15,548 Topics

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Member Avatar for NeishaB

How to build an array containing all consonants in a string of lowercase text? No consonant should be repeated in the array even if it occurs more than once and print the number of consonants occurring?

Member Avatar for NeishaB
Member Avatar for neti1987

hi! I have to check file's permissions, but I'm not sure how should I check the [B]g[/B]roup and the [B]o[/B]ther permissions. I'm not sure I did it right for the group and the user. for the other - I guess I have to use the "S_IROTH" flaf. here is my …

Member Avatar for iqra123

hello i have a simple client server program in which different paramters are asked by client. i want to use cryptographic techniques like DES, AES, RSA but i do not know how and where to use.... i m doing socket programing first time even programing in linux. so i do …

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Member Avatar for jmangu

Please, someone explain me why when I compile this code in Dev-C++ (Windows OS) the following error message apears: 'clrscr' undeclared (first use this function) int main() { int c; char d; clrscr(); printf(" Example program for PSC232 \n"); setup(); printf("*IDN?\n\r"); send("*IDN?\n"); printf("RECEIVE...\n\r"); loop: receive(); goto loop; } ps: ignore …

Member Avatar for jmangu
Member Avatar for vivek01anand

#define prn(a) printf("%d",a) #define print(a,b,c) prn(a), prn(b), prn(c) #define max(a,b) (a<b)? b:a main() { int x=1, y=2; print(max(x++,y),x,y); print(max(x++,y),x,y); } output:222342 pls explain how we get output 342 at end

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for fussballer

Hi, I am working on a small program (in Windows) to control the Speed of a CD Drive. So far I have used some of the IOCTL_CDROM_... and IOCTL_STORAGE... Control codes to control the drive by opening/closing it etc. I have now developed a small piece to also control the …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for gamer42001

Hello, ive been given an assignment to write a program wich will accept possible titles and rearange them in abc order, now beside that the program should also count how many times a title begins with a certain letter. my question is how, or where do i even start to …

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for babis87

Hello, I'm writing a lexixal analyzer on FLEX, and i want to open an #include file. Calling fopen(yytext,"r"); as shown in flex manual http://flex.sourceforge.net/manual/Multiple-Input-Buffers.html#Multiple-Input-Buffers does not open the file, although that the string in yytext has the value "<filename>". Instead, when i use fopen("<filename>","r") the file opens normaly and the …

Member Avatar for mithunp

I am doing malloc(0) and then doing strcpy and then reversing, and its working, why?? and if i dont do malloc(0) and then try to strcpy program carashed as expected, but how does malloc(0) making a difference.[code]#include <stdio.h> char* reverse(char *data); void my_Strcpy(char* dest,char* source); main() { char* p_Name = …

Member Avatar for Dervish1
Member Avatar for jmangu

I'm trying to find the curses.h library over the internet and so far I haven't any luck. Please help me sending the code for Windows OS. Many thankx in advance. jmangu

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for michellemullen

I've got a C assignment to make a "Rolodex" project. I wrote out the whole assignment just so you would understand the scope. I'm just getting going on this. Last week's lecture was about Dynamic Self Referential Lists in C, so I get the concept of what I'm supposed to …

Member Avatar for ravi.d
Member Avatar for amandeepsinghvi

Hello Friends, I was just writing a program in C. In this program i was trying to give the rotation affect like the for pie-slices are moving. [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> int main(void) { int gd=DETECT,gm,i=1,count=1; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"d:\\tc\\bgi"); do{ i=count%2==0?2:1; setfillstyle(1,i); delay(500); pieslice(319,239,20,60,100); //A1 i=count%2==0?1:2; setfillstyle(1,i); delay(500); pieslice(319,239,120,160,100); //B1 i=count%2==0?2:1; …

Member Avatar for carrythe1

Hi, I know the code for this post is quite long, but I thought it would be best to be comprehensive about what i'm trying to do as i'm not exactly an expert in this area of programming. I'm stuck trying to work out how to get windows hook procedures …

