49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for KarthikOnIT

Hi Friends, I have a requirement like in a CPropertySheet i need add four property pages, in that first two pages should contain Wizard mode property of CPropertySheet & the next two pages should behave like a normal mode. The current problem is that if i call 'objPropertySheet.SetWizardMode()' before 'objPropertysheet.domodal()', …

Member Avatar for MrSpigot
Member Avatar for Bladtman242

Heres the code, im pretty sure i missed something really stupid, No matter what number i type i get "The number oyu type must be a positive number" so i guess the problem is either in my if statements in main or in the checkuserinput function, most likely in my …

Member Avatar for Bladtman242
Member Avatar for pczafer

hi eveyone i need to edit person name or Appointmendescription but not date or time in my program. i can write all the records to the file and can read from the file. and need to edit the file now. can anyone help???? thanks.. [CODE] void writeAppointmenRecords( ) { int …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for timmy123

I have a hole host of questions about this but i don't have a clue as to how to do them ... here is one .. im hoping to see exactly how its done so that i can do the rest.. thanks Execute the following sequence of operations on an …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for ihatehumans

As part of an assignment I am creating a class to handle rationals with numerators and denominators, overloading the operators for cin and cout, as well as +-*/. So these are the functions for those operators, now where exactly should I include these in my class? [code] Rational addition(Rational a, …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Curtain51

Been working on this project for the past two days and tried googling for solutions and about every 5th solution led me here, so I decided to join and see if I could get my question answered. Here's what I need to do, this is a semester long project for …

Member Avatar for Curtain51
Member Avatar for ShadowScripter

Bah, once again I am beat by the computer logic... Anyone have an answer as to why it gives me an error: "Expected a constant expression at msg" Here's the code, [CODE] const int INFOWND_SIZE = 4; int msg_length[] = "Message"; double calc_amount = (double)msg_length/(double)INFOWND_SIZE; int msg_amount = (int)ceil(calc_amount); char …

Member Avatar for ShadowScripter
Member Avatar for 123qwerty123

For the most parts I believe my program is correct, when compiled it doesn't show any errors. The problem that I do have is that I cannot the information on my linked list to print. When the print out comes out it's suppose to show a list of names instead …

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin
Member Avatar for orwa

I need an example on downloading an internet file in a windows service application before logon using c++.

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for yazooney

hey, I want to read internet data through a C++ program. I am told that the way to do this is by using a proxy server and spitting out the data through the proxy to a file which then can be read. How exactly do you setup a proxy server …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for massivefermion

Hi pals I have three qestions 1-Is it possible to overload {} operator? 2-What is the benefit of using function objects other than functions? 3-How can i access CPU serial number and such a things?

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for kelechi96

The title says it all i want to make 1 file which can store information which my C++ program can read and use. How do I go about doing this.

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there. What is usually the reason of getting an undefined reference error? I have already included the [B]pthread.h[/B] header file yet I'm still getting the undefined reference error for the [B]pthread_create() [/B]function. *sigh*. I'm using makefile in compiling my code. Is there someone here who could enlighten me? Thanks! …

Member Avatar for Kjah_C++
Member Avatar for Usura

Hey, im trying to delete an element of an array of pointers of a class, how can i delete just a single element? my code is basically this... n =8; ClassName *newName; newName = new ClassName[n]; how would i delete for example, element 3, while being in that element... if …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for kootech

Hey I'm just starting to learn how to program and right now I am making a C++ tool with a Command line interface in Xcode 3 and this is my code. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //declare input output variable double base=0.0; double height=0.0; double area=0.0; …

Member Avatar for kootech
Member Avatar for iaaan

Hey all. Im working on a project that manipulates Wav files such as being able to add an echo to it and so on. So far ive managed to read in the Wav, split it up into the header file and data and manipulate the data by adding an echo …

Member Avatar for MHC
Member Avatar for kiwihaha

My main code variable declaration (just declaration no login statement) [CODE]struct AXEMAN{ int lvl; int att; int hp;}; struct DEFENDER{ int lvl; int att; int hp;}; struct ARCHER{ int lvl; int att; int hp;}; struct SPEARMAN{ int lvl; int att; int hp;}; struct ROUGE{ int lvl; int att; int hp;}; …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for mostafanageeb

Assume you have a hard disk with the following specs: • Has 4 platters • Has 4096 tracks per platter surface • Has 512 sectors per track • Has 256 bytes per sector • Rotates at 8,00 rpm • Average seek time: 4 msec Write a program that roughly simulates …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for SmokyMo

i am new to c++ and wonder about how i create a file for example string flight; cin>>flight; flight=flight+".txt"; ofstream myfile; myfile.open(flight); instead of having a fixed name like myfile.open("file.txt") but it doesnt work , are there elegant solutions to this problem i have. all the help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for bkeenom

I need to be able to get rid of spaces in a string. All strings are representations of functions: 3 * x ( 1 ) + 1 * x ( 3 ) + 6 * x ( 2 ) – 10 * X ( 0 ) and i have to …

Member Avatar for bkeenom
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello In my program, the function [B]largest_prime_factor[/B] is not being called/working? Can you tell me what may be wrong? The function [B]largest_prime_factor[/B], should return the largest prime number of the variable [B]n5[/B] (n5 = n3 + n4). Plus if you see any other errors or maybe a better way of …

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin
Member Avatar for 123qwerty123

I'm trying to store a list of names in alphabetical order, while implementing this linked list, but I've bumped into some errors. This is what I have: Node.h class node {public: node(node* , node* , node* , node* , node* , node* , node* , node* , node* , node*); …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for jimjimjimz

Hi, I have built a text based adventure game. The last thing I have to do (this is for an assignment), is ask the user if they want to play again. So, I thought the code below would probably be the best way to do it, seeing as I don't …

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Member Avatar for kelechi96

Ok I need to know how to set my class to read only the values after the = sign. Here's my class so far. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class Config { int pos; string search; public: char * confname; void configsearch () { fstream …

Member Avatar for kelechi96
Member Avatar for vsha041

Hi, I java, under BigInteger class, there is a function called modpow, [URL="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/math/BigInteger.html#modPow%28java.math.BigInteger,%20java.math.BigInteger%29"]http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/math/BigInteger.html#modPow%28java.math.BigInteger,%20java.math.BigInteger%29[/URL] It allows us to answer things like 99999^9999 % 78 very quickly. But I am unable to find one for c++. Thanks

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for amitonvoip

Hi Guys, Are there any APIs or VC++ libraries which enables to read .xls files Regards amit

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for cjswanson1355

Right now i am trying to implement a vector class. However, i can't seem to get this to compile correctly. I can declare one in my main so I know the library exists, so what is going on here? [code] #ifndef _TABLE_HASH__ #define _TABLE_HASH__ #include <vector> #include <iostream> template <typename …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for BunnysMom

My teacher and i have been having a debate of sorts and this one has me stumped ( since he's actually giving me help now i'm not complaining that my brain is being picked with only one week left in the semester lol) i've never really gotten this coding thing …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello all, I'm trying to link two files but I get error "multiple definition of `funny_words()' " I don't know what to do, as I'm new to C++. I'm reading PROGRAMMING IN C++ by P.B. Mahapatra and the topic is PREPROCESSOR. I have to learn how to Link headers, and …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for amegahed3

Hi All, I'm a C++ beginner, and I face the following problem: There's a .txt file that has some number written successively in the 15th line of the file. Each number (that could be a one or 2 digits number) is separated by a space from the preceding and succeeding …

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The End.