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Member Avatar for ben1996123

I want to start learning OpenGL. Codeblocks decided to break, so I downloaded Dev-C++ instead. I've tried loads of different websites to try and figure out how to install it, and I get some type of error every time. How should I install it with dev-c++?

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Member Avatar for Nicker

Hello, See the picture: [url]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/7496/errorps.png[/url] See the code: [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> bool stamina=false; void LosHacks() { while(1){ if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F6) &1){ //F6 stamina = !stamina; } if(stamina==true){ DWORD dwPlayerPointer = *(DWORD*)0x00F37074; if(dwPlayerPointer != 0) *(float*)(dwPlayerPointer + 0x10 + 0x2C) = 100; } Sleep(50); } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE module, DWORD …

Member Avatar for mrnobody

Hi guys, I've been struggling for days to do this. I've got 2 form. The first form (Form1) is to assign a variable (Result) a value. Another form (DisplayResult) is to display out the value. Actually, my purpose is to learn how i can use global variables to share information …

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Member Avatar for dakerao

How do I stop this from happening in SDL [URL="http://i.imgur.com/D6M2X.png"]http://i.imgur.com/D6M2X.png[/URL] where the background just stops. I want it to carry on too the left for ever or atleast the width of the image on the SDL_Surface here is a video to showcase the problem [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KROV7eq8RLo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KROV7eq8RLo[/URL] and here is the code …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for sheennave

Hye all; I want dataReader to read int values into integer variables. Which conversion do i need. Please help?? [CODE] while(reader->Read()) { temp_string = reader["ID_varchar"]->ToString(); // OK } [/CODE] What about code below ? [CODE] while(reader->Read()) { temp_int = reader["ID_int"]->GetInt32(); // ERROR } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for pseudorandom21

I've been fiddling with some boost spirit stuff, and my code seems to start infinitely looping somewhere in the standard library stuff. Any ideas what's wrong? The qi::phrase_parse works very well, but the karma gets me. [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> //#include <boost/spirit.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp> #include …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Vasthor

Hi guys, again, coming to this forum for asking some confirmation of my knowledge confusion. firstly, let's take a look on the code:- [CODE] #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { // main process const int value_1 = 1000; const int *pointer_1 = &value_1; const int **pointer_2 = …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for deanus

Hi, I've just learned that Java's 'protected' access specifier has a different effect than that in C++. So is there a way to make a member of a base class visible to its inheritors but not globally? Dean

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Member Avatar for jayjey

I don't understand what is wrong with this. This is the line with the error: `}while(playAgian());` Thank you :) #include <iostream> #include <string> class Ice { public: void hit(int playerLoco, int iceStrenth, int loco1, int loco2, int loco3); int strenth; class Loco { public: int location; bool hit; }; }; …

Member Avatar for gevorg1808
Member Avatar for Smartflight

Hi, I'm learning C/C++ at school and we have our vacations; thought I might do some programs on my own. I've landed at trouble with sorting numbers in a 1-D array at the time of insertion. It seems to work up to a certain point, after which it fails to …

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Member Avatar for epicbeast9022

Hello everybody I [I]thought[/I] I understood inheritance but it turns out I don't. I am creating an SDL/OpenGL mini-GUI library. I have a master class, GUIComponent, with subclasses such as TextLabel under it. I have a vector called guiList that is initialized as [ICODE]std::vector<GUIUnit*> guiList[/ICODE] (it's extern'd and initialized elsewhere; …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for floatingDivs

Hey everyone (especially Narue!), I've ventured over to the C++ board again. I've been reading my C++ book (Data Structures and Algorithms in C++) again and want to fully grasp the concept of pointers. In the back of each chapter, a couple of exercises are available and I'm attempting to …

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Member Avatar for ThomsonGB

Okay - Now I am beginning to get a bit frustrated. I have a project that builds perfectly and I just want to duplicate it so I create a new project with the new name that I want to call it. When It shows me the empty space to start …

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Member Avatar for Srinivas0

write a program to accept the salaries of 10 employees from the user and display them in descending order for all the employees,if the user enters zero, the program should display the message"the amount should be greater than zero" and accept the value again. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class …

