49,757 Topics

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My project for my C++ class is to develop an application that will help me out in my programming life, and since I constantly have to use a calculator to determine the values in free fall acceleration I decided to write an application to do it for me. I was …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for coonsquad20

I'm learning Win API and decided to make a tic tac toe game. The game is supposed to check to see if the left mouse button is down and where it is being pressed so it will know when and where to draw the X or O. But the X …

Member Avatar for jdh1231

I have a problem to solve, and I came so close with algorithm, but I am having hard time organizing them so they work. I will post the question and the codes I have. Can someone help me organizing them? The program is expected to read input information from a …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hi there I've got a problem with functions, where it seems that function call return zero instead of the actual variable value, I will appreciate any help from you guys. I will post the major code parts because the program is big. I get the totallength variable value right but …

Member Avatar for Ahmed2
Member Avatar for engineerchica

Hey everyone, I am working on a function that reads a text file (portion below) of data points arranged in two columns and stores the numbers only in an array of signal[2500][2]. The problem is, I need to do some search and replace on [I]some[/I] of the data points. Some …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for yongj

As some of you may know already, I've been trying to re-teach myself through the data structures component of C++. I'm currently in the chapter of 'Pointers' and eventually want to make my way through finish learning hash-tables/trees/sort algorithms. Could someone give me a sort of "First learn this, then …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hi there I'm trying to ofstream (output) data to an excel file (csv), and I keep getting this error "file was not declared in this scope". Can you guys help me on this? where is the error? This is the output function, [CODE]void FileOutput() { int t; static float totallength=0; …

Member Avatar for Ahmed2
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Hello, i have made this question again, but is something i really want to learn :/ and never i get an complet answer I know enought good C#/Java Windows programming, i also know C/C++ Console programming but i think is time to learn/play with C/C++ Windows Appis ... How i …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi all , I am trying to develope an autocad like application in C++ using code::block 10.05 and directx but code::block 10.05 is not supporting graphics . Any one can suggest ? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for C++ programmer

Hi guys I have been wondering can we develop android apps on Qt? Do we have to learn Java inorder to program for android in Qt or All the programming will be done in C++. Actually I don't want to learn Java any recent because I am working on someother …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for razes_0230

Please help me to create an output like this Enter a number: 1 Number you entered : 1 Enter a number: 2 Number you entered: 1 2 3 Enter a number: 3 Number you entered: 1 2 3 sample program please?

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for chaoz014

So this is my second project in C++, but I'm having some trouble understanding Recursive functions. We are supposed to write a program that has a recursive function. And the program should ask the user for a number. And then display the number of even digits that the number had. …

Member Avatar for Fortran IV
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

[url]http://www.cs.stanford.edu/cslibrary/PointerFunCppBig.avi[/url] Main Page Link: [url]http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/104/[/url] (If this helpful to anyone, it is technically not trolling.)

Member Avatar for ruval002

ok so i have an array like this which contains an id, a myState of type State and pointer next which points to the next id [CODE] struct PCB { int id; STATE myState; Process *next; }; [/CODE] i have the following function which should decrement all the current values …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for yongj

I'm teaching pointers to myself through my book and I'm stuck on one of the practice problems. Here it is: [CODE]//What is the output of the following C++ code? int x; int y; int *p = &x; int *q = &y; *p = 35; *q = 98; *p = *q; …

Member Avatar for Eagletalon
Member Avatar for theBear

[code=c] #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <istream> #include <fstream> #include "...\myUtils.cpp" void inputCases(string[], vector<double>); void inputPrice(string[], vector<double>); void displayReport(string[], vector<double>, vector<double>); using namespace std; int main() { double tmpCases, tmpPayRate; vector <double> cases; vector <double> payRates; ofstream file; file.open("salsaCase.txt"); string tmpName[5]; tmpName[0]="Mild"; tmpName[1]="Medium"; tmpName[2]="Sweet"; tmpName[3]="Hot"; tmpName[4]="Zesty"; char mans=0; …

Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades
Member Avatar for geoffy0404

Hello I have been at this for a few days, and I have not figured it out but feel as if i am very close. I must create A program that takes a users input, then tells the user if that number is prime or composite, if composite it must …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for PressOnThis

I'm trying to find a way to display the favicon from the webBrowser in Visual Studio Windows Forms to a pictureBox. Can anyone help out?

Member Avatar for Breakbones90

I started writing this code as practice for my Computer Science class. The goal was to help with structs and arrays. But I have come to a problem. The file will compile, but returns a message saying "floating point exception." Doing research I see there could a few reasons, but …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for programmer2112

So i need to create a win32 console program that basically asks a user to input certain information about random people...ie: height, shoe size, weight. after the user has entered the information for the first person, the user is then prompted to enter the same information for another person. eventually …

Member Avatar for yongj
Member Avatar for swissknife007

I am implementing a program where I want to store only certain part of the input string. for eg if the input string is 0123456789 I want to discard 4 AND 7 and store 01235689 Please my program requires an input string of 10000 characters so running time is very …

Member Avatar for mhd_arif123
Member Avatar for dakerao

Hello I'm trying to get my game to update the screen and draw graphics on its own I kind of made it happen but it still flickers which you can see in this video I made just too showcase this problem [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j_ZDHr1x_8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j_ZDHr1x_8[/URL] Now I really don't know what is causing …

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Member Avatar for zios007

I have to write a program that prompts the user to select (but not disclose) a number between 0 and 31 and then asks exactly five questions to determine the number the user has selected. Each of the five questions is posed by presenting a group of sixteen numbers, asking …

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Member Avatar for Megann1120

I'm working on a program that lists a numbers prime factors. I've finished the bulk of the work and all I have left is the first print where it says the number is prime or composite. I know the way I'm going at it is wrong because it wont work …

Member Avatar for Megann1120
Member Avatar for halien

Hi, I am trying to compile a C++ code (not mine) initially compiled on OSX, and I am trying to get it compiled on Ubuntu (11.04). I have absolutely no experience in C++, nor am I required to learn C++ (I usually do all my coding in Python) The person …

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Member Avatar for koricha

Hello This program uses a dynamic array , which shifts x elements to the right. the program works, but my question is whether i defined shift_elements(int index,int pl) in the right way or is there a different way to do the function in the main() thank you [CODE]class MyArray { …

Member Avatar for koricha
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have an alpha beta interface and have implemented a tic tac toe class from it. For some reason my AI tends to occasionally make stupid moves (such as making a fork rather than blocking a 2 in a row) I was wondering if anybody can see where I went …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for wildplace

hi.. im trying to get a line using getline() function from an input file, but it is ignoring end line character. is there any other function that would including the end line character? btw, im not allowed to use something like aString+'\n' thanks in advance~

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for breaies

Okay, I am receiving scores and names from a text file to calculate averages. 1 line contains a name, the next line will contain 3 scores separated by spaces. Looks like this: Tom Babidal 93 94 99 Billy Marks 13 98 56 etc etc My code seems to read the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tanvirraj91

can any one give any idea which compiler i will use which work in docs.i dont want to use microsoft visual c++

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

The End.