49,762 Topics
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[CODE]Server::Server(boost::asio::io_service& io_service,std::string ip,short port,std::shared_ptr<ConnectionFactory> factory) : acceptor_(io_service, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(ip.data()), port)){ m_factory = factory; start_accept(); std::cout<<"Socket accepting connections..."<<std::endl; } Server::~Server() { } void Server::start_accept(){ boost::asio::io_service io_service; std::shared_ptr<Connection> conn = m_factory->create(io_service); acceptor_.async_accept(conn->socket(), boost::bind(&Server::handle_accept, this,conn, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); } void Server::handle_accept(std::shared_ptr<Connection> conn,const boost::system::error_code& error){ if (!error) { std::cout<<"on connected"<<std::endl; conn->OnConnected(); start_accept(); } } [/CODE] when i … | |
hey, i'm supposed to prompt a user to enter 6 sets of numbers, find the difference of each set based on which number is greater(so that no negative number will be seen, enter the difference into the array, rearrange the array in ascending order and then print the array. the … | |
Hello All I have little confusion between Abstraction and encapsulation. Abstraction means Giving only essential things and hiding unnecessary details. Encapsulation means binding the data members and methods together in a capsule form to avoid accidental changes to data from external users. Now both uses hiding of data. What is … | |
Hello, would like to ask about this problem im facing. [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <ios> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #define MAX_MSG 30 using namespace std; vector<UserInit> ReadUsersInitial() { fstream file ("Users_initial.txt"); FILE *file1 = fopen("Users_initial.txt", "r"); string tempFile; if (file.good()) … | |
I;m having a hell of a time this simple program im trying to create... any help would be great! most of it is right except can't get the formula to show up so theres an extra line of code in there because i dont know what to do this is … | |
[CODE]template < class Object> void fix(queueType < Object> &q, int n) { -if (n>=1) -{ ---Object temp = q.front(); ---q.deleteQueue(); ---fix(q,n-1); ---q.addQueue(temp); -} }[/CODE] (a)what will the final state of queue q1 be after the statement fix(q1,2); is exexuted, if q1 has the values (1,2,3,4,5} my answer: {2,3,4,5,1} because q.addQueue … | |
I'm trying to get a players name from a file on their computer and then display that name onto a Label on my chat program. This Label is also used when sending messages to the server in order to display the persons name with their message. The problem I'm having … | |
This is a conversion question that has me stumped. I need to convert an unsigned char to a signed float. Some examples: 0xFF becomes 1.0f 0x00 becomes -1.0f 0x80 becomes ~0.0f The only idea that I could come up with was a massive switch statement. But a switch statement will … | |
Hello I am working in my study with xml file therefore I want to read an xml file with c++ to get the information such the coordinates of the points in order to use them later. I have written the following code, but [U][B]I have just taken only one value[/B][/U]. … | |
[CODE]void SortedNumberList::add(double number) { ListNode *nodePtr, *previousNodePtr; if (head == NULL || head->value >= number) { head = new ListNode(number, head); } else { previousNodePtr = head; nodePtr = head->next; while (nodePtr != NULL && nodePtr->value < number) { previousNodePtr = nodePtr; nodePtr = nodePtr->next; } previousNodePtr->next = new ListNode(number, … | |
Hello everyone, I'm trying to declare a 2-dimension (A[][]) dynamic matrix but I'm having problems ... The A's elements need to be FLOAT. The size of lines and columns are both vectorX.size(). Could you help me please? One of error's message is: "cannot convert `double' to `float**' in initialization" [CODE] … | |
Hi there. I'm trying to write a program that will establish a DB of names and Ids. The thing is i don't want to scan the entered data to a temporary variable and then put it into the file, but to scan the user's input directly to the file itself. … | |
[B][U]Write a class named Employee that has the following member variables:[/U][/B] [B]name:[/B] The name attribute holds an employee’s first and last name [B]idNumber: [/B] The idNumber attribute is a string variable that holds an employee’s ID number [B]department: [/B] The department attribute holds the name of the employee’s department [B]position:[/B] … | |
