49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for gretty

Hi I have a string & I want to grab certain elements out of the string & save them in an array. I have searched for an answer to this but I have not found a solution to what I am trying to do. What I am trying to do: …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for athlon32

Hello All, I'm compiling my program, and i keep getting this error: [code]obj/Debug/fubar.o||In function `fubar::fubarl(int*, int*)':| /home/miguel/Documents/pointersandref/fubar.cpp|7|multiple definition of `fubar::fubarl(int*, int*)'| obj/Debug/fubar.o:/home/miguel/Documents/pointersandref/fubar.cpp|7|first defined here| ||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===| [/code] This is my complete source code fubar.cpp [code=C] #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "fubar.h" void fubar::fubarl(int *foo, …

Member Avatar for athlon32
Member Avatar for Vermillion

Yeah, I'm aware it may be an stupid question, but I really don't know what a "template" in C++ is, because my knowledge on it is very limited, I don't have any good books on it so I really can't get as much knowledge as I would like from it. …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for luismanuel22

hi i am doing a program that has to order a great set of numbers, but i need to use threads i am working with microsoft visual c++ 6.0 and i use windows.h when i tested the program, my threads used only 25% of the processor and i am very …

Member Avatar for Stinomus
Member Avatar for nakemaro

hii again ..sorry but this project is kinda killing me anyway just small Q ? how can I burn my (c++) project in a CD ? my friend did it but they faced a problem that when they wanna open it in the Teacher computer they had to copy it …

Member Avatar for nakemaro
Member Avatar for glahr32

I am trying to write a program that will open a specific file and go through it, writing the data I need to another file. Everytime the tag 'Step 4[2]' comes up I need to get the next two numbers and write them to a seperate file. (the purpose is …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for xixpsychoxix

Yeah, probably a bad place to post this, but I'm desperate! I am trying to install GTK+ under Linux but have no idea what is going wrong!!! I see that i need like fifty million packages to install it, but i can't get this working! can anyone give me advice? …

Member Avatar for xixpsychoxix
Member Avatar for slawted

hello this code seems to give me wrong results and i carnt figure out why :( [code]#include <iostream> int main() { float pi = 3.142; char area; float diameter; area = diameter * pi; std::cout << "Hello. Please imput the diameter of your circle... "; std::cin >> diameter; std::cout << …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for anilopo

after i've got this error: pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception Abort (core dumped) i searched and found that it is probably because i'm calling to a pure virtual function from a constructor. well, yes, i'm doing that, but - - what is wrong with that? …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for DarkoX

Hey, i've wrote a script that will test three diffrent sorting methods and display how much time each method took to complete in order to compare the diffrent methods. The problem is that i'm suppose to show the results inside a 2 dimentional graph, and i'm not that much of …

Member Avatar for yazooney
Member Avatar for CppFTW

I am really stumped with a problem my program keeps giving me. Randomly, a file I try to open returns fail() to ifstream and can't be read from. I have a feeling it has to do with these 2 functions I have been using. Please help. Thanks! PS: I tried …

Member Avatar for CppFTW
Member Avatar for ippomarley

I have a program which is supposed to find the shortest path between airports and users' flight data to find the shortest path between airports; that is, the airports are the nodes and the flights are the edges. I've not started to implement the algorithm as yet but I am …

Member Avatar for ippomarley
Member Avatar for mathueie

Hi, What can I do for this error? error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int.

Member Avatar for mathueie
Member Avatar for catums14

I have a program that is using command line arguments to tell the program what to do. So to run the program, you type in: main airports.txt SC PER, where SC is a different thing the program can do and PER is the code for a city. So PER is …

Member Avatar for catums14
Member Avatar for krishnampkkm
Member Avatar for krishnampkkm
Member Avatar for nakemaro

hii everyone ^^ My project for the c++ course is due tomorrow but am facing a problem this is the function [CODE] int i=0,x , ar[100]; double a_d,y=1; cin>>a_d; while (y!=0) { y=a_d*10; x=static_cast<int> (y)%10; cout<<endl<<"after "<<y<<endl<<"the number "<<x; a_d=y-x; i++; } cout<<i; return 0 ; }[/CODE] what I wanna …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sean_wc

