49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi. How can I properly, and explicitly destroy std vector? Here is how it is created. std::vector<std::wstring> vData = StringSplit(sData,L',');// StringSplit returns a vector of wstring Shortly after using and converting the contents of the container, I no longer need it, or want it hanging around in memory. I don't …

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Member Avatar for mustafaali382

how can i cout diamond shape # in c++,i get many programs form different web but i didnt got it.....plz make it simple and easy

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for vikuseth

I need to list out all the shared folders(directory) in the system along with their path . i want a command or an api in MFC, for listing out the shared directories. please help me in this

Member Avatar for Suzie999

I'm having a bit of a problem with how to code something. Here is how it is in my head. I want a function which is not part of a class to access members of that class, so I want to make the class global. I have done this with …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi Does anyone know if there is an equivilent of std::stoi (string to Int) for use with wstring that I am missing? Seems a bit odd that it would be ommitted from the library, but I cannot find anything. Thank you for reading.

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am trying to make an ATM program in C++, I was able to make one 1 C# but decided to try and implemment it int C++. I basicly have this .ini file #constant format: ACCOUNT_NUMBER PIN BALANCE 123 123 123.12 456 456 456.45 And this code: #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for nmakes

I'm trying to make a function similar to strcat(char,char) in string.h header file. Somehow this code does not catenate the strings. Please help me make it better. void strappend(char *a, char *b) { int i; int start_pos = strlen(a); for (i=0; b[i]!='\0'; i++) { a[start_pos + i] = b[i]; } …

Member Avatar for nmakes
Member Avatar for CutP

Hey i have no clue what to put in the ReduceFration and CommonDemoninator sections. I know that you call the gcd function for ReduceFration and lcm function for CommonDenominator. Should be easy few lines of code but I'm a Beginner! Here's the code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int gcd(int …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for wilsonz91

Hello, I have a problem using Qt 4.8.4 on VS2012. I manage to compile the code but when I run it, it says: Qt: Could not initialize OLE <error 80010106> on the console but since it has reached the end of the program where it says 'press any key to …

Member Avatar for Terminator1337
Member Avatar for ncis_sg1

Ok so this is the first time I have ever seen this and it is very confusing. I have an assignment that I need to complete by Sunday night but I am having no luck in this question. Could anyone explain how I am to finish this in a easy …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for PrimePackster

Hi guys, I have been working on a sudoku solver, that finds solution by brute forcing during my school days.... But due to the huge number of loops i couldn't do it at then.... SO decided to complete it now.... So here the algorithm: 1. Get the number of fixed …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for John Linux

Hi, I am looking to write a internet scraper, and have considered the following languages: Python C++ Java The scraper will need to: - Retrieve HTML code from a page - Select a link, name and description from a section of the page - Ask for user confirmation (non gui …

Member Avatar for chocolatte.lavista

excuse me, can somebody help me to make a simple program that combine an array,function and pointer.. please... i'm already confuse about C++. please... thank you!

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Navlag

So I have this OpenGL program that displays a cube using gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); And it allows users to modify/rotate it along the x, y and z axis using input. Right now it looks it works pretty well, however, it terminates once the image …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for wilsonz91

Hi, I wrote a simple windows form in VC12 which works fine. However, I am unable to terminate it properly. Upon clicking either the 'X' (close button) or a button I put in with the code, Application::Exit(); The GUI disappear/closes but the process is actually still running when I check …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for dan.gerald

I am having problem on removing root, moving the lastnode to the new root and applying the downheap. Here is my code snippet #include <iostream> #include "heap.h" heap::heap() { data=new myvector<heapData> (10); size=0; heapData item; item.key=0; item.data=0; insertItem(item); } heap::~heap() { delete data; }; void heap::insertItem(heapData item) { data->insertAtRank(size,item); size++; …

Member Avatar for buterous
Member Avatar for poopoowei

TASK 1 Your first task is to create a Makefile for a project. A project has been provided to you in the compressed file CSCI124-Lab3.zip. In this file you will find numerous headers and source files. You can ignore the fact the program is implemented using classes. The program once …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for buug

hello- total c++ n00b here and i'm having problems with an assignment where we're supposed to compare an array of exam answers to an array containg a predetermined answer key and then indicate whether the exam taker has passed or failed. my program compiles just fine, but i'm not getting …

Member Avatar for buug
Member Avatar for lucas.simon994

Hi, I want to construct a vector tree using the boost make_recursive_variant library. The point of desigin the tree like this is so that when I create a new node, it will be appended to some vector, which acts as a buffer, and then the myStruct_tree will contain pointers to …

Member Avatar for ChaseRLewis

So I'm writing a memory pool allocator template where it assumes all the objects are of constant size. I need it for a couple objects in a game i'm writing because the dynamic allocation of a large number of small objects is more slow than i'd like. My issue is …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for tristanhall

I'm trying to make a blackjack program for my comp sci class and one thing I can do for extra credit is add a feature that allows a user to play a new game at the end of the first game (and replay games after each game). My thought is …

Member Avatar for tristanhall
Member Avatar for sadben.khan

Hi, Im having this problem in which the program freezes, the the code in the function called doesn't execute. Help would be much appreciated. // spellchecker2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include<cmath> #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> using namespace std; bool inDictionary(string word, string dictionary[]); …

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Member Avatar for nick.rechtien.5

Hello all. I am working on a program for class and having a bit of a problem. The program is supposed to ask the user to enter a text file in which read from. Then asks the user for the name of the animal you are searching for. Then if …

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Member Avatar for ryl294

START Input TimeEnd,TimeStart If (TimeStart>=1&&TimeEnd<=7) totalPayment=(TimeEnd-TimeStart)*1.20 Else{basicPay=(7-TimeStart)*1.20 overTime=(TimeEnd-7)*1.75 totalPayment=BasicPay+overTime } Output totalPayment END

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Johnathon332

hey guys, I am currently having problems with my OpenGL ES 2.0 application. I think I may have done my matrices wrong im not sure, but I cannot see my quad rendered to the screen. I believe it is something to do with the matrices I have set up which …

Member Avatar for Yiggasay

If my goal is to consider f1 and f2 to hold the numerator and denominator of two fractions and multiply f1(9,8) by f2(2,3). i don't understand how to write the MultipliedBy function if I only have two member variables in the class it's self. I feel like i'm just missing …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for tanmay.majumdar2

Hi people, i was trying this program while understanding the basics of input/output a txt file. SO this is a program while asks the user to input the name of the text file. If it exists, then it will read it else, it will create it and it will prompt …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for MrTang

Our assignment was to write a tic-tac-toe program for my programming class. It is person vs. computer and the computer makes "random" moves, even if computer is going to lose they will choose a random place to put their x or o it is all correct, now what I have …

Member Avatar for Nayana sharma
Member Avatar for Allorango

hey guyz... i have VC++ 2010 project... (DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY) and i have to use that dll (which is made byy c++) in VB 6 as reference... when i am using it... giving me this msg... 'Can't Add a Referenve to specified file' how to solve this...??? please help me...

Member Avatar for Allorango
Member Avatar for mksakeesh

why does code 1 gives segfault error whereas code 2 doesn't, both are basically same, do anyone have any suggestion? 1. #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class nodes { template <class U> friend class linklistchain; private: nodes<T> *adrs; T data; }; template <class T> class linklistchain { …

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The End.