49,764 Topics

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Member Avatar for BountyX

This is probally in the wrong section, but I'll ask anyways. I want to implement a program in C/C++ that validates an email by first checking for proper syntax, then validating the domain name, and finally the mailbox name. The propblem iv'e run into is, I dotn know how to …

Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

[font=Arial][size=2]Hi I am trying to write a program that will demonstrate encryption to the user. I would like to have some kind of button menu at first, then the program will show an example of each depending on what button was pressed. Any idea's? Should I go for a win32, …

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Member Avatar for christopher

Hi all, My knowledge of C++ is nill, and I need help. I am having a program written in C++(with MFC classes). I will get the source code when completed. My goal is to be able to brand the program to my different websites. The programmer says he is setting …

Member Avatar for christopher
Member Avatar for ElectroBoy

Please help me. I just need an explanation and its really simple! I promise! Here is the assignment and COMPLETED WORKING CODE! // Description : Write a program to read in an object's mass (in pounds) and convert it to both // kilograms and grams. The program should prompt the …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for cuddlers89

This is my first post on this forum so hello everyone, I want to make a program which would link to a data base, either excel or access, and could edit/add too the database from the program and also look up entries into it, i have borland c++ builder 6 …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for forgotten

This what I have done so far... (to cscgal and inscissor) As you can probably tell I have't done C++ for long; only a few weeks now so please point out any mistakes that I have made. Here is some evidence to prove that I have tried, even though it …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

Hi there guys! I am trying to write a program using Visual C++ 6.0. It is a dialog MFC executable application (i dunno if this is the best to use) which has three buttons, say A,B and C. I would like the program to display one picture if the user …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for phani

Hi, I am a programmer on c++,i want to do programming on symbian(Epoc) operating system. presently i dont know anything about the programming on symbian operating system. please give me ideas, and suggest the books what i have to refer. waiting for ur replies

Member Avatar for cuddlers89
Member Avatar for Bleek

how do u pause a command in c++? i know how to pause using system("pause") or cin.get() but i want to know hot to make the program sleep for a certain ammount of time... like vbs' wscript.sleep 1000... if that helps thanx

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for BountyX

I got this big problem. I have to automate a Telnet connection for this project but I have no idea on how to do that in C/C++ :( . I need to be able to send an ascii file's contents (1 command per line) so that it will automate those …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for BountyX

Does anyone know of a good way to prevent a process from being hooked by another, or at least by detecting the hook?

Member Avatar for Aaerox
Member Avatar for pablojim

I have just written some classes in visual c++ with MFC that give me out data I want to plot in excel. Are there any tutorials out there that will help me write a macro in excel that will pass the data to my classes then read the results given …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for popo_prince

////having trouble with this one after first input starts a crazy loop malf. #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> const int MAX_ITEMS = 5; typedef int InventoryArray[MAX_ITEMS]; void DisplayOpeningMessage(); void DisplayEndMessage(); void OutputInventory(const InventoryArray items); // const used to protect the array from being changed void InputInventory(InventoryArray items); void ProcessChoices(); void OutputOneInventoryAmount(int …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for forgotten

[font=Arial]Hello.[/font] [font=Arial] I have been given an assignment to complete by next Tuesday... (it was supposed to be a week Tuesday but my College messed up the dates). I have been told to construct the classes (base and derived) for a 'contact' program. The actual program doesn't have to work... …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for popo_prince

how would you make a simple exe application for something like this in vis c++. so that you could send it self contained and a person double clicks it and it runs. please show the code and where you would enter it. thanks #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; int …

Member Avatar for popo_prince
Member Avatar for Gollum1

[COLOR=Sienna]For people new to programming and want to learn, or for experienced programmers too. This site I am using to learn has been extremly helpful. The instructions are clear and in laymans terms so dont worry about getting lost right away. :cheesy: [url]http://www.cprogramming.com/[/url] If anybody else knows of good resource …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Bullseye

I'm writing a face recognition application in Visual C++. Part of my task will involve taking an image from my digital camera as input to my pattern recognition algorithm. I am using a Kodak EZ 200. Is it possible to write a program in C which can make system calls …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for Darc

hey, my first post here :D and I don't think it's too much of a problem... I just can't get it to work. This is a simple Tile Engine written in GDI32/C++. Errors: c:\Documents and Settings\Default\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Dragon Slayer UM\Dragon Slayer UM\cMap.h(10) : error C2143: syntax error : missing …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for Saik

I'm currently in file processing and I have a project dealing with fixed length records and making an attrcat and relcat catalog. Simply: use system calls to check if a dir is there and create a new one for the database. system ("dir"); system ("mkdir Rambo"); system ("cd Rambo"); system …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for popo_prince

i am in a class and find C++ a challenge. i have an assignment and this is what i have so far. i need help, because i am not too analytical. #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { int (a, b); int (a * …

Member Avatar for popo_prince
Member Avatar for ISIL

Hello . . I'm trying to get my random number generator to work but i'm having a tough time here's what i've written so far I can't seem to get the number generator to give me a truly random number . . . i'm sick of tooling with it and …

Member Avatar for Bleek
Member Avatar for drummerboy

i dont think any one else has mentioned this here. but here is beginners guide to c++. it claims you dont need ANY experience have a look and see what you think [b][i][u][color=magenta][url="http://www.eliteproxy.com/cpp/tut/fabct/fab.html"]clickety-click[/url][/color][/u][/i][/b]

Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for ziddi5

Please help me get the minimum in the following problem. i get everything else but the min. take a look at it. //************************************************** // Description : This program asks a user for five real numbers, then outputs // the number of data entries entered, the total of the numbers // …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Marcela

I am doing a program in C++ with do while loops and switch case. After the user enters the info required, the program automatically does the while part. It is not ejecuting the switch case (most important part in my program). What can I do?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for fishman

Hi After getting great help with my first post here I thought I would try again. I need to create a (dynamic) number of objects of two types, eggs and fry. I then need to be able to delete the fry and then make a new group of fry objects …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for gick01

I'm writing a simple one window program with inputs and outputs in a GUI. My problem is that I don't know what program to use to make the graphics and then implement them into the window I am using. I just need to be able to make simple vector objects …

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Member Avatar for santoshkr

Hai, Iam New to VC++. In my system i installed DirectX 9.0 and VC++ 6.0. Now i want to use DirectX in VC++, can any one tell me how to use DirectX in VC++. i mean what are all basic steps i need to follow. (I want to capture the …

Member Avatar for MetalRob
Member Avatar for BMF

Hi.. plz I need ur help.. I wrote my assignment & it runs but, not all statements can be executed I don't know why?? could u help me?? :sad: this is my code: #include <iostream.h> int check(char x){ if( x=='a'||x=='b'||x=='c'||x=='d'||x=='e'||x=='f'||x=='z' ) return 1; else return 0; } class CarADT{ private: …

Member Avatar for MetalRob
Member Avatar for spikes

Hi All, i have just started to look into picking up a bit of c++. i've been having a search about on the net for some tutorials and web links to help me learn but so far i havent really found much. can anyone out there drop me some links …

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Member Avatar for josef

Hello C++ Guys, is it possible to make automatic frames for pictures on my web site with C++? Thank you very much for your help. Have a nice Christmas, Josef

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The End.