49,757 Topics

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how to identify a file has virus by comparing file with virus signature in c or c++? i tried hash MD5 methods but it reads the pattern in a file whitch matches the signature pattern?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for chumli

I have finally got the game running but it ends too early. I need to make the game continue until there are 4 in a row but it ends after the first turn and no disk is dropped. do { cout << "Drop a " << (player == 'R' ? …

Member Avatar for chumli
Member Avatar for senait.kifle.127

I am running into problems reading in a csv file. I have an inventory.csv file with three columns and around 10,000 rows. The last column is supposed to be ignored. The csv format looks like this Shelf number; item name; item number. (So here item number shall be ignored). After …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Zaki.cpp

I have a problem of connection between two application ( with c++ builder ), the apps are working good in a local network, but aren't work in the internet, `cause both of the client and the server are in deferent routers, and each one have an internal & external IP, …

Member Avatar for usmanjani

please help me identify the objects,their relations (Association, aggregation and Composition) of a university ?

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Member Avatar for chumli

Ok so I completed my hangman code but now I have to read the words from a .txt. I have looked at numerous codes and examples but cant get it to work at all. Any help I would be grateful. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> …

Member Avatar for chumli
Member Avatar for shahera.arafat
Member Avatar for Tahani

Write a complete C++ program that reads number of employees, then initialize an array to store employee's salaries. Your program should reads the salaries from the user then add 250 as a bounce for salaries less than 5000 Saudi Riyal . they asked me to initialize an array that has …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for juanpa_2510

Is it valid to use an integer variable as a condition? I mean: int var = 20; if (var) { //code here } I know that when var == 0 it's equivalent to false and true if 1, but otherwise could it be a valid question?

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for kent.pe

Program1 (100 points) Create a program that will display 5 options. If the user enter 1, the program should compute the square and cube compute of an input number. 2, the program should give the first n Fibonacci sequence. 3, the program will find the factorial of n. 4, the …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for yaya1234

hey, I need to read from a file but withput using string... I tried this... // reading a text file // reading a text file #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { char line[120]; ifstream myfile ("example.txt"); if (myfile.is_open()) { while ( getline (myfile,line) …

Member Avatar for yaya1234
Member Avatar for omar.elbakly.95

how to draw an inverted triangle after asking the user for the number of rows in c++ usin reursion not for loop as this code #include<stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { int rows,i,j,space; printf("Enter number of rows: "); scanf("%d",&rows); for(i=rows;i>=1;--i) { for(space=0;space<rows-i;++space) printf(" "); for(j=i;j<=2*i-1;++j) printf("* "); for(j=0;j<i-1;++j) printf("* "); …

Member Avatar for Maritimo
Member Avatar for ozzan93

Hey everyone, I have an assignment for tomorrow and I don't have any clue about this last question. "Q5- Consider a waiting queue in a bank with customers who are issued direction slips. They are asked to move to following service terminals depending on their customer numbers being divided by …

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Member Avatar for bilal qadri

how to create dynamic object array with over loaded constructor call plz help and tell me the syntax ...

Member Avatar for Maritimo
Member Avatar for justinlake888

hello... I am trying to convert 2 digit numbers to words: example 11= eleven. I saw some other entries on this but they dont include case or switch so far I have: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> using namespace std; cout<<"Enter a two-digit number: "; cin>>number; if(number>99) { cout<<"Number out of range"; …

Member Avatar for hermel
Member Avatar for Knight_YUVA

Hi I want to create a plain c++ program which need to connect to SQL server through odbc and retrieve values and display it. I am using qt but i need it in plain C++ . can u anybody suggest the way to achieve it . and any free api …

Member Avatar for chumli

> 1) I need to make the game ask the player if they would like to play again and repeat if they choose yes. I have tried to add a loop in a few different ways but have not made any progress so far. > 2) When a letter is …

Member Avatar for chumli
Member Avatar for mohammed.salim91
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Member Avatar for raliot

I'm trying to sort a deck with merge sort.I have all my code working except merge sort function . Any help would be really helpful ;) int temp; int br = 1; void push_l(int n); void push_r(int n); int pop_l(int &n); int pop_r(int &n); struct elem { int key; elem …

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Member Avatar for hamza233
Member Avatar for wael1sham

using turbo c++: write a program that converts the input dollar to its peso equivalent.Then display the peso equivalent.One dollar is approximately 45.119 pesos.

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for writerervin

I was wondering how I would go about programming a gui toolkit from scratch. I would appreciate any and all help you could give me.

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for exoruel

I thought I'm done doing mg activity, but my professor said that we need to use a Temporary Variable for Swapping and I have no idea where to put it. Mind giving me a hand, please? :( Here is his activity: Activity: Swapping Create a program that accepts a 10-element …

Member Avatar for exoruel
Member Avatar for asoud80

how can i Write a C++ program to display cities of USA using switch case newyork,virginia,texas,hollywood,chicago & newmexico

Member Avatar for wolfdragon
Member Avatar for alon4963

Hello I write down a bank program and I have a problem. I would be happy if you can help me. So I have two types of accounts each account in a different class. first one is limited account and yhe secound is over draft account also I have class …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for bjf1992

show the output of the following C++ code, (assume the adress of x is 0012ff44) int x=100; int *ptr; ptr= &x; ptr=200; cout<<x<<endl; cout<<ptr<<endl;

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i did these menu class: class Menu { private: static int intID; int ID=0; bool primeiromenu=false; HMENU MenuHandle=NULL; HMENU hMenu=NULL; int menuposition=0; string strCaption=""; public: Menu(string caption="&Menu",HMENU subtmenu=NULL, HWND MainHWND=WindowMain) { intID=intID+1; ID=intID; if(caption!="-") caption=(string)caption + " " + to_string(ID); strCaption=caption; if(GetMenu(MainHWND)==NULL) hMenu = CreateMenu(); else hMenu =GetMenu(MainHWND); if (subtmenu==NULL) …

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Member Avatar for pronob.roy.3110
Member Avatar for Lilgenski16

//BlackJack // Plays a simple version of the casino style game of blackjack; 1 - 7 players #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> using namespace std; class Card { public: enum rank {ACE = 1, TWO , THREE , FOUR , FIVE , SIX , SEVEN …

Member Avatar for Lilgenski16
Member Avatar for arjay.veliganio

I need help with a program that reverses the letters in a word without altering its order in a sentence. Sample Input: What a sunny day Output should be: tahW a ynnus yad Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for NathanOliver

The End.