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21 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for ankur_

I am using qcheck=all while compiling my makefiles. When I am running the binary file generated then it is converting integer to a double value For eq: 612 to 612.0 Can anybody help me to know the reason why? Regards, Ankur.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for neo2nate

If you want to play a .wav file you can use mfc program in vc++ to do so Make a project in mfc and use some of there API's like sndPlaySound or PlaySound The same you can put in an array if you want

Member Avatar for Trentacle
Member Avatar for ankur_

Hi All, Where can I find the source code for ssl in linux I have to send a file encrypted with ssl in linux It would be helpful if anyone can send me the steps for that Regards, Ankur.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ankur_

Hi, I want to get the memory usage of my process in Suse. I have used some command like top,ps v but the they give the percentage of memory used while I want the amount of memory used Is there any other command that can give me the amount of …

Member Avatar for anishakaul
Member Avatar for ankur_

I have taken the opensoruce from ~wagnerr/ConfigFile.html for reading configuration file. It perfectly works fine with gcc 3.2.3 and it fail to compile with gcc 3.4.3 on RHEL 4 I am getting following error g++ -Wno-trigraphs -Wno-unused -Wno-deprecated -Wpointer-arith -fno-common -fno-strict-aliasing -fexceptions -DC_GCC_C -DC_GCCBJC -DC_GCC_CPP -fPIC -D_GNU_SURCE -DC_GNUSTEP -DC_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DDEBUG …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for ankur_

In Suse I have got 2 libs which I have to use to link with my source files but they are interdependent on each other. Means if the 2 libs are A and B than A is dependent on B and B is dependent on A In that case what …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for FIG-GHD742

[QUOTE=FIG-GHD742;1043627]Hello. I have a question about Const Int and Points I have this code [code] const int j=18; int *k= (int)&j; *k=110; printf("Data: %d -> %d; %d : %d-> %d\n", &j, j, k, &k, *k); [/code] this well return for me [b]Data: 2280676 -> 18; 2280676 : 2280672-> 110[/b] but …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for ankur_

I am starting to learn C basic OS Concepts and I have to code them using C. Can anyone suggest me some good links where I can get basics of the complete OS Concepts like (process,IPC,thread,sheduling,File management,Memory management, Security) I have got good idea about the concepts but I am …

Member Avatar for ankur_
Member Avatar for ankur_

How to support Pthread calls like(pthread_create) in Vxworks 5.5 We have include the macro INCLUDE_POSIX_PTHREAD but we are getting linker error while loading. We tried to build the bsp(In tornado 2.2) with the pthread after changing the config file but we were not able to build the bsp

Member Avatar for raigs

If you want to run the program with the 32 bit compiler include -m32 in your compiler option

Member Avatar for ankur_
Member Avatar for raigs

[QUOTE=raigs;1029871]How to: 1. Buffer output ? 2. Get its size ? 3. Print the buffer ? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Tons of printf lines\n"); // 1. Somehow buffer the output up until this point printf("The size of the buffer is: %i\n", SIZEOFBUFFER); // 2. Get and print the size …

Member Avatar for raigs
Member Avatar for ankur_

I want to check by a c program that in a system Microsoft Visual studio Runtime is present or not. The system might not have complete package of Microsoft Visual studio but we can run a c or c++ program using Microsoft Visual studio Runtime(MVSR) I want to know that …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ankur_

Please mark the thread as solved after it gets solved It helps the onlooker and the members to know which threads are solved ad they can look into those problems if they have a similar query. But in many occassions it happens that even after the problem is solved the …

Member Avatar for Ismailworking

just remember that for windows getch and getchar can be used using the header file <conio.h> In linux for the same you require <stdlib.h>

Member Avatar for ankur_
Member Avatar for alvalany

Structures are used when you want to use every member of the structure at the same time while in union only one of the member can be used Union is very helpful in many cases where there are switch cases and we have to use only one of the members …

Member Avatar for ankur_
Member Avatar for ankur_

I am running a program(client) that creates about 20000 sockets. After closing this exe when I again want to run than some of the sockets still remain alive and are not closed. Is there any mechanism that I can close these socket just after my exe terminates. I am using …

Member Avatar for ankur_

what is the time that select func in socket programming waits before continuing. Like till how much time it can receive msg from diffrent clients before proceeding to serve the request. One more question. Can we send 500 messages from 500 diffrent clients at the same time to a server …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ankur_

How can we get the last error occured in linux. suppose there is a connect() func error in that case how to get the error that occured.

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for ankur_

Where can I find sample client-server program using poll. Or if someone has it can they share it.

Member Avatar for ankur_
Member Avatar for ankur_

Hi, Has someone got a code of skip list(in link list). Skip list is a list through which we can do binary search in a link list Thanks....

Member Avatar for ankur_
Member Avatar for ankur_

I am not able to find a good MFC Tutorial. Do anyone has got a link for a MFC Tutorial which consists from basic to advance.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.