49,764 Topics
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i am currently making a game i am rushed and cant put much more. basics: im 14 and do not have company need good C++ programmers Need good graphics programmers for 3-d need good AI programmers i will post more later......... | |
Hello all, I will start off by saying Im in the dark with some aspects of C++, in an intro computer course at college. My question is about how to use char commands for when I have multiple users using the same segment of C++. ex. 3 users are asked … | |
I've got a problem with Microsoft VC++ 6.0 and DirectX. I made my last game using Microsoft VC++ 4.0. I had no problems. I was using DirectX 6.1 SDK and DirectDraw4 functions. Well I'm upgrading my game engine to use DirectX 8.1 SDK. I need to fix a problem that … | |
What is the difference between function template & template function? Thanks. | |
Hello.I am having some problems with my vc++6 compiler.Here is the code: [CODE] #include <iostream.h> class SimpleCat { public: SimpleCat() { itsAge = 2; } // if I put the definition of the function into the daclaration,that becomes an "inline" function ~SimpleCat() { } // class destructor int GetAge() const … | |
Hi, I am currently working on a program that compiles fine and runs OK to give some results. However, when I try to split the program into 3 parts, it it gives some weird compilation errors. Initially I had one program, calc.cpp that manipulates polynomials (adds/ subtract/multiply them). However when … | |
[b]Last transmission from Starbase XY003 -- the galaxy's last out*post*[/b] [size=2][url="http://undergraduate.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/231.312/Clect1.pdf"][u][b][color=red]http://undergraduate.csse.uwa.edu.a....312/Clect1.pdf[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.teicontrols.com/notes/C_Programming/C_ProgrammingNotes.pdf"][u][b][color=red]http://www.teicontrols.com/notes/C_...ammingNotes.pdf[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/documentation/userguides/c/l922.pdf"][u][b][color=red]http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/documentat...ides/c/l922.pdf[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://oscinfo.osc.edu/training/C/ccourse_fix.pdf"][u][b][color=red]http://oscinfo.osc.edu/training/C/ccourse_fix.pdf[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://ei.cs.vt.edu/%7Ecsei/project/sf/notes/cprog.pdf"][u][b][color=red]http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~csei/project/sf/notes/cprog.pdf[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.strath.ac.uk/IT/Docs/Ccourse/"][u][b][color=red]http://www.strath.ac.uk/IT/Docs/Ccourse/[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.html"][u][b][color=red]http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.html[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.cprogramming.com/"][u][b][color=red]http://www.cprogramming.com/[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.eskimo.com/%7Escs/cclass/cclass.html"][u][b][color=red]http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/cclass.html[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/"][u][b][color=red]http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/[/color][/b][/u][/url][/size] [size=2][url="http://www.eskimo.com/%7Escs/cclass/notes/top.html"][u][b][color=red]http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/notes/top.html[/color][/b][/u][/url] [b]Here are some compiler links:[/b] [/size][size=2] [size=2][url="http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc.html"][u][color=red]http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc.html [/color][/u][/url] [/size][/size] [size=2][size=2][url="http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/"][color=red]h[u]ttp://www.delorie.com/djgpp/[/url][/u] [/color][/size][/size] [size=2][size=2][url="http://http://users.cyberelectric.n...nkCompilers.htm"][color=red]h[u]ttp://http://users.cyberelectric.n...nkCompilers.htm[/url][/u] [/color] [/size][/size][size=2][size=2][url="http://http://www.willus.com/ccomp.shtml"][color=red]h[u]ttp://http://www.willus.com/ccomp.shtml[/url][/u][/color] [/size][/size] [size=2][b]Read the sig for a better understanding[/b] [/size] [B][edit] link colours changed. peterska2[/B] | |
[b]Working With C++ [/b]C++ syntax is the way which the code is arranged to form the language. Each computer language has its own unique syntax. For example, the syntax for adding two numbers may be different in one language than in another. Syntax is to programming as grammar is to … | |
[b]OOP[/b] C++ is an object-oriented programming language. In other words, it contains what are known as objects, such as classes and structures, which allow the easy manipulation of large amounts of data. The easiest way to think of them are as records. [b]Creating Data Types[/b] When one creates a class, … | |
How can you set the precision of a floating point value for output using the Console::Write method? In the past, with cout, you just used setprecision() but that doesn't seem to work with the Console functions. | |
Ok guys... I'm sorta new to this forum.. so hello all.. but neways.. here is my problem.. This is the assignment I have: [url]http://www.ece.uc.edu/~berman/228-2003/program2.html[/url] Can someone basically explain what I should do? Am I supposed to like sort part of it using insertionsort and the other part with one of … | |
