49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for el33t

Hi, I'm am very new to wxwidget. After reading certain guides, I finally managed to set it up. But I'm still facing problems while executing my own 'independent program'. I'm using wxwidgets 2.8.10 and Visual studios 2008 express. This is what I did: [b]I used the below tutorial for building[/b] …

Member Avatar for missty

the function is used to write things into a txt file. the function works quite well except there is a blank first line in the txt file. i think the error is caused by "ios_base::app", which always write to the end of the file. i want to write to the …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Shaitan00

I currently have a Windows Service written in C# .NET 2.0 which is automatically started and runs under the LocalSystem account - lets call it Serv.exe - this service is responsible for performing administrative tasks (a bunch of them). There is another application (lets call it A.exe written in C++) …

Member Avatar for hollywoood69

So my assignment is to go a little farther in this Mortgage calculator. by the way thank you for all the help thus far. I am trying to get this right, but can seem to get the math right. Here is the assignment: Write the program as a procedural C++ …

Member Avatar for poliet
Member Avatar for dgr231

Hello All, I am still pretty new to C++ and am just trying to create simple codes to strengthen my skills. I have written the code below that is supposed to allow the user to pick a shape (either circle, square, or rectangle) and then input either the radius or …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for seakayaker

Hi, I have never worked with threads before so I am wondering how to go about it. I have a windows application that runs just fine. It is just that when the user trigger a command that takes several minutes to complete, the window get the hour glass and the …

Member Avatar for seakayaker
Member Avatar for jeezcak3++

Error message: ...error C3867: 'temp::addition': function call missing argument list; use '&temp::addition' to create a pointer to member [CODE=C++] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct temp { int addition(int x, int y) {return (x + y);} int operation (int x, int y, int (*functocall)(int,int)) { int g; g …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for esesili

Hi all, I am trying to read double numbers from a txt file and calculate average and standard deviation. It builds successfully but gives an error when it is run. The error I see on the screen is -1.#IND. Do you have any idea what it is and how can …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for bushimports

I am trying to implement some getters and setters in an abstract class that I am calling from the derived class draw functions but I can't get the thing to compile and I don't know why. Shape is the abstract base class. I am getting the compiler error that says …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Shaitan00

I have a created a C# windows service (Serv.exe) which is responsible for performing various tasks at the request of a running application (A.exe), some of these can take long periods of time and I need a way to know the status of my requested operation (running on the service) …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for gkaykck

i tried to open another form from the solution when i clicked a button, but i cannot make it work, the errors are; [ICODE]Error 3 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'ayarlar' c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\develop_dersane\etud\Form1.h 211 Error 2 error C2065: 'ayar' : undeclared identifier c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\develop_dersane\etud\Form1.h 211 Error 4 …

Member Avatar for gkaykck
Member Avatar for yakovm

Hello i have two questions 1. I have vector that I have delete several members from it after I do it I have a problem to access other member because index if other members has changed. What is the best way to know and access the members of the vector …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for bond000007

i m idiot programmer.......... i need to make a good project on c/c++. kindly help me. thanks

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for codedhands

Goodday everyone,i am working on an archive like application.i intend to have a global index of data and thier physical file location stored in a stl map,then saved in a file. I would want to know if the file containing the map can be read quickly or is there a …

Member Avatar for jp071

Hello, Anybody can give me idea, How can i check COM port? I want to check, is it already open or not? if it is already open, just avoid to open the port. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for raul14

hi, can anyone please provide me with a cpp code solution for the attached question. its based on arrays and pointers and i have no idea how to go about doing it. can someone please help me please. i have till wednesday(26/08) to finish it. please help me please. i'm …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Margu

Hi, I have one address (0xffbff21c) where I have stored 2 int values, depending on the way I read it. Where is the second value stored (at which address)? My code is [code=c++]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int a1 = 40; const int* b1 = &a1; …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for abhishek4563

QUE1: If I have declared a really large aaray inside a function, would it be automatically deallocated on exit the scope of the function?? QUE2:While using mpz_class in GMP is the memory automatically deallocated after exiting the scope i.e. are the appropriate destructors for giving the memory back to O.S …

Member Avatar for abhishek4563
Member Avatar for ForexSurfr

I am currently having problems with my ADO connection string. I have searched all over the internet for a solution to this problem but I have yet to find a solution. Can someone help me with the proper configuration for a SQL OLEDB connection with a windows authentication? I have …

Member Avatar for ForexSurfr
Member Avatar for __vmware__

Hi there, I have a simple problem. I have a namespace with a couple of classes declared in a header file. The classes have functions but no body. When I include the header file and try to call a function, i get the error unresolved external symbol referenced in function …

Member Avatar for __vmware__
Member Avatar for meghaljani

I am learning openMP in C++ in Linux environment, and I am using Netbeans for programming. I want to test the parallelization of my program by multiplying two 1000*1000 matrices on a dual core processor. When I run the program, it terminates by segmentation fault for stack overflow. My program …

Member Avatar for vali82
Member Avatar for mevkurray

Hi all. Majorly bamboozled by the wxwidgets file streams. does wxFileInputStream have a GetLine() function, similar to the normal c++ file stream class??? had a wander thru the wx docs, and just ended up more confused. heres what i want to do btw. (note, functions are seperate but operate on …

Member Avatar for mevkurray
Member Avatar for komyg

Hi, I need to develop a C++ application for Linux, and I am worried about its compatibility with between different distros, for example if I develop it on Kubuntu, is it possible that I may have compatibility issues if I run it on Gentoo or Open SUSE for example? In …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for savinki

I want to convert string to integer. My string values are something like 0x000,0x0001 and etc(i.e. values are in hexadecimal format). if i used atoi() function then it will take only 0. but i want the entire string. e.g. string abc = "0x0000"; i want... int i = 0x0000; can …

Member Avatar for spidy.venom
Member Avatar for kramaswamy

Hey all - got a very basic question here, not even looking for answers per se, but more just for any sources of information I can read up on to help me out with this. I've got an application which controls a robot. The application recieves geographical information, currently in …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for ryancfc

HI all, I am currently expanding my knowledge by dipping into SDL, the only problem is that tiff.dll file is missing, use search of my computer, couldn't find it anywhere. Looked on Google, nothing simple just stupid adverts to download some registry fixer for free (we all know scans but …

Member Avatar for serkOner

I'm currently writing a small game engine and I've downloaded the Irrlicht source code to take some tricks in the design but I have a question... why use some prefixes in the file names and what they stands for? example: CGUIEditBox.cpp CGUIFont.h CXMLWriter.h IDepthBuffer.h I also saw this practice in …

Member Avatar for serkOner
Member Avatar for abhishek4563

I am writing a code in c++ unix environment using gmp for impelementing quadratic sieve I have many global variables i.e the number to be factorised and some arrays, sievelength,factorbase siz etc. During the first part of the program, the program simply calculates the factor base implemented through a fucntion …

Member Avatar for abhishek4563
Member Avatar for macobex

So, I'm really frustrated with this problem. I desperately need some good explanation about this. Why does the calling function does not reflect the change done in the called function? despite the fact that I pass the variable via pointer. Any explanations please. Thanks in advance. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for dgr231
Member Avatar for KungFuTze

Good morning, Can you guys please figure this out? I have to write a code that calculates de wage of employees on a self generated list. User is asked for : numberofEmployees, hoursworked, rateperhour. If the employee works 40 hrs: rate= rate * hrs between 40 and 50 rate is …

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The End.