49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for aesthete

Hi, i need to write a code which can convert a raw image to anyother desired format like BMP or JPEG etc.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for daviddoria

n windows I used GDI+ to capture a region of the screen. Is there something similar for linux? I want to do ScreenCapture(Top, Left, Width, Height); and save it to a file (png or something). What's the easiest way to do this? Thanks, Dave

Member Avatar for Mual
Member Avatar for munitjsr2

I am learning C/C++/oracle/Unix? I am thinking of developing some application on my own, but I have no Idea what else is required. If you take an example of C++.I have very basic knowledge of it(data types, oops concepts,vectors,file handling,exception handling etc) I am not an expert though. I have …

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Member Avatar for superjj

I'm making a project in c + +. I am now creating help, so if you push a button or F1. but I do not know how to make this. can someone help me Thanks in advance jongen joeri

Member Avatar for superjj
Member Avatar for joru819

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; void displayCardFace(int value)// gives 10 value cards a face to make gameplay more realistic { if ((value >= 2) && (value <=10)) cout << value; else if (value == 1) cout << "Ace"; else if (value == 11) cout …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for JohnBoyMan

Hello. I have been programming for a while now and am ok but for some reason i can never figure out weather or not to do something like this [CODE] code * c; c->something(); [/CODE] or [CODE] code c; c.something(); [/CODE] no where has explained that to me, but ive …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Mr. K

I am trying to move a ball using time. What do I need to know to move the ball? How can I move the ball 20 pixel per second? [CODE]#include <allegro.h> int ballx = 320; int bally = 240; void ball(){ if(key[KEY_RIGHT]){ } else if(key[KEY_LEFT]) { } acquire_screen(); circlefill(screen,ballx,bally,5,makecol(255,255,255)); release_screen(); …

Member Avatar for Mr. K
Member Avatar for CodyOebel

OK I figured after looking at some of my top down style original application that I wanted to make it a bit more classy, and organized as well as simply just use a class to both keep familiar and give me dynamic options. I have ran into problems and cannot …

Member Avatar for CodyOebel
Member Avatar for xander25

So ive been trying to figure this out on my own and searching the books and the net and still no success. Can anyone give me some input with this thing. [code=php] #pragma once #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class hugeint{ friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const hugeint &); public: hugeint(long …

Member Avatar for ztdep
Member Avatar for cestra

[COLOR="Red"][B]//This is the main file[/B][/COLOR] [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include "Books.h" #include"account.h" using namespace std; int main() { cout << "\tWelcome\t" <<endl; cout << "1-Login" <<endl; cout << "2-Register" <<endl; cout << "3-exit" <<endl; cout << "Please enter a choice: "; cin >> choice; switch (choice){ case 1: system ("cls"); cout …

Member Avatar for cestra
Member Avatar for ziron

Hi people, I am a C4 Quadriplegic I use WiViK 3.1 desktop keyboard with word prediction called wordQ but I keep getting the same error. I have reinstalled it many times, I have up to date antivirus and spyware. [URL="http://www.wivik.com/description.html"]http://www.wivik.com/description.html[/URL] I host and design websites but know nothing about C++ …

Member Avatar for ziron
Member Avatar for ztdep

Dear friends; I write a stack template, the head file and the main are as follows; but when i test the push function, it give me the following error. i do not understand the reason. could you please help me out. 1>f:\computation\datastructure\stack template\stack template\main.cpp(31) : error C2664: 'Stack<T>::push' : cannot …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Euphan

I've been tasked with reading in multiple emails that are stored in a single archive file and then scanning it to find certain things. My problem now is that I seem to only be reading in the first of the many individual files stored in the single archive. The "archive" …

Member Avatar for Euphan
Member Avatar for dizzymrswagg

Newton’s Law says that the force, F, between two bodies of masses M1 and M2 is given by f=k(m1,m2/d^2) Where k is the gravitational constant and d is the distance between the bodies. The value of k is approximately 6.67 x 10-8 dyn.cm2/g2. Write a program that prompts the user …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for sms5660

