15,554 Topics
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![]() | I'm doing my master thesis on radar signal generation and to create a scenario, I need to have a timing in execution of my C-script of microseconds resolution. By using the time.h I can only get to a resolution of 1 millisecond. I know it is feasible in linux, but … ![]() |
Hi people, when starting many of us were warn not to use gets() function. We know it's unsafe and it might easily crah program. On many boards there is FAQ in which there are advices not to use gets(). I wonder why such function exist in standard library and why … | |
![]() | Hi Everybody, FYI (In order to get a feeling with the time it takes to send command strings to signal generators via a GPIB bus, I want to send a voltage level high pulse to an oscilloscope. Ones the RF signal arrives via a detector diode, The pulse and the … ![]() |
I'm trying to do addition of matrices using pointers. But, in 3x3 matrix, only the first row of the matrix gets added, while the rest are zero. Please help me correct this. Thank You! My code is as follows :: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int a[10][10],b[10][10],c[10][10]={0}; int i=0,j=0,k=0; int r1,c1,r2,c2; void … | |
Consider this code: main() { void postinc(); postinc(); postinc(); postinc(); } void postinc() { static int count=1; printf("%d", count); count++; } What will be the output? Make me clear of this static concept......... What happens to the variable count? I know that it actually retains its value between funcion calls. … | |
Hi, I am writing a program that is to behave as a web server. Both the client and the server code are on my laptop. Ideally, I should be able to type in PORT/index.html in Firefox and the server code should reply appropriately. So far my browser and the … | |
Hello, good morning guys! I got a problem here with my submenus of Stack and Queue link list. When I try to add an item, it won't display and pop the items when I try to select the display and pop functions. Same as well with Queue. Can anyone help … | |
Write a C program to find all real roots of a polynomial equation of degree n using Bisection method. Note that you can’t define the function as macro or C-function inside your program file. You have to take the polynomial function and degree from user. Also you can’t define the … | |
This is the coding i have done bt its nt printing in 'H' pattern. Can anybody help m 2 print dis..?? This is the 'H' pattern i want 2 print : * * ** ** ****** ** ** * * Coding : #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int i, j, … | |
Hi, I am writing code for a webserver and am trying to send a html file called index.html over a TCP socket. How would I do this? At the moment I am trying to read the contents of the file and then send them over the connection. However, the page … | |
I have many header files for stacks such as pushStack, popStack, destroyStack, etc eg //stacksADT.h file #include "P3-06.h" /* Stack ADT Definitions */ #include "P3-07.h" /* Create Stack */ #include "P3-08.h" /* Push Stack */ #include "P3-09.h" /* Pop Stack */ #include "P3-10.h" /* Retrieve Stack Top */ #include "P3-11.h" … | |
Dumb question; If I use the code snipit below, what happens if token is NULL ('\0')? char *token; token=strtok(buffer,':'); while (token) { statement 1; } | |
How can i identify the error whether it is compile error or runtime error ? | |
Hey guys, i needed some help with this encryption-decryption program that i am trying to write, as you will notice, i am not very skilled or experienced but i want to grow naturally, so it would be great if you guys could point out the mistakes rather than suggest smth … | |
Help!! how do you do this in turboC? when i add a space it doesnt show the following output example: [CODE]char name[50] printf("enter your name: ); (user input example is: Boris Ilyanovich Karpov) scanf("%s", &name); printf("%s", name); (the output is just: Boris) [/CODE] how do i get the following Ilyanovic … | |
Hi all, I have a multithreaded program, one of the threads needs to listen for user input. I was wondering is there a way of checking for user input every few seconds or milliseconds, without having the thread hang on a fgets() function? Current I have: [CODE] while(keep_running == TRUE) … | |
hey friends..i'm trying to make a program to find the largest prime factor of a number of 12 digits.but i'm unable to figure out that what's the appropriate variable type for that.can u guys help me... [CODE]#include<stdio.h> int main() { int c2; unsigned long nbr=600851475143,lprime=2,prime,n=3; do { for(c2=2;c2<n;c2++) if(n%c2==0) break; … | |
I have too make an application in C that uses a dictionary. I have 54000 words in a file, on per line and I need a way to handle it. - I first wanted to keep it in an array but as it's bigger that INT (32767) I cannot do … | |
Help to write c code to implement the history features of shell(ANSI C) | |
i am making a command line interpreter for an os course. the preoblem statement says that i have to log the output of every command i type in this interpreter along with the usual display in the stdout. how do i do this? i have used dup2 to redirect the … | |
how to write a program in c to convert a integer into a binary number & vice versa | |
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Hi; I'm coding in C and I'm using the CreateFile function inside of Windows API which is: [CODE] HANDLE WINAPI CreateFile( __in LPCTSTR lpFileName, __in DWORD dwDesiredAccess, __in DWORD dwShareMode, __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, __in DWORD dwCreationDisposition, __in DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, __in_opt HANDLE hTemplateFile ); [/CODE] In the first argument, lpFieName will … | |
[CODE=c] void function(int a, int b, int c) { char buffer1[5]; char buffer2[10]; int *ret; ret = buffer1 + 12; (*ret) += 8; } void main() { int x; x = 0; function(1,2,3); x = 1; printf("%d\n",x); }[/CODE] I found this code on smashing the stack tutorial and the code … | |
I have seen similar posts but could not find the exact answer that i can understand. I have to store and print the value which will 2 power 5 digit number. ex: 2 ^ 55555 2 ^ 99999 etc ... Please help me [B]coding:[/B] C [B]Compiler:[/B] DevC++ | |
Consider a single linked list with 'n' nodes and other single linked list with 'm' nodes At the 'k'th node in 'n' ,the second linked list merges at some part of it .. jst like the shape Y Now i was asked to find out the address of Kth node … | |
Can anyone clear this doubt..?? First C compiler program compiled on which compiler..??? [QUOTE=soumya.ranjan;1299650]void main() { int x=4,i; i=fun(x=x/4); printf("%d",i); } int fun(int c) { return c/2; } the answer is 1...how??please reply ....[/QUOTE] that prog doesn't give output 1. definitely output will be 0 only. because fun returns 1/2 … | |
dear sir plz tell me how running turbo C language in window 7 home basis | |
Hello I am totally new in this mircocontroller programing filed. I am using a PIC 16f690 and trying to use a HCMS-2903 display. I have to write a program which can display characters, coming in ascii value. Please provide me code example and with instructions how to connect that hcms … | |
The graphics.h header file is not running in turbo c++ 4.5, why? [CODE]#include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int gd=DETECT, gm; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "c:\\turboc3\\bgi " ); circle(200,100,150); getch(); closegraph(); } [/CODE] Please give me a link to download c-graphics tutorial? |
The End.