49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for cclausen7

How can I get a numerical value from a string? I am using the command "getline" to store a string. I want the user to be able to enter "assign 8 strength", right now they have to type "assign strength" over and over until they run out of points. Is …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for jeffpro

Hey guys, I seem to always come back here for help because you guys are amazing. Alright, I need an alternative to ReadProcessMemory for a 4th year University project. I've tried googling for hours and I continue to fail. Hope you can help. Jeff

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Member Avatar for Taggize

I'm finding issue with my current program. I built the program so that it reads an input code from a file and it is also supposed to display only the code's appropriate salary. However, for some reason, everything I've tried only results in all the salaries being pulled together, not …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Orion2k

well,I got some fundamental programming knowledge in C# and some Visual Basic. Inheritance,Arrays,Loops,DataBases,and create library files in VB.NET,create classes in VB.NET and ,create properties and methods and some other things. currently I follow Ivor Horton's Visual Studio 2010 and I feel it may take years to study the whole 1000pages< …

Member Avatar for solfinker
Member Avatar for kingkolby

create pseudocode program that will be used in a medical office or billing department. The client needs to be able to access a database that contains all of the patient’s information as well as their medical records and billing information. The following features must be included in the final design. …

Member Avatar for bussa.forums

i need to send the xml data to [url]http://developer.uidai.gov.in/auth/demoapp/9/9[/url] server but i got 510 as the error code can any one help me what is the problem i am using curl Api cpp function call has made like follows [CODE] int main() { HTTPClient* object=new HTTPClient(); object->SetUrl("http://developer.uidai.gov.in/auth/demoapp/9/9"); o->GetUrl(); o->AddEncodedPostField("input","test1.txt" ); …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for skorm909

i have a major error whenever i run my code... im using visual studio c++ 2010 express. here's the code: [CODE]# include <allegro.h> # include <iostream> # include <cmath> #define down 0 #define left 32 #define right 64 #define up 96 int main(){ allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Transcendent

Write a program that tests maxLoc(). You can read a data file into a list and call the function maxLoc to find the largest element. HERE IS WHAT IS IN THE TEXT FILE(Name): Josh King Louis Tony Angel here is the code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <list> using namespace …

Member Avatar for abdelhakeem
Member Avatar for aviavyne

Hello, i have a project which requires that i work with three files. two files are text and one file is .dat Currently I have been successful at creating the dat and one of the texts. The project is a bit menu driven and is about stocks, when the program …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for faruq1407

[ICODE]:-/[/ICODE]how to get output ths by loop 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55[CODE][/CODE]

Member Avatar for seanbp
Member Avatar for Holy_Roller

Alright, I'm working on a project at the moment where I am trying to take a map and populate it with user input through a function. I under stand the basic way of populateing it by simply having something like... [CODE] typedef map< string, string> strMap; strMap["key"] = 'value'; [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Holy_Roller
Member Avatar for kleorix

I'm very sorry for my bad English. Here is my problem. [CODE] class A { public: virtual int runAlg() = 0; //pure virtual }; class B: public A { public: int runAlg() { //this is runAlg of B } }; class C:public B { public: int runAlg() { //here, I …

Member Avatar for kleorix
Member Avatar for blah32

I have never used STL sets before, but I have used some other STL stuff. I am having trouble with upper_bound. I have a class I defined, and I have a (STL set) set of pointers to different instantiations of the class. i compare using a comparison function, which takes …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for FangedHavoc

Hi, Basically I'm trying to tie in 3 different classes by using definitions in one class (reference) in another class(library), and then use the function that uses that object in another class(menu). I realize that I could just dump it all in any one of them and be done with …

Member Avatar for FangedHavoc
Member Avatar for shanedoubleu

I have a whack-a-mole type game using FLTK and I have compiled/run the game on a linux server. I need to compile/run it on a sun machine (putty) and cannot figure out how to do so. I use the following on linux: Compiling the Code: ================== g++ -c Graph.cpp `fltk-config …