Member Avatar for carrythe1
Member Avatar for amishosh

Hi! I copied and pasted a grapics.h example from the help>index in borland C. When I try to run it the compiler gives me 9 error messages, all going something llike this: Linker error: Undefined symbol _closegraph in module "my file name" here's the example: [code] #include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for leduduong
Member Avatar for genie0582

I tried to debug Macro variable but i cannot. I use Dev c++ [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #define TIME 5 int main() { int i=TIME; printf("%d",i); }[/CODE] when I run it, of course it gives correct result. but when I debug, it reports "TIME = not found in current context"

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for morelve

I want to make a native win32 program that simply moves the cursor to x=100 y=200 on the screen, and then clicks the left mouse button once. Where do I start? For once, Google got me nowhere. I use VC++ 2010 to compile.

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for ashish2234

I know its silly but once i tried this and output is not what it should be.. [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int i=0; i=i++; printf(i); } [/code] i MEAN post increment will store a value, say 0 here.and then increment but that value is given to the variable …

Member Avatar for genie0582
Member Avatar for Madawar

Hi, I recently started using Linux and have come to find that it suits me better than Windows. I am a newbie in C/C++ programming and my questions are [LIST=1] [*]How suitable is Linux for learning C/C++ programming as most of the books i have come across are based on …

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for n30h4x

My question is how would I implement sending arguments to a program running in the background? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Member Avatar for n30h4x
Member Avatar for noobuser

hi guys is it timeconsuming to use memset instead of for? i mean suppose we have an array of int int prime[200000]; we use memeset(prime, 200000, 0, sizeof(prime)) also we can use for(i = 0; i < 200000; i++) prime[i] = 0;

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for riyasahamed

please any one give me simple code snippet to perform insert , delete, update, search & display operation using linked list. please help me

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for grii_19

write a general purpose function to convert any given year into its roman equivalent . the following table shows the roman equivalent of decimals number decimal roman 1 i 5 v 10 x 50 l 100 c 500 d 1000 m eg:- roman equivalen of 1988 = mdcccclxxxviii ---||-- ----||----- …

Member Avatar for leeyaviswanath
Member Avatar for Hawking

Hi i am looking for program that reads and counts chars, lines(rows), numbers and other characters from file test.txt and puts results on screen. Thank you for help I am not a programmer and dont want to do anything with it just need it now thank you.

Member Avatar for kiran002
Member Avatar for vddmanikanta

Sairam all, Linux Man pages say > "LinuxThreads currently does not support process-shared > semaphores, thus!sem_init! always returns with error !ENOSYS! if > |pshared| is not zero." > > I have a shared memory area I need to lock(using semaphore). Is there a Linux preferred > method to share semaphores …

Member Avatar for ihedz
Member Avatar for Hawking

Hi imagine that I have serie (progression) like Ai=2Ai-2 - 3Ai-1 for i>=2 (i-2 and i-1 are lower indexes) A0= 2.5 A1= 1.2 I need a program which counts and write into the field values from 0-19 and after the program frint sum of these values to screen. Thank you …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for anu07

A question has been knocking my mind today,is it possible to convert a executable file back to its source code in c++??

Member Avatar for anu07
Member Avatar for akand

Hiii.... I am stuck here.. I want a function which can return a string and also it should be able to take DEFAULT string arguments.... can anyone help me wid d syntax??

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for vipin.sachan

In a 'C' program,when I am trying to allocate memory with the help of malloc () function, it is allocating the memory up to a certain limit for e.g. in my case, it is 670 MB (approx). malloc() returns NULL if I allocate more than this amount of memory.When I …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for hqt

I want to make a Desktop Effect (for example: fallen leave, snow,... on Desktop) but I don't know how to do that (one of these problem is: how can I do "something" on Desktop, because every program that I had programed run in a window) Who can discuss this problem …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for prabindatta

[CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct amicable { int** amicablePair; int size; }; struct amicable *getAmicablePairs(int startnum, int endnum); int sumFactors(int number); int main(int argc, char** argv) { int startnum = 220; int endnum = 284; struct amicable* ami; int i; ami = getAmicablePairs(startnum, endnum); if(ami==NULL) { printf("Error: malloc could …

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The End.