49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for kazkikay12

GUYS i want to make a program that used to enter 7-digit number and determine the largest , smallest and the median and average of the seven number i want also to display the entered number its equivalent in binary, ocatal and hexadecimal value the sample output must be like …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for smcguffee

Dear all, I'm starting to get the hang of this C++ business, but I have one question that I just realized I don't have an answer to. Suppose I want to call a constructor from within a constructor to reduce redundancy in the parts that are identical. I seem to …

Member Avatar for smcguffee
Member Avatar for blaisemcrowly

I am trying to take in inputs from the user for one of my projects. [CODE]cout<<"Enter Event Name (enter 'exit' to quit) ::"; gets(dat.evnm); cout<<"Enter Type Of Event (eg: Dance, Music, 'exit' to quit) ::"; cin>>dat.type; if(strcmp(dat.type,"exit")==0) return 0; cout<<"\n";[/CODE] here the line[CODE] gets(dat.evnm);[/CODE] will not execute, and the program …

Member Avatar for blaisemcrowly
Member Avatar for jasleen12345

hi i have a program in which i want to print text in comic sans size 10. how can i do that?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for King_Alucard

I have finished editing the program but I still have a couple of errors that I can't figure out, please help Errors: Error 1 error C2601: 'split' : local function definitions are illegal \\ilabss\home$\D03279277\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\err\err\err.cpp 97 Error 2 fatal error C1075: end of file found before the left brace …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for abhijeetcn

I know the function textcolor() included in conio.h in borland compiler. but this function is not present in vc++. also if you can provide me the text formatting functions,or header file containing it. i will be very thankful.......so please help me......thanks

Member Avatar for [Alpha]-0mega-
Member Avatar for jasleen12345

i have the following code........pls point out my mistakes......the first one is the header file and the second one is the file......... class array { int i, a[100],n,d,t,r,c,e[100][100],f[100][100],s,g[100][100],b[100],j,r1,c1; char p; public: void pro(); void enter(); int arrA(int); int arrB(int); int arrAA(int r,int c); int arrBB(int,int); void dis(); }; void array::enter() …

Member Avatar for jasleen12345
Member Avatar for Bigbrain99

I used below codes to pass a value from vector to my cpp file. While i'm doing that, i got segmentation error in my main cpp? Is there anyway to pass the vector value to my main cpp? thx for the help [CODE]void Loadfile() { //cout<<"this is used for loading …

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for Rez11

EDIT: I figured it out. I do not know how to delete threads. Sorry. I need to return a pointer to a new array. The new array must be the same as the old one, just in reverse. I have it all done except for one little part. I can't …

Member Avatar for Rez11
Member Avatar for newbie_to_cpp

Hi all, I am totally new to C++. I began learning C++ some 2-3 months back referring to youtube tutorial channels and now by reading a book by Robert Lafore. I practice when i get free time. I still have long way to go. Well, referring to some examples that …

Member Avatar for newbie_to_cpp
Member Avatar for Rez11

I need to write a function that accepts int array and array's size as arguments. Then the function should create a copy of the array, except that the element values is in reverse in the copy. The function should return a pointer to the new array. I am having a …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

I am looking for a good and neat looking C compiler ! Can I do ANSI C programs in Microsoft's Visual C++ 2010? If then ,HOW? please give me the step by step instructions to accomplish that task? Are there any other good compilers? is dev c++ good enough? Right …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pa_bruce_fan

I am having trouble with this simple program to display three numbers entered from highest, medium, lowest. Specifically, with the ouput_result void function. Stuck, and not sure what I am doing wrong. Fairly new to C++, this is my first course in C++. Any help would be appreciated. #include <cstdlib> …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for quest1

Hi i want to compress data in c++. eg; aaabbcccc then the program shut outpu: a3b2c4 PLZ HELP this is a very important assignment

