49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for vbx_wx

here is my code: [code] TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; DWORD size; BYTE name2[MAX_PATH]; DWORD size2; int i = 0; while(RegEnumValue(Hkey , i , name , &size , 0 , NULL , name2 , &size2) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { cout << "Value name: " << name << "---" << "Data name: " << name2 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for doolsta111

Hi Guys, I am having issues with reading from a list made up of lists. I dont want to paste my code as it is for an assignment, but here is the basic setup. i have a class person that has declared [CODE]list<char> name;[/CODE] push to the list; i have …

Member Avatar for sblass92
Member Avatar for XAaronX

Hey, just joined, hi! :) Ok, well, I'll start of with, I'm fairly familiar with c++ i think... Well kind of. Theres a lot i don't know, but im familiar with classes and stuff. Hopefully that'll give you an idea. Anyway, my problem! I was working on a simple game …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for student9

hi, i'm writing a program that reads in 3d coordinates for a vertex and the edges that connect them, then projects the 3d image. right now i'm working with the implementation of the wireframe class, relevant prototypes (i've left some out) here: [code=c] class wireframe{ private: vertex *points; // an …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for mimi89

i need to write a program as follows: Write a program that prompts the user to enter three positive integers representing the number of rows, the number of columns of a grid, and the number of mines hidden in the grid, the program then calls the following function: void Minesweeper(int …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for jbl09

there's something wrong with my program, it runs but it goes on forever and it doesn't display the day of the week only the letter M and that's it this is my text file, but my program is not suppose to be restricted to this text file: Monday Tuesday Wednesday …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for tennis

In the following code, why x=new int; y=new int; are a must, if I comment out these two then I will have run-time error. I think I have int * x; and int* y; already shows that x and y are pointers point to int. There is no need to …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for red999

So I finally finished writing a program to build a maze using disjoint set (I just learned it =P). Anyway as I was writing my program, I was under the impression that I could start from the end of the maze and I could climb up to the parent node …

Member Avatar for red999
Member Avatar for Olah92

Hi, I'm trying to write a program using enum to store data. The user needs to input the first two letters of a word and the program outputs the full word. Here is what I have, but for some reason I cannot get it to run (visual c++ express edition). …

Member Avatar for Olah92
Member Avatar for mark88211

I have a homework problem that i am stuck on. I have to create a triangle (using classes) that a user inputs the height and width. It then translates 3 times and prints the coordinates each time it translates. This is what i have so far but am stuck. #include …

Member Avatar for mark88211
Member Avatar for ahmed.123

This is what i have done so far but i want the output like that square#1:not an increasing square square#2: increasing square square#3: not an increasing square please help Help with Code Tags C++ Syntax (Toggle Plain Text) [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> // Header to use input and output #include …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for M_SOLAIMAN

Hi: I have a MS Access file with the name "ItemsCat.mde. It is located at "c:\program files\ItemsCat" folder I need a C or C++ program (what ever it is) I don’t now the difference. I need it to do the following please? No#1- run my ItemsCat.mde file from this path …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for trantran

I want to filter the global operator new and operator delete. For example, this could be used to count the number of times they are called and check at the end of a program to see if they match for memory leak detection or other purposes. I do know perfectly …

Member Avatar for philipB

I'm creating a program to Deal, Sort, Display and determine cards for a poker game. A word for word of my program is here... [QUOTE]Write a program that will operate on a deck of 52 cards. Your program will: 1. Deal them into four random hands of 5 cards each …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for jmartis

Hello, I'm doing an analog clock windows forms application in Visual C++, and for this I need to draw a few lines in a blank space inside the form. I've searched the Net but can't find a simple way to draw inside a form window. Any Ideas?

Member Avatar for jmartis
Member Avatar for Olah92

Hi, I'm working on a c++ homework assignment and I cannot get it to work. Here is the assignment: Write a program that reads a student's name together with his or her test scores. The program shouuld then computer the average test score for each student and assign the appropriate …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ashwini_rt

hii everyone1.. how can i update a text file i,e only one particular record in a file i'm using openGL with vc++ ... my sample code to write into a text file when a store button is clicked is over here..after every 8sec i have to update only x_quad and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for 1manik

Hi, do you know some good tutorial about WinForms to change data in table, when OCCI is used? I used google already. Thanks you very much

Member Avatar for crazzy_devil

i am soryy my english is very bad but ill try my best to explain.i need help with my c++ assignemnt urgently. i want to create a frame and fit in this histograph(attached) which i made with the help of the container, where the x-axsis is the number from like …

Member Avatar for doolsta111

Hi Guys, Im having issues with clearing an object of a class. Currently I have 2 lists [CODE]class People list<char> person[/CODE] [CODE]class School list<people> teacher[/CODE] i add the contects of person into people; i read by executing the printChar function created in People whilst iterating in the School list. [CODE]itr …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for rcmango

Hi for some reason my array prints out a bunch of 0's and other unwanted integer garbage. I can't see why because i originally assigned number to an array 1-31 using something like `array[]={1, 2,3...31}` something like that, and then i use a for or while loop in the code …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for mrs.lala

hello, im not understand concept of recursion function and the uses...have anybody explain to me... second how to write a recursive version of function to determine if an input is prime...

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for doolsta111

Hi i would like to know how i can navigate through a 2D doubly linked list. i have created a linked list of a linked list which are contained in classes Row and Columna Row list <char> X Column list <Row> Y; List X contains a b c d e …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for jbl09

mainly i have problem with the loops it's suppose to be a program that reads in data from a text file (not necessarily this one, but something like it): Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 34252 85776 65746 93453 63534 34335 0 20444 73462 83575 23552 23753 23532 0 …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, a few weeks ago, i messed up my PC ( The windows part, Linux remains perfect ), not big deal, just formated, and seeing the bright side, i updated to Windows 7 ( i was on Windos vista). Everything is perfect.... or was until now. I used to "compile" …

Member Avatar for pato wlmc
Member Avatar for VBNick

Is there a way to put a computer to sleep somehow other than clicking start, then sleep? I am using a shortcut to this right now: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 but it doesnt do the same thing as clicking "Sleep" in the start menu. I need a piece of C++ code, …

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for ironstove

Hello, I am a non-cs student who has not really had any prior experience with C++ besides coding up a few simple programs on my own time. I am trying to implement the A* pathfinding algorithm and I have all of the logic figured out and written down in pseudo-code, …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Twonk

Hi im very new to this but i am trying to write a progam that serves as a student database for a project at uni. Ive been stuck on this problem for ages now and can seem to spot the probably obvious mistake ive made. The code compiles but the …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Sorb3t3ro

I just want to ask if there's a site where I can download Savings.h header file, I just need it for my sample program, my Borland 5.5 dont have it and even Dev-C++. Thanks!

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for spdbump08

Hello, I need some help getting my program to read from a text file. Everything seems to be compiling fine but Im getting an error as soon as the program runs because, i believe, the information is not being inputted properly. Thanks for any help! [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> …

Member Avatar for WaltP

The End.