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Member Avatar for tofugamer

I am writing a program that converts a hexadecimal number to a decimal number (without using the std::hex and std::dec stuff), and at one point need to change from a double to an int.. However when large numbers, such as 5,726,623,060.00000 are entered, they all get changed to -2,147,483,648 after …

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Member Avatar for Marissak

I am trying to write a program to add large numbers with stacks. However, I do not know how to get each digit on to a stack individually. This is what I mean: For example, take the input 3784. How do I get the 3, 7, 8, and 4 as …

Member Avatar for Marissak
Member Avatar for flasp

The assigment sounds like this : Write a C++ program that request and displays information as show in the following example of out: What is your first name? Betty Sue What is your last name? Yew What letter of grade do you deserve? B What is your age? 22 Name: …

Member Avatar for flasp
Member Avatar for sungilcool

I am slow when it comes to understanding c++ and I don't understand the errors it gives I don't have much time, so please help me #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; // add other includes if needed //--------- class header - DO NOT MODIFY --------------// class …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for KLane

[CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> //Given that f(x)= exp(x)-sin(2x). Use a Newton object to find the minimum of the //function using namespace std; class Newton{ protected: double precision; public: Newton(double p):precision(p){}; virtual ~Newton(){}; double Find(Function& f, double start){};//Find does the actual //iteration for a particular function f starting from a value …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for abugslife

hey guys! anyone have any ideas of how I can represent my data inside a listbox? i'm currently using sql to connect my database to the program. ive got this code [CODE] SQLiteConnection^ selectConnection = gcnew SQLiteConnection("Data Source=shoesDatabase.db3;"); int i = listBox1->SelectedIndex + 1; SQLiteCommand^ selectCommand = gcnew SQLiteCommand("SELECT * …

Member Avatar for abugslife

Hey guys! I am newbie to this, I'm in need for help in my C++ project, I seem to be getting this error and have no idea why it keeps saying the same thing, i created header and cpp files but this error is annoying me: projectnew.obj : error LNK2005: …

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Member Avatar for Red20XX

Hi everyone, I am doing a C++ project for school in the UNIX lab that requires inheritance. My main program is calculating linear regression for some plotted points and I'm inheriting a linear system solver from another program. The linear system solver is suppose to print the solved values to …

Member Avatar for Red20XX
Member Avatar for jamesf786

Hello, I am trying to work on a program which is like this: There are several offices and each office is open on different times on different days. User inputs desired day and time and I have to return every office which is open on day and time user provided. …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Vindal

Hey Everyone, I have some code here that I am trying to make. I made a two dimensional array that stores a high temperature and a low temperature then displays the average, but I am having a hard time getting it to display the Highest and lowest amount in the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for garevn

Hello, i am new in c programming it is just the second month i i deal with. I am really confusing about what i have to do with this exercise pls don't lough on me I hope for some help. That's what i have to do.. I have to modify …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for cameclifton

I have a project that has four classes descending. Person is the first class, CollegeEmployee,and Student are classes that descend from the class Person. The class Faculty descends from CollegeEmployee and has a Boolean field that indicated whether the Faculty member is tentured, as well as methods that override the …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for suncica2222

I want to copy one bitstream to another but it snaps in runtime assert error subscript out of range window pops up how to fix it? see the code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "boost\dynamic_bitset.hpp" typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<unsigned char> Bitset; typedef std::vector<Bitset> byteArray; int main() { Bitset bitset, bitset2,b3,b4; bitset …

Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

when would i ever/when would it be a good idea, to ever explicitly use __int8 nSmall; // Declares 8-bit integer __int16 nMedium; // Declares 16-bit integer __int32 nLarge; // Declares 32-bit integer __int64 nHuge; // Declares 64-bit integer over regular int?? in your program

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for garevn

Hello, i am new in c programming it is just the second month i i deal with. I am really confusing about what i have to do with this exercise pls don't lough on me :( I hope for some help. That's what i have to do.. I have to …

Member Avatar for Trentacle

The End.