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Member Avatar for khelly

so, this is my coding. [code]#include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iomanip.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; struct menu typedef struct menu RECORD; void addRecord(RECORD input[], int arraycounter); void printRecord( input[]); void printAllRecord( input[]); int main() { fstream submit; submit.open("D:jualan.dat",ios::out); { int menuEnter; int arraycounter=0; do { cout<<"\tFamily Outfit Shop"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN …

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Member Avatar for pspwxp fan

K. I've put up with this issue for long enough and have decided to solve it once and for all. Halp? For those who dont know what i'm talking about, its the damned VC++ error "Resource file *.ico is not in valid 3.00 format" ^^headache. Googling doesn't help. I made …

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Member Avatar for konic2

Hi There, here is tricky (for me) issue: 1. Windows 7, SP1. 2. I have lots of C++ redistributales in C:\Wimdows\winsxs like 'x86_microsoft.vc80..' and 'x86_microsoft.vc90..'. So I do have them installed but when I check if I have them 'legally' installed using all possible uninstallers including native one I do …

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Member Avatar for swagen

hi , can anyone provide the code of insertion ,deletion, search of AVL ?? sorry, im still bigginer in c++ language.. Thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for adil.h

After figuring out my past problem (no instance of an overloaded function), I've come across another problem. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/SvX1l.png[/IMG] I've pinpointed the code where I know the error is originating from: [code] static int Decode_VL64(const std::string &data){ char* chars = (char*)data.c_str(); return Decode_VL64(data); } [/code] What I'm trying to do here …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Srinivas0

create a menu driven application that accepts the salaries for ten employees and display the following information: 1)max salary 2)min salary 3)avg salary 4)number of employees whos salary is greater than 1000 5)the salaries in ascending and descending orders. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Max { int marks[10]; public: …

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Member Avatar for n0de

Hi, not so much into software design patterns [further - SDP], so while learning this "thing" i have some issues with trying to combine multiple SDP. I think that there are some logical issues.. Thank you for your time! :) [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; /*the Command interface*/ class …

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Member Avatar for burcinerek

problem: five students pick five balls, but they must not choose the same ball this program does not work i dont know what is wrong. [CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int student[5] = {0}; int ball[6] …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for shakeel3442

I Wanted to create a Live Audio Broadcaster by which i can transmit Audio from a local computer to a webserver . Which all programming languages can be used to make it and how can i make it . Any Help will be Appreciated .

Member Avatar for nuclear

I'm using SDL to make a game and I'm using frame independent movement, everything works fine with no gravity or acceleration: [CODE]boxOffsetY += yVel * ( DELTA.get_ticks() / 1000.f );[/CODE] The box moves accordingly, no matter what frame rate i use. But when i try to add gravity: [CODE]yVel += …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sergent

I know that by default member functions of a class are inlined [CODE] class d { public: int a() { return 1545435; } }; [/CODE] And I also know that it's not allowed to declare functions in headers unless they are inlined. Is there a way to declare a function …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Kristo.lane

Hi guys, I have written a program that writes a .csv file readable in Microsoft excel. Is there a way I can launch the file with Microsoft excel once I compile and run the program? [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { …

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Member Avatar for Despairy

I cant seem to find anything useful on the web except adding outside libraries for this one help is required. I wrote a program that you can say builds a database of users and their passwords. the program loads the users from an existing file already into a hashtable. now …

Member Avatar for Caligulaminus
Member Avatar for see_bharath

Hi, I am a newbie in C and have this question with char pointer; [code=c] char * s = "hello world"; *(s+1) = 'a'; [/code] This is throwing a segfault error. Should'nt this work since I am modifying only one memory location. Also I have seen such code on the …

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Member Avatar for sasho648

And the question is - how to include a window inside the window? I want to include at my main window with options and buttons one other with Direct3d graphics on another thread.

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Member Avatar for ThomsonGB

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now I have an idea how to get my strings from the file so that I can properly // play with them (with fstream I did not have the string "in my clutches" quite // the way I wanted it). However, now I have a problem with my …

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The End.