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Since I closed my thread, I will just open this new one for a comment. I told you I had discovered an item in WinHelp called: "Opening and displaying a bitmap file" If you want a laugh when you get bored, pull that up and look it over. I wonder …

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Member Avatar for g_loughnan

Hi there, I'm trying to create a demonstration of a modified copy constructor. As can be seen from the code below, I've created a class called Track and defined a copy constructor such that a new object of type "Track" can be defined with the same track artist and album …

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Member Avatar for Ahmed Padela

After compiling the program, total 12 errors apreared. Please help me to resolve. All errors are shown in attachment. [code=cplusplus]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void Merge(int[],int,int[],int); void main() { int A[50],B[50],C[50],MN=0,M,N,z; clrscr(); cout<<"How many elements do U want to create first array with?(max.50)....."; cin>>M; cout<<"\n Enter first array's elememts[ascending].....\n"; for(int i=0;i<M;i++) { cin>>A[i]; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for meiyantao

Hello,everybody! I'm writing a LAN communication programming,and I need to transport a file between different host computer. I know that the TCP is a kind of stream-oriented connection.But look at the fallowing codes: [code=cplusplus] void TripPlanner::sendRequest() { QByteArray block; QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly); out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_1); out << quint16(0) << quint8('S') << fromComboBox->currentText() …

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Member Avatar for boyz

How many arguments can a return statement have Is this possible return(n-1,m+1) in this case what will it return and why

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for chrisliando

Hi I am new in Visual C++ and I want to know how to get all the > information in the listView to textBox/String > variable/ to a binary file /Serialization maybe? > > So if on the listView is consists of: > > Company | Name | Address | …

Member Avatar for ganbree

I'm using Visual C++ 2005 Express. In my solution I have 2 projects, a static library project and a executable project. The problem starts because I need WinMain() inside the static library to remove almost all the platform specific code from the executable project. How you set the entry point …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for boyz

whats the output for this??? [code] var a; var b; for(a=1;a<=4;a++) { document.write(a +"<br>") for{b=3;b<=5;b++) { document.write(b +"<br>") } } [/code]

Member Avatar for joshua.tilson
Member Avatar for picass0

Is it posible to delete away a position from STL list? eg. myList have 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 9 If i want to delete away position 9 and position 9 got no value therefore it cant be deleted. so is there any way i can delete the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for boyz

System Information Using C/C++ What would be the header files and the suitable codes required for generating system calls in C++ for the below mentioned purposes:- a. Number of Processes running in the system b. Number of Zombie Processes in the system c. Details of each of the processes: d. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for boyz

what's the difference between: char *p[]={ "ron","is best", "harry","is good"' }; and char *p[][40]={ "ron","is best", "harry","is good"' }; as both are working quite similar for a particular program

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for black1
Member Avatar for joshua.tilson
Member Avatar for vigneshvh

hai viewers i am a new viciter of this site,i want to know how a c++ program will differ form a visual c++ program,in what way it will be different from each ther in oth program,pls give sujessions for it

Member Avatar for s69265
Member Avatar for boyz

Hi friends... i programmed a file handling utility in C. it works fine when compiled under TC++ with fopen() to open a file. but it crashes with error message "Page fault error" when compiled under VC++, Dev C++ etc. I need urgent resolution please help.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for boyz

hey guys...can anyone write the code to clear the screen as clrscr() function does.... chk out this.... void main() { printf("\033[2J"); printf("\033[0;0f"); } but i couldn't able to undrstnd......can anyone xplain....

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Blythe24

Hello- I am having trouble with a program that I have written in C++. My problem is that I can't put the name information into my structure. I am able to add in the "name" the first time around, however, on the second loop it simply skips it and goes …

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Member Avatar for boyz

look at this code in c++ int main() { printf(" "); retrurn(0); } where does this 0 returns plz elaborate it completly

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Member Avatar for boyz

How to restrict cursor in crt mode window() fun is used for this purpose but when I press enter it return to next line but my commend is window(10,10,20,20); please help

Member Avatar for jbstin

hey i found out the vale of pie in a special way. i think it is interesting i am expecting some comments on this. [code=c++] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int n[10000]; int i,p=1,c=1; for (i=0;i<10000;i++) { if(p<7) p=p*10; n[i]=char(p/7); p=p%7; } cout<<3<<" . "; for (i=0;i<10000;i++,c++) { if(c==1800) …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for boyz

hi...i m an engineering student. i have assigned a project of simulation of cpu scheduling algorithms. can u plz help me out. after calculaing all the time etc hw can i simulate the whole scheduling?

Member Avatar for towhoe260

This is my assignment. Write a program to convert between yards and meters. Your solution must utilize functions to perform the conversions. Your functions must meet these requirements: One of the functions must use pass-by-value, returning the converted measure One of the functions must use pass-by-reference to store its result …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for towhoe260

This is our assignmenWrite a program to convert between yards and meters. Your solution must utilize functions to perform the conversions. Your functions must meet these requirements: One of the functions must use pass-by-value, returning the converted measure One of the functions must use pass-by-reference to store its result (the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jray344

I need to write a recursive function reverseInput that until the user enters zero it keeps on accepting numbers, then when done, outputs them in reverse order. Only thing, i cannot use strings or arrays or anything of the like and it must be done in one recursive function. It …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vigneshvh

hai i am a new user of this site , i want to know how can we develop a program that can be used in shops 4 billing,which should be more user friendly,having fine look,and more convienentpls tell how to do this program, tanku

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Member Avatar for jray344

I don't understand functions that accept a variable number of arguments. I want to make a program with a max function taking any number of type double and returns the greatest of them

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Member Avatar for jbstin

Please help me to write a programme to add two matrices. The matrices should be o 3*4 and must have necessary commend lines so that i can catch it correctly. anyone help me pls?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for nemoo

[COLOR="Green"]here is my program i think that it's right[/COLOR] [code=c++] #include<iostream.h> int main(){ int n,i=3; cout<<"please enter number to see weither it is a prime one or not"<<endl; cin>>n; if(n==2||n==3){cout<<n<<"is prime number"<<endl;} else if(n%2==0) {cout<<n<<"\t is not prime"<<endl;} else{ for(i=3;i<n;i+=2) { if(n%i==0) {cout<<n<<"\t is not a prime number"<<endl;break;} else { …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Brent.tc

I have newly made my bcstring class, and it is having some strange errors. I have given it the ability of dynamically allocating memory. If the memory to be allocated is already allocated, nothing happens (correct/non-problematic); If the memory to be allocated is greater than that that is allocated, and …

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The End.