49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for volc90

Hi i was wondering if someone could tell if i am anywhere close to being on the right track. I have to create a program which adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides fractions. I really am trying to get a grip on learning this stuff, so anyone who could give some …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for IMJS

I wonder if anyone can point out the source of my error. I am using the SDK for commercial software which _requires_ that I build etc in Visual Studio 2008. I confess that my C++ is rusty at best and that I don't understand a lot about using Visual Studio. …

Member Avatar for IMJS
Member Avatar for Feim

Hi all, I have this string "May 19, 2009 15:39:41.606809000" , i need to get the seconds into a double variable. My code is like this: [CODE]double sec; string seconds = str.substr(19,10); istringstream(seconds) >> sec; [/CODE] The thing is that seconds = 41.6068090 , but sec = 41.6068 Why doesn't …

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Member Avatar for zoefschildpad

so I'm writing a binary search tree and a (so far very short) program taht uses it. Here's the code as it is (excluding any functions it doesn't actually use yet) main.cc: [CODE=c++]#include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include "bintree.h" using namespace std; int main(){ double aipls[500]; bst<int> k; int …

Member Avatar for SasseMan
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, I have a question about header files/source files in Visual C++ (I use visual c++ 2005 express). I used to put all my code in one single .cpp file but now I have a test program (done by my tutor at Uni) which has 3 files: 2 .cpp …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for modesto916

Hi everybody, I bought the book "Deitel C++ How to Program, edition 5", and i am doing the exercises of the chapter 4, the exercise 4.28 ask you to write a program that print the following figure: [ICODE]* * * * * * * * * * * * * …

Member Avatar for alwaysLearning0
Member Avatar for CPT

So I've implemented the binary search tree but i get an error from the insertion function this is my code: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> using namespace std; struct NOD{ int inf; struct NOD *left; struct NOD *right; }; NOD *root; bool Erase(int nr); void Insertion(int nr); int Search(NOD* node,int target); void …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Finarfin34

I am developing an application using Win32 GetOpenFileName win32 API. When the window opened even if I click cancel memory usage incredibly increases from 2 mb to 8 mb. What could be the reason of this behaviour? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tehreem

hey frnz i need 2 make a c++ project ...but i dunno wat 2 make im so confused help me out..i need a guidline

Member Avatar for stokes1900
Member Avatar for Isimanica

This code has errors [CODE]#include <iostream> void main() { int var [10]; for (I=0; I<5; I++) cout << var(i); }[/CODE] Now what I have come up with is this to correct the errors that I see. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { int var [10]; for (i=0; i<5; …

Member Avatar for stokes1900
Member Avatar for smart

Hi, Friends Here is a site which has video lecturses on C and C++ which are downloadable [URL="http://freevideolectures.com/computerscience"][B][COLOR=blue]http://freevideolectures.com/computerscience[/COLOR][/B][/URL]

Member Avatar for sylviaj
Member Avatar for timb89

im trying to output my bfs in this manner, showing the connections rather than the individual nodes: input 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 output (0,1) (0,2) (2,3) rather than: 0 1 2 3 this is my code so far, …

Member Avatar for alwaysLearning0
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

Hi, I wonder how it would be possible to programatically take a screen shot (Print screen) Then second, I do wonder how I now can save this screen shot to a .BMP or .JPG file? I would be happy to learn how this is possible to do. Thank you!

Member Avatar for prashanth s j

Hi all, I have a double pointer in C as follows: [code] void foo(char * , char**); main( ) { char * inbuff = {0x10,0x20}; char * outbuff; foo(inbuff, (char **) &outbuff); } void foo(char *inbuff, char ** outbuff); { //code to manipulate inbuff and outbuff. *outbuff = (char *) …

Member Avatar for hussnain abass
Member Avatar for chrishtones

So I am trying to set up Lua on Visual C++ 2008 and I keep getting this error: [B]error C3861: 'luaL_newstate': identifier not found[/B] Here is an example of my code: [CODE] #include <iostream> extern "C" { #include "lua.h" } using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { lua_State …

Member Avatar for 3ing
Member Avatar for donmiq

So basically, I have this: [CODE=C] bool getDouble ( double & value, const string & prompt); int main() { char userSelection; do { cin >> userSelection; if (userSelection == '1') { double radius; if (getDouble (radius, "Please enter a value: ")) { cout << "good"; } else { cout << …