I need some help with a program I'm working on, I have to calculate the cost of a long distance phone call based on the day, time and length of the call. This is what I have so far. I need to figure out how to test what day they …

Member Avatar for sean_wc
Member Avatar for hiscasio

hello every one got a new doubt what is the syntax to use the years in c++ from the inbuilt date class

Member Avatar for mirfan00
Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, can you help me with this problem: I'm extending the TListView to enable notifying me about the column resize. I've found the code written in Delphi, but I needed to use it in C++, so I decided to rewrite this code to C++. But first problem occurs when I …

Member Avatar for Thew
Member Avatar for OffbeatPatriot

Are there any C\C++ libraries what will allow me to plot in real time? If any explanation is needed the perfect example I saw of this was for a API, Swarm, that is used for simulating large numbers of agents. In my program with it a bunch of workers basically …

Member Avatar for OffbeatPatriot
Member Avatar for rebirth007

Hello , I have a source code that could potentially upload files onto an FTP server using winsock. But there seems to be a small glitch and the files are not getting uploaded. Could someone please guide me as to why this is happening. I would be forever indebted. thanks …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JackDurden

I want to find the first null child in a tree and return that node of the tree. Im thinking something like this but it doesnt seem to work the way I want. [code=cplusplus] node *Find_Empty_Node(node* root) { int index = 0; if(root) { if(root->data == 0)//<--I want this child …

Member Avatar for rcollins
Member Avatar for Agni

hey guys, I have a fixed length .txt file. Values in the file correspond to columns in a db table. ex file row is something like: [B]India 3455 78787 89898[/B] table has columns something like: [B]column_name length startPosn EndPosn[/B] country 6 1 6 ID 6 7 13 so you see …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for Clockowl

Hey guys, So I have compiled my first home-written static library (named PixGUI) that happens to call OpenGL functions. However, I noticed that when compiling (using MinGWs GCC with Code::Blocks project set to "static library") it doesn't matter whether I supply the linker with libopengl32.a or not, it simply compiles …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for Sky_Blue

Hey, I am curious about making an application that will show current printers that are installed on the computer, will be windows XP, and at first returning them back for the user to see in command prompt. Although I am unable to find out how I can check to see …

Member Avatar for Sky_Blue
Member Avatar for yun

I have to develop a Academic Automation System as College project in OOP C++. need your help in this regard so i can complete it. I already have defined the following classes, 1-CourseAdministrator 2-Student 3-Tutor 4-Course 5-CreateLogin 6-Security (For Validitaion, check for login and password) is there any meterial which …

Member Avatar for s_sridhar
Member Avatar for sudiptamondal

[code=c++] #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; struct one { char name_book[80]; char name_author[80]; int no_of_books; }one1[500]; int insert() { int i,j; cout<<"Enter the No. of Books you want to enter : "; cin>>i; cout<<endl; for(j=0;j<i;j++) { cout<<"Enter the name of book "<<j+1<<" : "; cin>>one1[j].name_book; cout<<"Enter the name of the …

Member Avatar for sudiptamondal
Member Avatar for stark025

[CODE="Visual Studio 2008"] #include "storage_sql.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define strcasecmp _stricmp #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include "compat/snprintf.h" #include "common/eventlog.h" #include "common/util.h" static const char * sql_backslash_to_underscore(const char * key) { if (!key) { ERROR0("got NULL key"); return NULL; } std::string rep …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for KuriYokan

Hi guys. I've worked on OOP before, and since in general 'get' functions are used to return private attributes in classes, I was thinking how I could make this test code work. [CODE=c++]#ifndef _testing_h #define _testing_h class Testing { private: char * name; public: Testing(); Testing(char*); ~Testing(); char* getName(); void …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for meb111

Okay i need help understanding this function. I need to know the HWND of a window. but i dont know how to get that. Also is it different for every computer? or what? So say i execute my console program and paint is open or some other program. So when …

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The End.