Below is posted a program as assigned halfway through my C++ class. I do not need any help doing the project itself, I just need help trying to get through the typographical errors and vagueness! Can someone give a shot at possibly trying to rewrite what he is asking for? … | |
I stared at it for about a good 30 minutes now and I still can't find anything wrong with it. Can someone help? [CODE] /*This program makes all vowels uppercase. All other constants are lowercase. Keep in mind I make to call a function isvowel() to evluate the character.*/ #include … | |
Hello.I have been using Microsoft Visual Studio 2000 enterprise edition and I'm having a problem with linking files.I have saved a file named as "class declaration.h" by default and another named as "cppfile.cpp" by default.Let me tell you how I actually started this.First I created a new project workspace and … | |
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void gas(); void main() { float gal; while(gal<=0) gas(); cout<<"thanks for your help"; getch(); } void gas() { float gal; float total; float miles; float avg; cout <<"enter the gallons of gas used (-1 to end): "; cin >> gal; cout <<"enter miles driven: "; cin … | |
Here's my code. I just want to return the length of a string. How do I do that? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. [code] #include "stdafx.h" #using <mscorlib.dll> using namespace System; int _tmain() { String *strString; int intLength; Console::Write(S"Enter a String "); strString = Console::ReadLine(); Console::Write(strString); intLength = strlen(strString); … | |
// This program asks the user to enter the length of a rectangle // then for the width of a rectangle , to find the perimeter by // this 2 * length + 2 * width #include <iostream.h> return unsigned long int Perimeter ( unsigned short int , unsigned short … | |
well this is what my program does: //asks for input for number of gallons enter the gallons of gas used (-1 to end): //asks for input for number of miles enter miles driven: //then shows the miles / gallon for this tank the miles / gallon for this tank was … | |
Hi.I have been learning c++ lately and I'm rather interested in learning to produce source codes and applications(games maybe).I need know that whether my choice about learning c++ for game programming is right or not.I'm not interested in web developement.I have read some of the posts in c++ forums and … | |
well i made this little program to help me check my algebra home work it was soppose to be a simple thing so it is badly coded and rushed but something has happened that i dont understand. i have spotted the problem but dont know why its doing this. for … | |
Home work agian. I'm required to write a sales analysis program. One of the function dose enter a new salesperson, it will prompt for personal detail. but if user keys in -1 at any point, it will cancel process and return to main menu options. BUT according the programming standards … | |
:lol: HI i'm really new to c++ programming.I have learning this language with the help of a book named "Teach yourself c++ in 21 days by Sams." I am in day 4 learning expressions and statements.How long do you think it's going to take me to produce a fully-functional c++ … | |
ok, i'm new to c++, please bear with me........ i have a program... it asks the user to enter the price, then it asks to enter the interest rate from, and then interest rate to, and then the loan period (> 2 years) The formula used is: result = price … | |
I am new to c++, and i have a program to do as follows: 1) fill a 2D array for the seat chart with * ... DONE 2) add a passenger to the plane I am stuck here, i have the info put into the cin statements etc, but how … | |
Hi every one, I just want to do a interesting work. But I can't find any clue. Anyone there to help? We know in Destop there are some shortcuts to link a particular program. I want to retrive the information of the shortcut when I click on a particular item. … | |
Hi again.Read the source code below please: // Determining the size of variable types #include <iostream.h> int main() { cout << " The size of a bool is:\t\t" << sizeof(bool) << " bytes.\n"; return 0; } p:s:I have not included the other variable types because there was no error message … | |
I just started my first c++ class and we recieved our first assignment. I dont have a compiler at home and live far away from school. I have 2 questions: These are the program requirements: Program 1: Prompt the user and let them enter three integers. Store them in three … | |
Hi i'm a newbie c++ programmer so I don't know much about compilers.I have a c++7 and a bulit-in text editor but when I try to retrieve the bytes the variable "Bool" takes the error or warning message says that bool is an undeclared identifier should I try with boolean? … | |
Geetings, Microsoft had included in its Visual C++ .NET some APIs to extract data out of .PDB files. Microsoft had called this package "DIA SDK". I've looked into the documentation of it in the MSDN, but it ain't as simple as it sounds... If any one of you wise people … | |
Hello, I really don't know if this is more of a Mac of C++ question but.. I am doing a loading of a file with short CSVload (char * filename) //called from main { //openning a file and checking if it exists FILE * datafile = NULL; if ((datafile=fopen (filename, … |
The End.