49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for allonline

I have me problem in finding the error in the folowing program.the program writes all the information in an encrypted form would you help me in making it readable please? the program is: [code]#include <iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; struct customer { string fname; string Lname; int id; }; int …

Member Avatar for goody11
Member Avatar for johnb08

Ok the requirements include a program that asks for three positive number and checks if they are a triangle. I did that ok, but now I have to figure out what kind of triangle that I entered is. The choices include: right angle triangle acute triangle (all three angles < …

Member Avatar for johnb08
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey! I am making a program that keeps track of users so the program has to update the number in the database how do I actually do it? I know how to select things and such, but have no idea how the update works.. I didn't really find anything for …

Member Avatar for Silvershaft
Member Avatar for dhruv_arora

I wrote this small program that enters a password from a user and displays '*' instead of the letters so I could add this into my project. I compiled it through Dev C++ using Windows 7 and I am getting errors, please help me out. The program :- [CODE] #include<iostream.h> …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for joshalb

A friend and I are working on our first game engine in C++. We're both new to C++, but not to programming in general. Our current method of handling objects (things within the game, such as a player object) works fine, and is pretty fast! But I'm not sure if …

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Member Avatar for sarminatorius

How to hide window in taskbar? Visual programming: Embarcadero C++ In project file i set: [CODE=c++] Application->MainFormOnTaskBar = false;[/CODE] but that didn't helped.

Member Avatar for DaJ4ck3L

I was wondering what all files this program accesses, and any other info you could tell me about this program.. The program is in the link below. [url]www.thelandofoz.net/help/program.rar[/url] Mucho thanks in advance!! -DaJ4ck3L

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for bolineni

I have one Server code , and I have to test with 100 clients .... Clients has to read data from text file in local system and has to send to Server ... for that i want to write one client code to test my sever .. please any one …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for hotness

Question 1 How many pointers are needed to build a linked list in a backward manner? a. one [COLOR="green"]b. two[/COLOR] c. three d. four Question 2 Every node (except of the last node) in a singly linked list contains ____. a. the address of the previous node b. the address …

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Member Avatar for sankaran1984

I want to write a method to remove consecutive items with duplicate data values from a singly linked list. The method should return the number of items removed. The method should clean up memory as required, and should assume that memory was allocated using new. For example, passing in the …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey, I am doing a little program that is connected to the database and keeps track of users using the program also, for example when someone opens the program it adds one to the users number in the database, what I need to do is to see when user presses …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for csha_cs508

[CODE]/*a program that inputs three integers from the keyboard and prints the sum, average, product, smallest and largest of these numbers*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int firstNum, secondNum, thirdNum, sum, product,average, largest, smallest; cout<<"Enter three integers: "; cin>>firstNum; cin>>secondNum; cin>>thirdNum; sum = firstNum+secondNum+thirdNum; product = firstNum*secondNum*thirdNum; …

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Member Avatar for sankaran1984

I want to write a method to determine if a given string is a palindrome. E.g. "Madam I'm Adam", or "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama". The prototype for the function is: [CODE]bool is_palindrome(char const * str)[/CODE] I have a simple logic to check for equality by moving forward …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for vbx_wx
Member Avatar for dhruv_arora

I wrote a program and created an object with fstream. Eg. [CODE] fstream f1; f1.open("s.dat",ios::out|ios::binary); f1.close(); [/CODE] Generally if there's no file such as s.dat, then it creates a file by the name but it it's creating one instead it exits the program. I have to then manually create a …

Member Avatar for p@rse
Member Avatar for madhumathi.cse

Dear friends, i wish to develop software on my own.But i have an idea only upto coding level(c++)...i d'not know what to do with that and also i need to know requirements of them..

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for YoavX

Hi there! im trying to get whatever is displayed on my screen and insert it into a metafile. how can i do that?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I am getting a really weird unhandled exception that just doesn't make sense to me. I've annotated my code so hopefully it will make sense to you aswell. Any help on this would and will be appreciated :) [code=c++] void DarkGDK( ) { dbSyncOn( ); dbSyncRate( 60 ); CBaseEntity *ent …

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Member Avatar for cke1031

I'm trying to write a class called "state" and I'm trouble with defining one of the constructors using variable argument list. The "state" class has four members: class state{ nucleon species; vector<int> particleLevel; vector<halfint> intermediateAm; halfint totalAm; public: state(nucleon, ...); }; "nucleon" is an enum type defined as: enum nucleon …

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Member Avatar for pinsickle

Hello, I was wondering how to make a c/c++ program installable on other computers. For example, lets say for some odd reason a friend wanted a hello world program. Obviously, if I complie the code it will only run on my computer. The may be a noobish question, but we …

Member Avatar for pinsickle
Member Avatar for Andreas5

Hello again, i ran into some trouble with Visual C++ 2008 when i tried to use a template function. I only get this error when i try to use the function from main(). I used another template function succesfully earlier, but i can not figure out what is wrong with …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for rayborn66

Hi, I am having a problem with using file input/output streams in this program. [CODE] #include <fstream> using std::ifstream; using std::ofstream; using std::endl; int main() { ifstream inStream; ofstream outStream; inStream.open("infile.txt"); outStream.open("outfile.txt"); int first, second, third; inStream >> first >> second >> third; outStream << "The sum of the first3\n" …

Member Avatar for rayborn66
Member Avatar for kaydee123
Member Avatar for newstar_water

Hello, I need to know how the get the integer value of a byte and vice versa. I want to get the integer value from a byte read from a binary file. I also want to convert the integer value back into a byte value for write. Below I have …

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

Hello,can anybody help me implement the sort() function of a double linked list. The node`s of the list contains objects of type Person: [code] class Person { int age; string name; string adress; }; [/code] And i want to sort all the Person`s by age.I tried implementing bubble sort,but I …

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Member Avatar for majesticmanish

Hi all, In one RTOS, i'm debugging one issue which is, program is crashing one point always when it send a 8-bit value (Lets call it 'Int8 rogue_int')to a function (lets call it 'Infected( Int16 )' ) whose definition is taking that variable as 16-bit variable. Before entering to that …

Member Avatar for majesticmanish
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I know I am going to have alot of questions but can someone check to see if I am starting this out correctly... Programming assignment two will demonstrate your understanding and mastery of multi-threaded application concepts in a Windows environment using Visual C++ .NET 2005. In this programming assignment you …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for grux12

Hey everyone=) my name is grux and I've got something of a problem.... First off, let me say that this is NOT for a class, I am simply trying to follow some online tutorials so I can be prepared for college this fall. I'm new to C++ (having only worked …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for nocloud

I am getting the following error message: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): vector::_M_range_check Aborted It appears that I'm trying to read past the end of a vector somewhere in my code. The error message doesn't give me a whole lot of information about where the problem …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for hotness

I have to do this : Task 2 (23%): Write a function that prompts the user to input data for a new employee; the function should return an employeeType struct to the caller. Declare employeeType variables him and her in the main function. Call your function with actual parameter him …

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The End.