49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for paulmcco

Hello, I am trying to build cURL 0.7.3. When I configure cURL.pp within the shell (./configure), the program exits with error: cannot find boost libraries. So I used the following command to bypass this step: ./configure --without-boost The configuration finishes with no errors, however, when I try to "make" within …

Member Avatar for pdellongo

Hello. I have written my code and I am almost done, but I keep getting LNK2019 errors. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int getStudentCount(void); double getExamScores (int noStudents); double getLabScores(int noStudents); double calculatePointGrades(double, double); char calculateLetterGrades(double); void …

Member Avatar for pdellongo
Member Avatar for RikkiUW

Hey all, I am designing a budgeting program, not for any particular reason, and am having trouble with my new budget "wizard". I'm just storing the budget info in an xml file, and so far the program can load and modify info (I've yet to implement saving), but it cannot …

Member Avatar for RikkiUW
Member Avatar for clyo cleopas

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <iomanip> const double minimumFee = 7.00; const double hourlyFee = 1.75; const int numOfCustomers = 12; const int numOfMinsPerHour = 60; void inputAndValidate(int&,int&,int&,int&); void convertToMinutes(int&,int,int); void convertBackToTime(int&,int,int); double calcCharge(int,int,int); int main() { int entranceMinutes,exitMinutes,entranceTimeInMins,exitTimeInMins ; int minutesParked,parkedMinutes,entranceHour,exitHour,parkedTime ; int parkedHours; double charge ,totalCharges; int …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for GummyBear

Hello, I am trying to do the following: [quote] Company needs 200 pens a year. Write a program to gauge the expected cost of an item in a specific number of years. Asks for the cost of the item, numbers of years from now it will be purchased, and the …

Member Avatar for GummyBear
Member Avatar for wonderingmind

I am having an issue with my decryption out.txt file. I have gotten the program to open the input file in note pad and encrypt. to an output text file but when I try to decryp to an out text file it doesn't do anything. I figure I am missing …

Member Avatar for clyo cleopas

[CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <iomanip> const double minimumFee = 7.00; const double hourlyFee = 1.75; const int numOfCustomers = 12; const int numOfMinsPerHour = 60; void inputAndValidate(int&,int&,int&,int&); void convertToMinutes(int&,int,int); void convertBackToTime(int&,int,int); double calcCharge(int,int,int); int main() { int entranceMinutes,exitMinutes,entranceTimeInMins,exitTimeInMins ; int minutesParked,parkedMinutes,entranceHour,exitHour,parkedTime ; int parkedHours; double charge ,totalCharges; int …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for NubTruck

Hi guys, I am trying to create a edit control, with pure win32. When the return key is pressed I would like it to run a section of code. I have tried getting it to handle the return key message through the main windows message handler. Unfortunately that causes it …

Member Avatar for Bobbysmile

Hello I an new to C++ and am making my first program from scratch that has a useful solution after a while debugging I notice a problem with a displayed item and so I change the the code and a new error comes up... [TEX]------ Build started: Project: A_Message, Configuration: …

Member Avatar for Bobbysmile
Member Avatar for PratikM

Hey guys, I made a converter program and i was just wondering how to make it run on its own without debugging it or anything. So, Any Help Is Appreciated Thanks! If you want my code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <string> using namespace std; float FTC (float); int main() …

Member Avatar for PratikM
Member Avatar for dantinkakkar

I need assistance in printing out a Quine. I googled it and stuff, but I didn't understand the code snippets I saw. Can anyone explain in a more lucid tone?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for trpst380

I'm making console application and i need to show an image.. i was searching for something to create popup and control it with console (change image every 2 seconds)... but it was hopeless.. but maybe where is some way to accomplish that.