I'm trying to make a calculator that parses input like [TEX]( 3 + 2 ) * 5[/TEX] I want to use formal grammar for this, and I'm wondering how to organize this. I was thinking having a class for Value, which would basically just be a number. Then I want … | |
There are occasionally posts asking how to remove white space from string of characters (either a C-style `char` array, or a C++ `std::string`). Using functions in standard C++ libraries, this is quite an easy thing to do: #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <cctype> int main() { /* Make … | |
Ok this is my situation I have this header file: [CODE]struct dir { char name[3]; int root_dir; int has_children; int num_children; int offset_to_children[2]; int offset_to_files[16]; }; struct files { char name[5]; int size; int offset_to_beginning; int has_fragment; int next_fragment; }; struct fat { int files; int dirs; struct dir *dir_array; … | |
hello.. [COLOR="Red"]i need code for finding all possible combination of repetitive characters using recursion function.[/COLOR] actually the question i s "Imagine a robot sitting on upper left corner of NxN grid. the robot can only move in two direction "Right" and "Down". write a recursive function to find all possible … | |
Hello everyone, i have written a program in c++ using Microsoft visual studio which runs perfectly, at least to my satisfaction. However i thought it would be nice to create a graphical user interface to it, and i have used Ms Visual C++ to design one and Visual c++ can … | |
can some one tell me a prog of making different combinations using recursion in c/c++ and it should also be a function | |
How can I send an email through C++. I need to make the following: [CODE]bool SendMail(char* from, char* to, char* title, char* msg) { //What now? //Return true on success, false otherwise }[/CODE] | |
Hey, does anyone know which function/s i need to use to copy a file from one subdirectory to another, without changing the name? im on windows if that helps. | |
![]() | Ok, I received an assignment today, and we have our weekly test tomorrow. I was going through the 25 questions, and this is my first problem... The question is as follows: Write a program to keep count of created objects for a class. Make suitable assumptions. For example, in the … |
Hi every one, in fact need helps very quicly, I have project system have to use c++ program but i dont know how to include file in program to read and write. I will put my soluation to help me some one and the question, to know the person who … | |
Hi, I need to find the 'length' of union between 2 vectors. The code I have is[CODE] vector<int> v1,v2; vector<int> unionsetv; vector<int>::iterator it; v1.push_back(1);v1.push_back(2);v1.push_back(3); v2.push_back(3);v2.push_back(2);v2.push_back(4); it = set_union(v1.begin(),v1.end(),v2.begin(),v2.end(),back_inserter(unionsetv)); cout << unionsetv.size()<< " "; cout << int(it - unionsetv.begin())<< " " ; [/CODE] I could not get this to work and … | |
Can any body suggest me how can I free the dynamic memory in the given code [CODE]int fun(CString qry, CStringList *List,int n) { using namespace std; string sqlStmt = qry; int i; this->stmt = this->conn->createStatement (sqlStmt); ResultSet *rset = this->stmt->executeQuery (); string **oraRecordsStr=NULL; try { while (rset->next()) { if(oraRecordsStr == … | |
[CODE]#include<iostream.h> void main() { void prn(int a); void prn(int a,int b); int x,y; cout<<”\n enter a number”; cin>>x; prn(x); cout<<”\n enter two numbers”; cin>>x>>y; prn(x,y); getch(); } void prn(int a) { cout<<a; return ; } void prn(int a,int b) { cout<<a<<b; return ; }[/CODE] | |
Well, I'm not exactly an expert with C++, and I have been making a text RP for general use. I'm having some problems.[CODE]#include "Library.h" void main() { //welcome screen cout <<"####Welcome to Xe0n RP, part of the Xe0n project started by Adil\n"; cout <<"####Programmed in C++\n"; cout <<"####Currently in beta\n"; … | |
![]() | [CODE]//plz run .an accrued .Processor fault error.plz help me /* Bank taransection Program.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<string> #include<process.h> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; class details { public: char *name; int age; char branch[50]; char city[40]; void getdetails() { name=new char[20]; … ![]() |
Hi all, well my problem isn't a practical problem. I have a project to do which is a word game.First of all i have a .txt (a dictionary) my program has to fetch a random word and shuffle it. With the combination of those letters the program has to find … ![]() | |
Could someone please run this code in XP and let me know if it works. I am on Windows 7 and have looked at this code for 2 months now and not able to find a solution to save my life. If you see what is wrong with it though … |
The End.