49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for David Wang

[U]Visual Studio 2005 Windows Forms Application GUI[/U] [B]Form1[/B]:entering name, then log-in [B]Form2[/B]: main interface I want to show the log-in name on Form2 at a certain place. So every time a different person uses the program, it shows the log-in name on the interface. How to pass the input of …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for hjfast

Hey everyone. I am working on my final skills check for my intro C++ class and I am having some trouble. the problem is to take a descriptor and a value and tag it onto the end of a 2D array created in a struct, a la: [code] struct 2d …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for want_somehelp

what defines the type of data access that the class members make use of: 1 integer data types only 2 access specifier 3 abstract class 4 float data type only plzz answer the above question iam unable to get it.....and if possible give me reason for it as well

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for MikeyMan07

Hello, I went to college for computer science and graduated but the school i went to never actually had me focus on a certain language. By happenstance i took cumulatively 4 years of c++ but never got very far. Im really good at beginner stuff and not so good at …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for daniel88

Hi all, This is my maiden post on not only this forum, but in fact any programming forum so please bear with me. I must say that this question does relate to a piece of homework, but it is the final member function in a series of about 8 and …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for EBC

Hi, I'm a beginner in C++. I have a problem with referencing resources between 2 or more files. This is the main cpp code: [code] #include "stack.h" #include <cassert> #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { IStack ist; ist.Push(1); } [/code] and the header file: [code] const int …

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Member Avatar for winky

I recently downloaded Visual C++ 2008 express edition, and when I tested it out with a simple "Hello World" program, I got the following error: general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the manifest. The system cannot find the file specified. After doing some research, I found out that …

Member Avatar for winky
Member Avatar for alkeshtech

Hey Guys, So, I am writing a program that reads in from a file, and prints the word and counts the number of lines in the document. Here is the function that is supposed to do the work. Every time I run it lineCount is always 0. [CODE]string getString(ifstream& inFile, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for henpecked1

I've been given an assignment to write code for a sphere class. Now the point of this lesson is really formatting I/O, so they've given some member functions for the class. The problem is I don't know what they are all for. I've included them below and what I think …

Member Avatar for bugmenot
Member Avatar for himsk8r0

Im trying to make a console app to solve math in order to make things go faster. However, there is an error and it says expected primary-expression before "else" and also says expected ':' before "else". Here's the code: [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, …

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Member Avatar for xtheendx

In my program i have three sperate vectors that store the students last name, first and score. I need to sort it by last name and print the contents of the vectors lastname, firstname: score. Well i have got it doing that for the most part. But after it sorts …

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Member Avatar for Erdnase

Hi everybody, I'm working on project to my tutorial, it's called Library and basically it's reading data from text file and inserting it in structure. Output part is String Grid. It should be able to sort books alphabetically, add and delete books manualy etc. I'm using Borland C++ Turbo. Here …

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Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, I was just wondering if i could write my C++ code on notepad and run it etc? I am asking this because atm i'm at a community centre and on a computer, but not allowed to download anything, so can i? reply asap please

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Wza

[CODE=cpp]#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { char *inputString; inputString=new char[]; cout<<"Enter your string:"<<endl; cin>>inputString; //int stringLength=inputString.length(); int stringLength=strlen(inputString); inputString=new char[stringLength]; cout<<stringLength<<endl; for(int i=0; i<stringLength; i++) { if(inputString[i]>='a' && inputString[i]<='z') { if (inputString[i] != ' ') { inputString[i]=toupper(inputString[i]); cout<<inputString[i]; } else cout<<inputString[i]; } else cout<<inputString[i]; } cout<<endl; }[/CODE] First …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for macrosoft

i'm getting a problem when using cin and cout, for some odd reason it's like I'm not using a C++ compiler. I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and i tried using a borland compiler as well and i get the same error on several different computers. What in the world …

Member Avatar for togayot
Member Avatar for noraantonia

Hello:) Can you please suggest some good opengl terrain rendering links or books(not to complicated, i am quite a beginner yet). Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for wtf4096
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey. I get bored so muck around with c++ and i have made this: [CODE=C++]/* My shop program*/ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main() { double quantity; unsigned int itemNo; time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for wtf4096

I`m designing a series of classes that are responsible for creation of a lego-style (well, sort-of) 3D meshes. The basic building block of each mesh is a Box. There could be well over 1000 of these Boxes in each 3D mesh. However, my following design looks dirty to me since …

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Member Avatar for tm5054

[code] #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; const int findMe (string n[MAXIMUM = 100], double scor[MAXIMUM = 100],) { } int main () { string names[MAXIMUM]; double score[MAXIMUM]; for (int x = 0; x < MAXIMUM; x++) { cout << "Please enter a student name (Enter a …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for mussa187

how can i convert an array of char to char? this what i want to do char *argv[]; char i compare and index or argv to i.

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for xtheendx

I am writing a gradbook type program. It first allows the user to enter the number of students they want to enter. then allows them to enter the first name, last name, and grade of each student. The program then should sort the names alphabetically by last name and display …

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Member Avatar for joanam

I am programming using Visual studio C++, doing some win32 console application simple programs. I am upgrading to visual studio 2008, and I cannot compile programs in C++ done with previous versions (6.0) because I always get a compiler error. For instance, if I write: ifstream f("file.txt") then the compiler …

Member Avatar for joanam
Member Avatar for XCaliber

hey, i want to start learning C++ and i was wondering if Notepad++ is a good program to use to write it. also how do i view it as a program? <---(stupid question ya i know but i cant figure it out ><)

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for loeto

Write a program which will calculate, for every integer that is being input, a code in the following way first digit multiplied by 3 plus second digit multiplied with the third digit minus fourth digit thus the number 3124(of type int) should generatethe code 7, because 3*3 +1*2 - 4=7. …

Member Avatar for loeto
Member Avatar for dan_e6

hey guys. I need some help here! I have a 2D vector named grid. what i need to do is magnify any data in it. it's of a bool type so something like this. 1100 0110 0011 in the 2D vector would become (after magnification) 11110000 11110000 00111100 00111100 00001111 …

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Member Avatar for chrisfrolich

I was given an assignment where i have to calculate and aoutput the ocst of airline tickets for different classes (business class, coach class, first class). Output the price from different funtions. Here is what I have..... [code] int main () { double firstClass, coachClass, businessClass; cout<<"Enter the price of …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for KuromanKuro

I'm developing a videogame themed hangman game right now for class and I was wondering how to put spaces in the word they were supposed to guess without making it where the player has to input a space (Makes the game impossible to win by the way.) EX. string SecretWord; …

Member Avatar for phalaris_trip
Member Avatar for joshmo

I have a small problem with adding some items to my linked list....the code compiles with no errors but when run it doesnt complete...it looks like it is still waiting for some input but i dont know where my loops are going wrong.. [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct …

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Member Avatar for bhaSD

Hi all, I m doing one c program for serial communication.In that i want to send request to one hardware module, after receiving my request that h/w send me one frame with predefined format. CPP / C++ / C Code: [code] /* Program SERIALCOMMUNICATION.C is used for PC to PC …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for asad awan

hi i am asad and i have given a final semmester project on making a programme of budjet of an office in c++ reply plz plz in two days i have to submit it in 4days

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The End.