49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for barevhayerable

hello everyone.. please answer me , if you can give me working code I thought about something... I know that everything in our machines have addresses.. I thought about watching everything in my computer's random access memory(RAM) But I don't want to see the information in view of garbage , …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pseudorandom21

Okay, so the problem is: I need a way to display a graphic with a few lines of text over the picture. An amount determined at run-time of these will be created. They also needs to be contained in a scrollable container, and scroll properly. It sounds simple but I'm …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hello! I need help to construct a regular expression in Python that will help me get the file name of a include directive in C++. I think that regular expressions are a good way to solve this problem, but I'm open to new ideas. Consider these following includes: [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for dcasmac418

hi! i'm having a hard time in understanding the "bubble sort", can anybody please help me in creating a programming that allows the user to input 10 integers and gives them an option whether it will display from "hi to low" or "low to hi". thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for dcasmac418
Member Avatar for TailsTheFox

Hello, I am wondering how you read input from a text box in microsoft visual studio Forms. I'm trying to make a program that reads text box data and tells you the readout, but I don't know what to type to return the data typed in a text box. Please …

Member Avatar for TailsTheFox
Member Avatar for Vallnerik25

I have some questions about the logical not operator in C++ and Visual C++. I have posted another question relating to the logical not operator. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the uses of this operator. From what I have read so far the logical not operator …

Member Avatar for pkunzip1234
Member Avatar for jshoot

Hi everyone! I'm triyng to develop a program whith this functions: 1 - Read data from text file 2 - Put the data from file to a variable(ignoring comments in the file) 3 - Tokenize the data e transform the variable into another variable(like float) 4 - Make the calcs …

Member Avatar for jshoot
Member Avatar for KKR_WE_RULE

Well guys.. Here goes my first post here :) I've coded few ECC methods that are very frequently used in Cryptography. I've tested the code with the examples posted in certicom website & it works well. But then I implemented ECDSA_Sign() --> Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm using my own …

Member Avatar for becool007

Hello, So I am using microsoft visual C++ 2010 and I was wondering is there a way to avoid using .NET implementations? If so, what would I need to do and what are the drawbacks. Thanks

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for DubyStev
Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hello everybody! I've made an application in borland C++ builder 2006. Then I tried install it in another computer. borland C++ builder 2006 is not installed in this computer. So I got the message: can not open my application because missing file vcl100.bpl . I searched in google.com but still …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for saumya_kapila

Hey, I have to write a code,which reads a file and finds anagrams in it.The output is a set of anagrams(the output I am getting from this code) again to be printed in a text file. Can you please tell me how can I delete the repeated anagram sets from …

Member Avatar for HeartBalloon
Member Avatar for pkunzip1234

[CODE]/* My problem is I do not understand the following statement in 45. used[minIndex] = [COLOR="Red"]true[/COLOR]; // Record minimum as used boolean array used[] can sort array values[] by minimum when we set "[COLOR="Red"]true[/COLOR]" ? */ // Soln4_4.cpp : main project file. #include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; /* This uses …

Member Avatar for pkunzip1234
Member Avatar for lisako

Hello everybody! I’m new to C++. Need some help. I am trying to prompt the user to enter the file name. File itself includes list of 5 emails. After user enters the file name, program should check the list of emails and output all emails that have wrong email format …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for andimiami

Hello... I am still a newbie! I have an assignment to write a C++ program to cover a series of ASCII character digits into numbers. Like if the input (that I have ti input from a saved file) was $1,9,56#%34,9 it would output 1956 349 on two seperate lines ignoring …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for deanus

Hi, Can private static data members of a class be accessed through non-static methods of that class? I'm asking this (dumb) question because on a C++ book I've read that a class's static data members can only be accessed through a static function, but when I tried doing it with …

Member Avatar for deanus
Member Avatar for Lemonader

When converting Roman Numerals, how do I tell the code to consider the fact that the letters are also used for subtraction? Like, X=10 and L=50, but XL is 40 and not 60. How do I do this ( instead of listing all combination )? [code] include <string> using std::string; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for chamika.deshan

Hello This is my base [CODE]class BaseClass { // base has no body };[/CODE] and child [CODE]class ChildClass : public BaseClass { public: void testMethod(); };[/CODE] I do [CODE]BaseClass* base = new BaseClass(); ChildClass* c = static_cast<ChildClass*>(base); c->testMethod();[/CODE] Above compile and ChildClass::testMethod() executes fine. my memory is allocated by BaseClass …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Mayank23

can someone help me, each time i send my friend a program he says tht the windows goes away once he enters something. please help.

Member Avatar for Nandomo
Member Avatar for juanp

I'm having a lot of trouble getting my code to compile. It basically has this structure: [CODE]Headers: a.h, b.h, c.h CXX: a.cxx, b.cxx, c.xx[/CODE] And my main.cpp of course. The problem is that my classes link each other, ie. a uses something from class b and b uses something from …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for DKDeath

Hey all! I'm the owner of an upcoming gaming network and we have a private server in development. However the games client files are encrypted into dpk files. the dpk files are somesort of archive files. I'm looking for a coder whos willing to code a dpk tool for decrypting …

Member Avatar for becool007
Member Avatar for becool007

Hey daniweb forums, Okay so my question is, what is the difference between VC++ (visual C++) and C++ with any other IDE (or none at all). I know for a fact that VC++ is an IDE but according to some people that I have met. They say, stay away from …

Member Avatar for becool007
Member Avatar for skips

I am not looking for an explicit answer to this question, and I have googled/searched this site for hours trying to find an example to work off of. What I can't figure out is how to write a nested "for loop" that will allow the user to input one number …

Member Avatar for skips
Member Avatar for gregarion

Hey guys , i haing a problem with using stringstream and atoi . I am trying to conert a string to in integer When using stringstream [CODE] string d = "033116"; int b = 0; stringstream ss (d); ss >> b ; [/CODE] When using atoi [CODE] string d = …

Member Avatar for deltamaster
Member Avatar for alex55

I have this array that should be returning a value in the 50's due to the data input i am giving it but it is returning 0 everytime What the code should do is input to and array from the file then pass it to the array monthSum then it …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

I have been looking into an internship through Google, i have a good basic background, but I need more knowledge, I read C++ Primer Plus 5th Edition and got a good background from it. Where can I continue to expand my knowledge? I am trying to nail a phone interview …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for dstaner

I've been given an assignment as follows and I'm having trouble getting it to work properly, hoping if anyone out there can lend word on how to get it running? "A bank account starts out with $10,000. Interest is compounded monthly at 6% per year (0.5% per month). Every month, …

Member Avatar for happyherbivore
Member Avatar for Climber Ty

Okay here's what I have... it's a start. My only problem is when I run the program the sequence does not print the first 1 in the 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,... it will only print 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,... I believe it has something to do with …

Member Avatar for Climber Ty
Member Avatar for Akill10

Hey, I have a question. I was writing a custom Array type class. In my template declaration I use the type name as DataType. I was making an attempt at creating an insert method, which takes a DataType argument and the index to insert at. I originally had this code: …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for ashwinrox123

hello can some one help me out i installed cpp ang i have some prob with nvidia and in another installed cpp output window dont appear it gers compiled in both cases

Member Avatar for HeartBalloon

The End.