49,762 Topics
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Hello, I am new to C++ windows programming and have only taken 1 class in c++ in my life (I have experience with other languages and OOP). I'm using Visual C++ 2008. and my project is created by the wizard for a Windows Forms Application. (I'm guessing this means CLI … | |
[url]http://pastebin.com/uG54nJsv[/url] trying to make a linked list and C and for some reason it keeps crashing...the program is compileable if you'd like to see the memory error. I think my problem is with my pointer and dynamic memory allocation. -thx | |
Hello, I thought I was doing things right when I created a delegate to call a function to access the container's data, but it still throws an exception. I have something similar to: [code] public ref class myform : public System::Windows::Forms::Form { private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ form_combobox; private: delegate String^ getItemDel();//<-- delegate … | |
![]() | I'm looking to learn C++ from online sources. Which would you recommend considering I have no prior programming experience. Also, is it necessary or helpful to learn C beforehand? |
Hello, I'm just wondering how you return a vector from a member function. I've looked online but had no luck. At the moment my function is set to long double, and when I tried setting it to std::vector it came up with lots of errors. Here is my code: [code] … | |
Ok, so i don't think I need to post all the code....most of you have seen a lot of it anyways, if I need to I don't mind. But anyways, I made the outFileDrs Stream, then at the end of the program it closes it. But its only 1 kb? … | |
hi....my sir give me a litle menu driven program in c++.ist os all to creat a class n take ID,name std code addres home phone no,office ph no,mob no,city from user n display this menu 1:add a record,2:display all record,3:search a record by using Id,4:delete a record by using id,5:edit … ![]() | |
The assignment says "Write a program that asks the user to type in numbers. After each entry, the program should report the cumulative sum of the entries to date. The program should terminate when the user enters 0." I have partly been succesfull I guess. But I dont know how … | |
i need some help/idea in coding a matrix class capable of giving its transpose matrix, inverse matrix & also the determinant of the matrix i am totally a newbie in c++; & learing all the way i just got the thought that to find the determinant it would be recursive … | |
Hey, I'm trying to link my .c file together with the .h file and I got a C1014 error that stated that I got "too many include files : depth = 1024" I need some help with this error. Did I do something wrong here? Thanks. This is the change2.c: … | |
I am trying to delete the oldest file in a directory. I found a way to do it using a batch script, but when I put the batch code inside system, it doesn't works! [CODE] string dir = "C:\\testfolder\\"; string system_s = "FOR /F \"delims=!\" %%i IN ('DIR /A-D /B … | |
i had a quiz ,im confused about answer..can you please clarify which of the following is true? with reason 1. int a[ ][ ] ={{2,3},{3,4},{4,5}}; i. It will create a 3*2 matrix and initialize it ii. It will create a 3*2 empty matrix iii. It will actually create a single … | |
I am in the process of writing the best first algorithm. i have not yet implemented the "best" part of it to select only the best node to expand. currently it is expanded each node created. However the while loop expanding the nodes stops executing before it should thus never … | |
The question is "write a program that request the user to enter two integers. The program should then calculate and report the sum of all the integers between and including the two integers. At this point, assume that the smaller integer is entered first. For example, if the user enters … | |
DLL Injector coded in C: [CODE]#include <windows.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define CREATE_THREAD_ACCESS (PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | PROCESS_VM_READ) BOOL Inject(DWORD pID, const char * DLL_NAME); DWORD GetTargetThreadIDFromProcName(const char * ProcName); int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // Retrieve process … | |
Hi, please don't blame me for reinventing the wheel, I was bored and had nothing to do, so I thought: what would I write? And apparently this code is the result :P | |
Dear All, I’m implementing a vector class that allows me to do vector arithmetic. What I’ve implemented is the following: [CODE]class mVec { private: float vec[3]; public: mVec(); mVec(const float * const parray); mVec(const float a, const float b, const float c); ~mVec(); mVec operator+(const mVec& param); mVec operator-(const mVec& … | |
Hi guys I just started writing in c++ yesterday, although I did write in visual basic before. After watching some basic c++ youtube video's i decided i wanted to make my first game, tic tac toe. So as a warning i did this without using anyone else's code or any … | |
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int first=0,second=1,third,n; cout<<" enter the number of elements"; cin>>n; cout<<"\n Fibonacci series="; cout<<first<<" "<<third; for(int i=2;i<n;++i) { third=first+second; cout<<" "<<third; first=second; second=third; } getch(); } | |
Consider and ADT list of integers. Write a function that computes the sum of the integers in the list aList. The definition of your function should be independent of the list’s implementation. may i know how to do this type of question? | |
Hello, I could use some help in making a program that computes the volume of either a cube, a cyliner, or box. The user enters the shape (strings) they want (ex: cube. Then the program asks to enter the values such as side length, radius, etc. The program then displays … | |
trying to find whats whats wrnith my code with my code but i cant!!! HELP! | |
What the code does: accept a stock ticker eg AAPL as text input. It assigns it a number if it hasn't already been assigned a number. Then returns the number associated with that ticker. Part of a larger program. The code for int gethandle worked fine when it was in … | |
I am trying to do the following in C++, the C# code is here test is a string btw. [CODE]if (test == null || !test.Equals("Item Name\t")) return data;[/CODE] I did this in C++, but its crashing the program [CODE] if (test.compare(NULL) == 0 || test.compare("Item Name\t") != 0) return data;[/CODE] | |
This loop is going slow because of the push_back part at the end, can i make this go any faster? Basically this is what it does 1) Reads file into a char array 2) takes each char in the array and transfers to vector. [CODE]char *tempItem = new char[1]; delete … | |
I am looking for some assistance regarding a new project i am doing. I am not a programmer by trade but have taught myself PHP, some javascript and some flash /AS2 & AS3 over the past 2 yrs along with mysql and currently run a company which utilises software i … | |
I am confused, I seem to be losing the variable item.Size when i go from one for loop to the next....why? When i show item.Size the first time it shows all the #s, the second time I get straight 0s? [CODE]for (unsigned long int q = 0; q < tableCount; … | |
I have a question about function precedence. How does the compiler decide which function to call in quasi ambiguous situations? Is it laid out in the standard or is it implementation dependent? If you look at the attached code you'll see I'm outputting the value contained by the myint object. … | |
This Code works fine, but i try add all Offsets and memory bytes into txt db, anyone have idea? i want read all lines from a txt to compare in memory... is for anticheat.. :) ex of txt.. Offset Memory Dump Offset Memory Dump.. but i donw know how use … | |
Hi there, I'm trying to develop some old code (for a class to model affine transformations) which was working thanks to a Daniweb member. The old code is [CODE] void IFS::eval(float x, float y, float& a, float&b) { a = (matrix[0]*x + matrix[1]*y + matrix[2]); b = (matrix[3]*x + matrix[4]*y … |
The End.