Programmers, Coders, Amateur programmers and Part time programmers apply within.
Im looking to recruit amateur and part time programmers who are not proffessionals but who code or program in there spare time because they are enthusiastic and love it.
You dont need proffessional qualifications, or a degree to fill this post, just lots of enthusiasm, knowledge of tcp/ip, intertel protocols, can program in VB and C, and a interest in audio streaming. You will need to live in the South-East of England as I will want to come and meet you and you will need to demostrate these qualities to me.
In return I offer no pay as of yet, but the chance to join in on a project which will hopefully become an internet company, and for the founding members, thats you, a chance to hopefully make some money, and more importantly give you the chance to become proffessional programmers and a change of career.
So if you're fed up doing what you are doing, and want a chance to change you're life and career, want to take part in this opportunity, then contact me at
If you want the chance to change you're job, then give it a go.
Apply within!!!!!! now!!!!
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