49,761 Topics
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Hello, I have to make this program that has two queue's. It takes input from a file, and each line in the file has a number and character. If the number is a one, the character is stored in the highQueue. If it is a 2-5 it is stored in … | |
Hi there! I'm working on this app that will allow you to encrypt or decrypt simple lines or entire txt files. It's no "real" encryption since it's easy to crack the output lines, but it's a fun project. So far I'm just done with the first option, and the funtions … | |
I have an app which i draw a PNG on the button and all works great until i want to redraw the whole screen. when i try to redraw the whole screen it gives me an exception and points to this part of afxwin2.h [code]_AFXWIN_INLINE CDC* CWnd::GetDC() { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); return … | |
[CODE=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main(void) { for(int COUNT = 0; COUNT <= 1000; COUNT++) { if(COUNT > 1000) { break; } if(COUNT <= 1000) { std::string TO_STRING; std::stringstream OUTPUT; OUTPUT << COUNT; TO_STRING = OUTPUT.str(); ofstream myfile; FILE.open ("data.txt"); FILE << … | |
Can any body tell me how to fetch data from a SQL table using SELECT statement in VC++ (MFC app) | |
Quick one about API: There is advice in MS Visual Studio 2008 Documentation: "To enable the user to draw filled shapes, include the following popup menu in your application. POPUP "Filled &Shapes" { MENUITEM "&Ellipse", IDM_ELLIPSE MENUITEM "&Rectangle", IDM_RECTANGLE MENUITEM "R&oundRect", IDM_ROUNDRECT } " Hm... where? In WinMain or between … | |
Hi guys, i want to achieve the same thing below in C++ and C, is it doable? Dont get me wrong, i dont want to create a web application, i just want to get an index number of enum by specifying a string value. [CODE]//Default.aspx : <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" … | |
Write a program that immplements a pointer based linked list with the following functions: a. Construct/ constructor b.empty c. dispaly a node/ search d.display all nodes e. delate a node f. delete all nodes g. insert a node The program displays a menu of operations below. string AuthorTitle; int BookCode; … | |
Hi guys, I wrote a program which used an external library. i was asked to include a .h file for compiling and link with the '.lib' while linking. I don't understand the reasons behind all this? Can someone explain? 1>What happens when i include the .h and link with the … | |
hi guys its my first time doing a c++ program to manipulate shell input I need to create a c++ program which reads input from this unix shell command >> ls -ali and then im supposed to count the number of dir,write files. I am not allowed to use the … | |
i am trying to place a bitmap image on a cbuton by using setBitmap() function, it is not showing up. kindly assist. | |
hi i got my second assigment here for oop in c++. but i don't understand clearly. can anyone explain it to me? [QUOTE] ASSIGNMENT 2 INTRODUCTION TO CLASS [15 marks] Objective: 1.Learn how to write class which uses dynamic memory allocation 2. Learn how to invoke member function/send message to … | |
Right now, I want to handle data file in the following format: apple 1234 coke 2344 some grape 2345 null .... as some lines consist of 3 element while some other have 2,I want to use the expression as follows to get the first two elements in every line and … | |
I got a problem that is not for homework in the book. It states... "Total Template Write a template for a function called total. The function should keep a running total of values entered by the user, then return the total. The argument sent into the function should be the … | |
So, supposing I do manage to compile a DLL with exports, how does the DLL work with my code? How would I check for the DLL on the system, and then, how would I link to it? Also, Can a DLL written in C++ be used in a VB application? … | |
Hello, I've parsed, read and edited an xml file. But when I write the output file I get a mashed up xml output. I would like to know if there is anyway to pretty print and output .xml file, like the DOMPrint example does on the cmd prmpt. Thanks | |
My Project is to create a MaxHeap priority queue to sort voters. Everything compiles fine but the linker gives me a wierd error: [code=c++]1>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall MaxHeap<class Voter,class SalaryCompare>::MaxHeap<class Voter,class SalaryCompare>(class Voter * * const,int,int)" (??0?$MaxHeap@VVoter@@VSalaryCompare@@@@QAE@QAPAVVoter@@HH@Z) referenced in function _main[/code] Anyone have any ideas? … | |
What is Broken Inheritence in OOP ? What are the reasons for it ? How can we correct such a problem ? | |
Hey all. I am using visual studio 2008 for the first time because i have heard very good things about it (plus i had numerous problems with devc++). Here is a debug.html file that shows an error i am getting while trying to compile my project in visual studio. i … | |
i m using visual studio .net 2003 vc++ mfc i cannot connect to sql server SQLSetEnvAttr() is returning null value everytime i hv used retcode = SQLSetEnvAttr(env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); pls help !! | |
Hi,guys, I am new to C++,and recently I practice to read a file with visual studio 9.0,but it turns out that it cannot find the very file! [code] #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> #include<cstdlib> #include<vector> using namespace std; //using namespace stdext; int main() { ifstream inClientFile("Dic.dat",ios::in); if(!inClientFile) { cerr<<"File could not … | |
hi im having alot of trouble with this particular code the idea is to read text from a file and print it on screen, i have done that. Next i needed to ouput the longest word onto the screen, this i have done also The bit im stuck with: I … | |
Hey men When i wanna run the code below,i get the famouse [I]don't send[/I] message and i use code::blocks 8.02 [CODE]#include <conio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int start,end; double a[start-end][2],p[start-end]; cout<<"Enter a number to begin with : "; cin>>start; cout<<"Enter a number to finish with : "; … | |
hai everyone i need the program in c++ for merge list using date structure? <snip fake signature> | |
I have to create a structure array that contains the title, director, year made, and run time of a list of 4 movies. Then I need to create a function to display the contents of the array. Then ask the user what movie they'd like to search for. Create a … | |
I am concidering learning C++, can anyone help me find a freely downloadable book for C++. Thnx in advance | |
Write a Program that models a simple calculator. Each data entry line should consist of a valid operator (from the list below), and the right-hand operand. Assume that the left-hand operand is the accumulated value in the calculator, with an initial value of 0.0. Acceptable operators: + ..Add - ..Subtract … | |
how to get a string using array? and how can I get input in this format string|12.3 12.23 | example;with no space between the lines and when user enter 0 it will exit david|12.3 24.2| Peter|12.4 24.2| | |
I am doing independent research for a professor of mine, but I'm not sure where to start. I plan to write this application in c++. 1) The application will run on a server and the main computer will be able to monitor the computers in the lab, for example the … |
The End.