I can't make my array work. I have never encountered this error before and I am a beginner programmer, this is my homework assignment. Please help! I really don't understand/know a lot of terminology, so it would be most helpful if you showed me how to change my errors. Thank …

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Member Avatar for mattloto

Hello! I'm just starting out with makefiles, and I'm doing something using SDL (it's a cross-platform window manager). For this project, I want to incorporate a makefile into it, but I don't know what to do. The tutorials for SDL say to compile the program, use this command: [CODE]g++ sdltest.cpp …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for b1izzard

Hi everyone, I am trying to create Tag Extractor which is much like Twitter's Trending topics or Google's Top searchwords. Input file consists of a collection of some 3000 tweets. Problem 1: I am using "Qt" as the front end.(Entirely newbie to qt). Using two "List View" controls. one loads …

Member Avatar for davelee

Hi, I am writing a piece of code for a student database. I have one abstract base class named student and three classes (physics student, biology student and chemistry student) derived from student. I want to overload the insertion operator (<<) so that at some point in main I can …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for AhmedGhazey

hi i have this problem and i don't know where exactly i must search if you can pass any tutorials i'll be grateful thanks. Find Counter Examples that prove the following statements are wrong : 1-f1 (n) - f2 (n) is O(g1(n) - g2(n)) 2-f1 (n) / f2 (n) is …

Member Avatar for Sahilroy

I was given an assignment to complete on database, i have created it and also works but crashes after executing once, check it friends and please help, if you can modify or make it works my time is really limited and am unable to find a solution, friends be graceful …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for geekme

In oreder to implement a routing algorithm , I need to maintain a router table that is to be updated .What data structur is to be used for this? Please help.

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for jmcginny5

I had posted this before. But I am more on the right track. The places that I need help with have something saying like "need something here" or "need to fix the way it is displaying" I can't figure it out. I also am not sure if the multiplication portion …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for hawita

Hi please help. Any help would be appreciated :D I have to write a program to read data from a large text file, analyze it, and output the results of the analysis to a data file. there are two data files to process. Problem: Using airborne sensors that record GPS …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Krammig

Thanks for reading. I installed VS2010 after a drive crash, prior I had VS2005 and everything was fine. Now on compiling a C++ app that was fine previously I am seeing a couple of errors which I just cannot figure out. Error 1 error C1189: #error : This file requires …

Member Avatar for Krammig
Member Avatar for cafegeo

I have two functions. One is supposed to fill in an array, and the other takes that new array, finds the lowest number in that array, and prints the subscript. int getNumAccidents(int acc[], const int size); [B]Fills array num_acc[][/B] int findLowest(int acc[], const int size); [B]Takes num_acc[], finds lowest value …

Member Avatar for cafegeo
Member Avatar for Loki55

This is an assignment that I'm having trouble with, these are the 2 questions I'm having trouble with. 2. Write a loop that counts only the odd numbers out of the first five numbers entered from the keyboard, but does not count (skips) the number 7. Use the keyword continue …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for chocl8drop

I am trying to write a C++ program that will list the perfect numbers between 1 and 1000. I also have to print the divisors to confirm the number is perfect. I started by trying to find the perfect numbers. Here is my code. Please help. #include <iostream> using std::cout; …

Member Avatar for sundas0068
Member Avatar for sahasrara

Dear all this program create a linked list of numbers while you dont enter 0. then bubble sort function is called and finally display function shows sorted list. I wrote it by Borland 5.02 . Have a good time!

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sms5660

I have to write this code for my homework assignment. I am in an introductory C++ class, VERY introductory. We had to write a blackjack game, but follow the book at the same time, I know there are many easier ways to do the things my code says, but we …

Member Avatar for sms5660
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have a problem that I am having trouble solving. I have a string of undefined length containing '0' or '1'. I need to convert this string to decimal... but I CANNOT store it in anything but another string. My issue is how to do this?! I have been thinking …

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The End.