Member Avatar for bin2207

i am doing a C++ program that gets number of vectors, so user can input magnitude of each vector. using 3 functions 1.main function, 2.function that get the number of vectors(looping-number of vector must be positive) and 3.last function get the magnitude of vectors (looping - must be positive) and …

Member Avatar for xsnake7
Member Avatar for HASHMI007

[CODE]// bakers.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // /* HEADER USED IN THIS PROJECT*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<string> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #include<fstream> #include<ctype.h> using namespace std; //Classes in this program class Bank { private : long Ac_no; string f_name , l_name ,City; char Ac_type; …

Member Avatar for Süspeñce
Member Avatar for mikejz88

I can't seem to get this to compile for nothing; I'm new to this c++ any help out there? [CODE]#include <iostream> int main() { //declare variables double average = 0; double sum = 0; double array[10]; int k; // User Input and Total of number input for (k =0; k …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for kartikkp

I'm trying to make a rectangle object and just do some simple commands. It has been a while since I've coded in c++ so I'm not sure what syntax errors I have? Any help would be appreciated I'm getting the error: request for member 'area' in 'c', which is of …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for PratikM

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask why this error kept on showing up, i looked at everything, but i couldn't find anything, so maybe one of your eyes will catch something. Here's my code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <string> using namespace std; float FarenheitToCelsius (float); int main() { …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for DestinyChanger

Hi everyone I'm working on a remote controled robot which have four cams & one sound recorder. the robot encode the data send it to a computer, an application decode data and view 4 cams & play sound. Here is my question is there any function or library than can …

Member Avatar for DestinyChanger
Member Avatar for nuclear

Hello. First of all i know that this was asked like a million times, but i just cant get the right answer anywhere, yes, even on google. So the thing is that i learned the C++ basics and my learning process was only in a Console Application. And now for …

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Member Avatar for rina khatkar
Member Avatar for rina khatkar
Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for skydust

i'm working on a small project where i'm storing student details in an array of structures.The admin logs in to modify these details.How do i get this data to remain permanent?(i.e the data entered should not be erased every time i re-open the program) Is there no way other than …

Member Avatar for skydust
Member Avatar for shadowscape

Hello Developers, I have been attempting for weeks now to create a DLL that reads information from authenticode signed Executables/DLLs, but i cant seem to get anywhere, here is what im trying to do... Create a DLL that has the following functions... [B]certinfo(filename, information);[/B] this function will return the specified …

Member Avatar for NicAx64

hi , I just using 64 bit linux with my powerfull desktop computer. and I use Scientific linux as the destro,I use the RPM binary package to install gcc. and I using nasm also. I write simple example program in a nasm assembly (free) book.And the author gives some library …

Member Avatar for linuser
Member Avatar for rigz

Can anyone give a solution for this? Im just new here. Wishing to have a great time here :) by the way : I made a program that the user will buy a certain product (a cake) then i also have a "receipt-like" after. But i dont know how to …

Member Avatar for rigz
Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi All! I'm try to make a game in C++ with OpenGl. So far i've programmed the sprite and the platform. the next thing is to create a AI bot who will try to kill you in the game. but I've got the most bisarr problem with that: The AIBot …

Member Avatar for emorjon2
Member Avatar for sadsdw

Hi there, I have a file with 500.000 columns and 300.000 lines. The format is like that: ColXX ColWW ColQQ ColTT ... ColEE H1 G1 H1 K1 ... L1 G1 H1 K1 L1 ... O1 . . . Based on the first line information, (ColXX to ColEE), what is the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for PratikM

Hi guys, I'm running Visual Studio 2010 C++ Express on Windows 7 and I was just wondering how to make the debug screen in full screen. So Any Help is Appreciated. Thanks

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for I<3CPP

Why doesn't this code work [CODE]class myclass { public: int *ptrarray; myclass() { ptrarray = new int[2]; *ptrarray[0] = 5; //here I want to set the value of ptrarray[0] to 5, not its adress *ptrarray[1] = 10;//here I want to set the value of ptrarray[1] to 10, not its adress …

Member Avatar for I<3CPP
Member Avatar for senator22

I am relatively new to C++ programming but conversant with C# programming. I am currently working on connecting to Avaya Aura Contact Centre RTD tables. The issue I am having is that the compiled software download from Avaya website connects to the server and download data to the console screen, …


The End.