15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Here is a program to find the sum of n numbers entered .. I have done this programme in c++ but now I was asked to do it using c.. there is some error with the program.The basic array input ,display thing itself is not working.. Kindly help me .. …

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Member Avatar for heinzw

Hi, I am using a FILE to write a protocol of the program execution which I will be using in case of crashes. Whenever I write a message to the file I open it [CODE] if ((mfdprot = fopen(protfile, "a")) == NULL) { [/CODE] after that I close it: [CODE] …

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Member Avatar for jmangu

Hello, I need help concerning <curses.h> and <conio.h> libraries issues. There's a conflit between both libraries when I compile my software in Dev-C++ (XP OS). 1. In <curses.h> there's this code line: . . . extern int COLORS,COLOR_PAIRS; . . . 2. In <conio.h> there's this code line: . . …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
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Member Avatar for zoozoo1

Hi all, I wanna write a c program in linux which login to another linux machine using ssh. The program should enter the username/password, run a command in that machine and save the o/p in a file. Can anybody help me??? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for Member 785534

great !!!hi to all viewers ..., is there something who have a c program about games,,...

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Member Avatar for Member 785678

[I]hi . im a 2nd year iT student , please help me think any programs that contains math analysis and by using for loop . any suggestions? :)) glad to have . thanks ! :))[/I]

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for midget66

I' working on an array where the user inputs characters(up to 80). I then need to output the characters, one per line, until the string is null. My problem is in the while loop i think, im just not sure what to do from here. Any ideas? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> void …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for Member 785459

how save text file which is made by c and how add a new information in after saving it?

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for midget66

I am working on a program in c and I am trying to declare a ten element array, using a for loop to insert the elements. I am also using a second for loop to acquire the sum of all the elements in the array. I'm new to programming so …

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Member Avatar for Member 784361

hello guys i need your help , i am new in c language and i need to know if i can use c langiage to open images , i asked my programming teacher and he said i can not but i think it is possible so please if it is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for xaop

Please let me know where i have done the mistake [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> void main() { int f=0,s=1,n; n=f+s; if(n<=18); { printf("%d" ,n); f=s; s=n; n=f+s; } getch(); }[/CODE]

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Member Avatar for mamashi

I have a problem at hand. It is to generate a C code - i need to do the following, i will capture an image, then save that image on a folder let say c:\\ program files\myfolder\image.bmp and then i use the OCR to read the number, let say 0102. …

Member Avatar for mamashi
Member Avatar for ishwarverma

Hi guys, i am having some problm while building my C code through VC++6.0. The following error i am getting while building: --------------------Configuration: ReportVARS - Win32 Debug-------------------- Linking... ReportVARS.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _BTRV@24 PHCLUST.OBJ : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _BTRV@24 BTRVUTIL.OBJ : error LNK2001: unresolved external …

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Member Avatar for shankarz
Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Francis Waldron

I'm have trouble getting my area/volume progam going on a circle,cylinder,sphere,cone One with out a menu and onwe with a menu. Thanks for all your programmers help. This is a great site for help.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ravimodi

Hi, I want to develop routine based on MAC-ID of LAN card to prevent my s/w from piracy. The program should be able to create encryted text file containing some encryption alogorithm based on MAC-ID of LAN Card. It should be nearly impossible to recover the MAC-ID from the encrypted …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for rapids79

I'm working on a code that enables the user to input a string , compare it to some text in a file then send the approriate data ( from another file) using serial communication or TCP/IP. I ahve implemented the serial communication part but the TCP/IP..I've looked around but have …

Member Avatar for technology
Member Avatar for farah up

How to solve 'missing ws2_32.lib' problem ?? Can anyone suggest a good site from where this can be downloaded..?

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for gopi17

I'm having some trouble with the output here...can anyone help me...learning how to use to C language, more of a C++ programmer...i tried using all sort of declaration but the output is still the same... [CODE] int i; float x = FLT_MAX - (2.0); double y = DBL_MIN - (2.0); …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for baillot

Hello I am sorry if this is a dumb question but is it conceivable to determine the memory address of a function that is inside a running application from another application? Say I have an application A that has a function helloWorld(). A is being launched. I would like to …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for vivek01anand

there are N elements in an array. u have one number x. u have to check whether there exists two elements in that array whose sum is x. But order should be less than N^2( N square). i dont know the method how to achieve order less than n^2.

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for laky

the NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction. CS:035eIP:0401 OP:ff ff choose 'close' to terminate the application

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sofeware-acm

Question : I use my code test sample which can got the right answer. But when I upload ACM Judge. It appear wrong answer. Could everybody tell me what wrong with me ? Thank you. <pre> Sample Input The following text<C><B>is centred and in boldface</B></C># <B>This <\g>is <B>boldface</B> in <<*> …

Member Avatar for goodwillwins

Well i have the following program where i need to swap students(dynamically created structure array) . Just cant seem to get the swap right. Main problem's here : [code=c] struct student *stemp; stemp=(struct student *)malloc(sizeof(student)); *stemp.name=s[i].name; s[i].name=s[j].name; s[j].name=stemp->name; [/code] Other info : [code=c] where s[i] belongs to a dynamically created …

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Member Avatar for Shikhin

First of all Hello to all of you. I am new to programming(about a week since I started learning it), a little young(12 years old) and totally interedtes in its thrill. Second of all I would like to clear the [I]superstition[/I] that students join this forum as they want you …

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Member Avatar for iqra123

Hiie i have to convert unsigned char to char array. i m using ultoa() function that converts unsigned long char to a string. but it is giving me an error of Type Mismatch. actualy i have tsend my data to server side where it is recieving in char array. so …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for xxpokerxx

[CODE=c]#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* a structure that defines a string buffer */ typedef struct strbuf { char *contents; /* pointer to dynamically allocated buffer contents */ size_t length; /* number of characters in buffer (excluding '\0') */ } StringBuffer; /* function prototypes */ StringBuffer *strbuf_new(const char *cstr); …

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Member Avatar for abhi74k

We have two ways 2 access files . Open and its friends and mmap system call . When to use mmap() and what are its advantages?

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Maryaa

I am new with allegro.I dont know from where I must study for write pacman with allegro in c.please help first what I must do and from where I can study.

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The End.