Member Avatar for donmiq
Member Avatar for HBK_100

Why is this not reading from the file The contents of the file [CODE] 123456 James.Watson 234567 12.Clover.Crescent Spanish.Town St.Catherine Single Standard Passprot [/CODE] [CODE] ifstream file; file.open( "guest.txt", ios::in ); if ( !file ) { cerr << "File could not be opened" << endl; exit( 1 ); } guest …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for bob200707

Hello, I am currently working on a program that is supposed to do the following: I am supposed to take a data file of 5 student names that are in the following form: lastName firstName middleName. I am supposed to convert each name to the following form: firstName middleName lastName. …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for tKc

I need help in calculating the variance for randomly generated values (using srand(seed)). When i input 5 i should get 97359589.15265 but i am getting 1.29888e+010. I am almost positive i went wrong in the calculation of the variance but have no idea what to do in making it correct. …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for losh177

Hi, I'm working on an overloding operator homework. I'm overloading the + = += << [] && operators to work with objects that contain int arrays that can be set to have index from x to y instead of 0 to x. I'm getting the LNK2010 & LNK1120 errors on …

Member Avatar for losh177
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

An exercise is to write a program that shows how memory is allocated to stack variables compared to heap variables. I ran the following code. [code] #include "../../std_lib_facilities.h" int main () { char c = ' '; char ch0[10]; char *ch = new char[10]; char *init_ch = ch; cout << …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for javarook

Im just trying to read a file to see if i did the code correctly but I keep getting this error. Any help is appreciated. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> struct Node { char name[15]; char title[15]; int year; struct Node *next; struct Node *prev; }; typedef struct Node* Box; Box build_node(FILE …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for coolboym99

So I'm writing a sorting program for my class where we're required to sort three files by Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, and Quick Sort. By the way that it works, I ended up using vectors for all the data, and I've got Everything working now, except for the shell sort. …

Member Avatar for tech9x

[code=c++] while( getline( infile2, temp2 ) ) { size_t prev_pos = 0, pos = 0; while( (pos = temp2.find(' ', pos)) != std::string::npos ) { string wordtobold( temp2.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) ); cout << wordtobold << '\n'; prev_pos = ++pos; } string wordtobold(temp2.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) ); // Last word cout << wordtobold << …

Member Avatar for tech9x
Member Avatar for daviddoria

If I use a template function with T where T = itk::Image<unsigned char>::Pointer, everything is fine: [code] #include <itkImage.h> class Test { public: template <class T> void Add(T patch); }; template <class T> void Test::Add(T patch) { } int main(int, char*[]) { Test a; itk::Image<unsigned char>::Pointer image; a.Add(image); return EXIT_SUCCESS; …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for WildBamaBoy

Just started learning C++ today. I'm writing a program to keep up with school assignments. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <string> struct Assignment { string Period; string Title; string Page; string Date; string Instruct; }; void NewAssignment() { system("CLS"); Assignment Work; cout << "New Assignment Entry" << …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Bri426

I'm having so much trouble with this assignment, and I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out. Here is the assignment: This program uses the file "cities.txt", which contains over 136,000 location names in the United States. Each line of the file contains a place name …

Member Avatar for SasseMan
Member Avatar for rahul_galgali

Plz help, I have declared three stuct struct student { CString Struct_Name; CString Struct_RollNo; }; struct Division_struct { CString strDivName; CArray <student, student>arrStud ; }; struct Class_struct { CString strClassName; CArray <Division_struct, Division_struct > arrDiv ; }; ///to access class struct CArray <Class_struct,Class_struct> arrClass ; My question is how to …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for pandaEater

I'm making a hash table using a linked lists to handle collision. So I'm creating an array of "head" pointers to access each linked list. I can't figure out why I'm getting the error below: error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'LinkHash::ListNode' to 'LinkHash::ListNode *' I commented **not working** …

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Member Avatar for apautz22

I am working on the UVa problem 10032 - Tug of War, where I'm given the time constraint of 3 seconds to solve the problem. I have pasted the criteria for the problem below. [INDENT]A tug of war is to be arranged at the local office picnic. For the tug …

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The End.