlongshots@hotmail.com or realm_knights@hotmail.com or post at the forums at realm knights. Or even post on here :D

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for marky9876

Programmers, Coders, Amateur programmers and Part time programmers apply within. Im looking to recruit amateur and part time programmers who are not proffessionals but who code or program in there spare time because they are enthusiastic and love it. You dont need proffessional qualifications, or a degree to fill this …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Mr Gates

I've made some C++ dos programs, and it runs fine, and does everything I want it to, but the moment it does the last line of code, it exits. I use Visual C++, and it stays on when I preview it in there, but after I compile it, and run …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for anthony86

I was thinking of creating this program for a school related project and was seeking advice/guidence concerning the matter. I prepose to create 7 distinct personalities and have them communicate/interact in a virtual world. I will be storing data that has been collected through everyday discussion such as questions, responces, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for BMF

Hello>>> How are you all? I need a quick help with my assignment... it is in C not in C++... So, Could you help me? I don't know what to do!! the question is: Write a program that reads a data file containing a C program and writes it to …

Member Avatar for BMF
Member Avatar for mynewdeadcat

int upper; cout << "#s (4 - 9) "; cin >> upper; for (int count = 0; count < 4; count++) { int y; srand((unsigned)time(0)); y = (rand()%upper)+1; cout << y<< endl; key[count] = y; Sleep (1000); } this is my random number gen and i was wondering if there …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for aragon
Member Avatar for lyar1977

Using Dialog Box: I want to draw a ball in a solid color and be able to move the ball around on the Dialog Box. Thanks

Member Avatar for Dante Shamest
Member Avatar for boohoo

Thanx for everyone's reply. I'm more and more being put off Java, although it looks like a good language in practise, the way it looks as a GUI doesn't appeal. Anyone know of a good free C++ IDE ? I have tried Devc++ from bloodshed, but it wont let me …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm taking an Operating Systems class in which I have to write this monster of a C++ program and it's giving me a bit of trouble. It would be amazing if someone would be able to help me out a bit. The only problem is the directions for the programming …

Member Avatar for Xelfinn
Member Avatar for fastcarz3

A company pays its employees as managers (who recieve a fixed weekly salary), hourly workers (who recieve a fixed hourly wage for up to the first 40 hours they work and "time- and a half"-1.5 times their hourly wage-for overtime hours worked), commission workes (who recieve $250 plus 5.7% of …

Member Avatar for aeinstein
Member Avatar for MAD_DOG
Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for samaru

Yesterday I was looking for a good game authoring language and came across a very interesting one called 3D GameStudio. I was very impressed by some of the samples. I think I might get into it during this summer. If you're coming from a C/C++ world, then it should be …

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The End.