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for tamayoclarisa

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> void display() { clrscr(); cout<<"press: " ; cout<<"\n 1:ADD RECORDS \n 2:RETRIEVE RECORDS \n 3:READ RECORDS \n 4:quit"; } void main() { clrscr(); display(); char choice; cout<<"\nEnter your Choice:"; cin>>choice; switch (choice) { case '1':addrecords();break; case '2':retrieve();break; case '3':readrecords();break; case '4':break; default: cout<<"Only …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chamnab

Hi everybody !! I would like to ask you some question about C++: 1.what is the best program that can write C++ more easily? 2.Can you output C++ in different language beside English ? 3.if everybody know pls tell me . 4.do you know some useful website for C++ because …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Bigbrain99

Is there any way to check if i have added more than 1 same header so that i won't get compiling error while running it?How do i know which one will include the header first and other cpp will include it later?

Member Avatar for Bigbrain99
Member Avatar for mimis

Hi, I have to create a set of structs but i don't know how because it needs to check the equality between them. For example: [CODE] struct something{ int x,y; string word; }; set<something> s; [/CODE] Can you help me?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Eager Student

Hi! to everyone I'm starting out in programming,I need a pseudocode or flowcharting to use to help me get started on coding. Often, when I take a look at a coding assignment, it looks daunting, and it's hard to figure out exactly where to start. Especially with all of that …

Member Avatar for diannetots
Member Avatar for oscarp

Hi, I have a map of a base class object (not pointer to objects). I did this because I need to have inheritance from others types like this: Parameter RealParameter: Parameter IntParameter: Parameter ... My problem is that when I am going to insert in the map, copy constructur of …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ontherocks

I find the concepts in pointers to an array very confusing in the context of using them in functions. Here in this case I am trying to get a whole array from a function. The whole array is generated within the function. Obviously my code is hopelessly nonsensical. [CODE]#include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for ontherocks
Member Avatar for aikiart7

Hello, I'm trying to understand linked list but i'm having problems with the way my text describes one aspect. This is the problem i'm having: The text says: //If there are no nodes in the list make newNode the first node and then test it like this: head =NULL; if …

Member Avatar for aikiart7
Member Avatar for megz_03

Hello! I need help with this program.. Me and my friend are working on a simple inventory system. The program works well, but we don't know how to retrieve the and delete the data that we inputed. Thanks for helping! Here's our code: [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vandadm

Hello all, For this program (assignment), the user enters the names of five students, and their respective four test scores. The program will then average the scores, and display them for the user. Part of the requirement for the program is that we use five single-dimensional arrays of 'doubles' to …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for mauro21pl

Hi to all. Could you guys help me with a little program. There is something wrong with tahat and can't find that. That's the code: [code=c] /* An employee is paid at rate of 16.78$ per hour for the first 40 hours worked in a week. Any hours over that …

Member Avatar for gacha23
Member Avatar for nhidman

Is anyone knowledgeable enough to help 'bout the scrambling of voice?

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for xavier666

Okay this program is really pissing me off! After line 95, the member variable is suddenly getting changed (That is, the 2nd string). Even after looking at it for 3 hours, I've failed to crack it :( Please help me out guys! [CODE] # include <iostream> # include <cstring> using …

Member Avatar for xavier666
Member Avatar for DamienCurr

Good evening! I am currently working with a program that does basic arithmetic with polynomials that can have rational coefficients. I was able to come up with seperate classes and implementation files for my two classes, Polynomial.h and Rational.h. I can run two different programs, one for each class, fine. …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for TheWolverine

Hi all, My title might not describe this problem as well as it could, but I'm not sure what area this problem falls under. I have a simple base class and derived class as follows: [CODE] class BaseClass { public: BaseClass() { parameterA_ = -0.0; parameterB_ = -0.0; } virtual …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for aikiart7

Good afternoon, i'm getting an error when I compile "undefined reference to 'TestScores:theAverage(int *,int)" I'm not sure what the compiler is telling me. Any assistance is welcomed. Art header // this is the header file for class TestScores #ifndef TESTSCORES_H #define TESTSCORES_H //this idea with this class is to take …

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The End.