49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for chemicaldave

I'm being given the assignment of using the selection sort method to alphabetize a 2D array of names. Specifically I am supposed to modify a selection sort algorithm for integers and convert it for my purposes. I took the skeleton code and tried to convert it. The program compiles and …

Member Avatar for chemicaldave
Member Avatar for cpp_noobsauce

Hi, I was given this problem: "The user will enter two letters. These letters will be stored in a string using cin.getline. Replace the first letter entered with the second letter entered." The next problem we have will be to replace the letters in a sentence, but I'm stuck on …

Member Avatar for cpp_noobsauce
Member Avatar for cscode001

Hello. I am new this website and a beginner in Computer Science. I have very little experience in C++. Recently I have been working on this lab and I am stuck at a point where I don't know what to do. Can any1 help me with this code? Here is …

Member Avatar for tigger0484

using visual studios C++ express 2005 edition this is my code but when I run it I get a bunch of garbage...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int length(char phrase[]); void concat(char phrase1[], char phrase2[], int measure1); void copy(char phrase1[], char phrase2[]); …

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Member Avatar for mofoparrot

Hey guys, I'm new here, I looked through the help also searched and couldn't find anything that helped. Although I will be using the Algorithms you guys have on this site. anyways I only took a intro course to C++ about four years ago and don't remember much I wrote …

Member Avatar for mofoparrot
Member Avatar for ericisshort

This is probably the most frustrating thing in c++ for me. I can handle compile errors just fine, but when I get a core dump, I get so frustrated, because I have no idea where the problem is, especially when I have 300+ lines of code to be looking at. …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for ITJohn89

hi my name is john i have been trying to learn how to design my own software. i have been told in order to i must learn c++ i have just download Visual C++ Express Edition am not to sure what i am doing so if anyone could give me …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey i've made a simple calculator, but i was thinking about adding a square root option.. But is there a actual way to do this or would i have to create my own?? PLEASE REPLY A.S.A.P

Member Avatar for hammerhead
Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

I searched the forums for Windows API tutorials and have found [URL="http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/"]this[/URL]. Is it necessary to do everything manually like in the tutorial and after getting the hang of it move on to QT or should I jump into QT right now?

Member Avatar for eager
Member Avatar for n8makar

sort of a noob as i have been doing c++ for only a couple months now. my problem is that i am using a function to pass data from a file into an array then into a .out file. the function im using to read the data from the file …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for wiggles

I have to write a computer program to play connect 4 against a human player by friday. I have no clue even where to start on this. I have already written the game, i just dont know what to do about the computer player. Please Help me!!! p.s. What is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I keep getting this error: this application has failed to start because MFC80.dll was not found. In the past, when I've got this error i've played around with "Runtime library", switching it from /MDd to /MD to /MTd......etc etc then I turn off and on the manifest files then I …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for swaret

Hi all! i write because ive a little problem with a c++ binary tree. I wrote all the cose, and the program runs, but i have a dubt: the destructor and the copy constructor. i wrote in 3 files: nodo.h, albero.h and albero.cpp (nodo means node, albero means tree) [code] …

Member Avatar for swaret
Member Avatar for octavia

what kind of variable is UINT anyway..........? in VC++ Anyone can help me? I still cann't understand it's detail usage. :-/ :icon_question:

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for buvnut

hi there i was wondering if any1 could help me with this problem. i am a beginner at c++ and my coursework is asking me to create a program with a hash function and i am lost! could any1 tell me how to implement this? here is my problem - …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for RatherBeInVegas

I have a program that provides different responses each time it is ran. I created it via an empty project and the output is simple cout statements to the DOS window. Is there a way to convert a C++ program I created into an Windows application that displays output and …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I seem to be able to write as many characters as I want into "buffer" even though I declare it as length 1 - why is this? [code] string teststring = "teststring"; cout << teststring << endl; char buffer[1]; itoa(34567,buffer,10); teststring.append(buffer); cout << teststring << endl; [/code] Thanks! Dave

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for sohamghosh

I was just asking, is it also possible to define 2D arrays? If so, how do I pass them into the functions and use them in an address book? As in can I say employee.name[x][] when I use things like strcmp, puts, or gets, or must i say employee.name[x]?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for i_raghuveer

Problem Description: You are to write a golf game that allows the user to play one hole, a 280 metre par 5. For each swing, the player chooses a club and then the program generates the distance hit for each shot, updating the distance to the hole accordingly. Play proceeds …

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Member Avatar for timdog345

I need to use a for loop to print out the odd numbers between 25 - 1. program2 1) I also need to use a for loop to prompt user to input two intergers: firstNumber and secondNumber (firstNumber must be less then secondNumber) 2) Outputs all odd numbers between firstNumber …

Member Avatar for hammerhead
Member Avatar for Aashath

Hi All, This is regarding VC++ 6.0 compilation problem that i have faced . I deleted my "Temp" folder and trying to compile my code , but VC++ doesnt allow me to compile my code without that folder .can anyone help me in this ? why VC++ requires temp folder …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Sky Diploma

Hi all, I am currently working on a program which tests whether 2 numbers multiplied produces a PALINDROME. An example of a palindrome is 16461 which can be read same from both ways hence i devised a test. [CODE=cplusplus]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; char pali(char orig[100]); int main() …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for allialli

i am having problems with this assignment : Write a program that prints an N by N box on the screen as follows: Please enter a number between 2 and 10: 5 ----- | | | | | | ----- Press any key to continue . . . Note that …

Member Avatar for WonderWomen204
Member Avatar for lianaconda

What's the best way to swap two arrays? Would it be better to copy each position into a new array and then assign the array a new name? Or would it be better to use pointers? What would the algorithm be if I were to use pointers or a dynamically …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for DevC++

Hey, im trying to use pointers with a struct. I am having an issue in the function searchData. I can not get the pointer to compair with the string, it is still just compairing the actual adress or something else. Not sure if i even passed it right. Please help …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for binnaman

this is what I have so far. I did most of the work just that my output is screwed [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stack> #include <cmath> #include <cassert> using namespace std; int number(); bool Valid( stack<int> s, int row){// This will find out if there is a valid …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for allialli

I have another assignment for class that I am having some difficulties with. I seem to be able to write the program, except for the fact that it keeps looping over and over and I'm not quite sure how to stop this. Could anyone please help?? Thanks! This is the …

Member Avatar for WonderWomen204
Member Avatar for bleonard989

I am having problems with my linked queue adt. I don't get any error messages, but it just isn't doing anything in the menu driven client code. It's just to test the queue to make sure it works correctly. The most problem I'm having is with my print function. If …

Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi ladies and gents, Wanted to ask a simple question probably for you guys and the answer will maybe be simple aswell, but, I thought, what the heck, I'll go for it :) It just seems strange that when everyone tells to use <iostream> instead of <iostream.h>, <cstdlib> instead of …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for WonderWomen204

Would anyone be able to help me with this assignment. I pretty much almost got it, but I'm still stuck. Here is the assignment: Write a program that asks the user for two integers; call them num1 and num2. Make sure the number is between 1 and 9 (including 1 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.