15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for Coffee198

I am having trouble with my homework problem is: float total = 200; int - 1; for (i=1; i,=5;i++) { total=total/2 } print total: need output and flow chart Any help please?

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for War_Archer

I wrote a code with fork() but I keep on getting the problem undefined reference to fork(). I know my code works 100% because I run it on my school computer and it works. How do I fix this problem? I use code blocks IDE with GCC compiler and GDB …

Member Avatar for War_Archer
Member Avatar for nosson

I'm having trouble dividing two elements of an array.... it seems to work in some instances, but not right now... I have two matrices[row][col] sized and am trying to transpose the elements to a matrix to a vector/array. That all works fine... but when I then try to divide the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for al3x748769

i am new to C and i am trying to learn more as i am taking a basic class. we started out with basic programs and now we are making a tic tac toe board. i was wondering what a 8 bit binary counter would look like. i know the …

Member Avatar for viwenka
Member Avatar for dapcigar

Description of tasks: You are required to write a program that will calculate the total marks and the grade the student obtained on a multiple choice test paper. There are 20 questions and each question has an option A,B,C and D. Total of 30 students took the test. The correct …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for shirmaster

This is my code and i do understand the logic but i don't understand the algorithm. About the Parking time coz when i give 1:26 in the time in and 2:20 in time out, i got a negative parking time. here's my code [CODE]#include<stdio.h> void menu(char a); void getData(int *a, …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for rampraveen

#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #include "graphics.h" char far *vidmem=0xB8000000; main() { int gm,gd=DETECT; int r,c,i; char message[]="praveen"; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); clrscr(); for(r=5;r<=20;r++) { for(c=5;c<=50;c++) write2vdu('',64,r,c); } c=10; for(i=0;i<=10;i++) { write2vdu(message[i],77,10,c); c++; } getch(); } write2vdu(char ch,char attr,int row,int col) { char far *v; v=vidmem+row*160+col*2; *v=ch; v++; *v=attr; } when i run this …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for dy/dx

hi. we have this project, and we have to open a file where we will get what we need to evaluate. The problem is I can't move on to my project because the eclipse (using mingw compiler) can't build my source code. Here's my source code: [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for csmgsarma

Hi all, Here is a code snippet that is bugging me off for a while: [CODE] #define size (20 * 1024) unsigned char data_base[size]; /*my application here*/ ......... ......... ......... ......... [/CODE] The global variable "data_base" as you can see is uninitialized. The executable size was 434KB. when this variable …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for libathos

hi guys i want to make a c program,what it has to do is to find its current pathname every time it is executed from diferent locations and then redirect the outcome in a .txt file,through cmd.I have lack of knowledge when it comes to cmd so any help?

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for archana.c07

Hi all, I am trying to conver string to decimal. the sting is 8 byte long and contains data as hex nembers e.g 0000000000000D72 i want to conver this data into decimal as 3442 i'm not getting how to do this help me...

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for suvind

[B]When should we use for loop and when while in C ? In terms of speed up and memory consideration in embedded systems.[/B]

Member Avatar for Dervish1
Member Avatar for fussballer

Hello, I was compiling some code and get the following compiler errors: error C3861: '_stprintf_s': identifier not found error C3861: '_tcscat_s': identifier not found I got the code from the MSDN Library: [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd798640%28VS.85%29.aspx"]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd798640%28VS.85%29.aspx[/URL] I tried to find some info about the _stprintf_s and added the header <tchar.h> This got rid …

Member Avatar for fussballer
Member Avatar for rapids79

Hi..I want to create a message box that displays the string from an array. Is it possible using MesasgeBox()?? I have tried passing the name of the array to the function but I looked around and found youd could pass only string to the function. So waht is the solution??? …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shinsengumi

can anyone help me make a C program code that will open an image file? i'm using C language and GUI/glade3 alongside it. to help you visualize it, i want to type the image filename in a text view entry and when i click a button (Load for example) the …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi
Member Avatar for rapids79

Hi, As per the code snippet: [CODE]typedef struct TimeSlotConfigurationList_LCR A { A_SEQUENCE_OF(struct B) list; asn_struct_ctx_t _asn_ctx; } A_t; #define A_SEQUENCE_OF(type) struct { type **array; int count; /* Meaningful size */ int size; /* Allocated size */ void (*free)(type *); } typedef struct B { TimeslotNumber_LCR_r4_t x; ENUM{Yes(0), No(1)} y; ENUM{Ok(0), …

Member Avatar for rapids79
Member Avatar for fizzle

Hi all, I'm completely new to C but have dabbled with Bash scripting before. I've been trying to get my head around pointers etc. I have a small routine to check for the existence of a string in a file and print to screen, I claim no originality it's a …

Member Avatar for fizzle
Member Avatar for Shikhin

Hello, I am trying to make a program which will sort a array of 10 elements using bubble sort. I searce dthe forum and google but douldnt find a problem similar to mine. I cam up with the following code: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void swap(int *, int *); int …

Member Avatar for Shikhin
Member Avatar for rapids79

Hi..I am writing a server code for TCP/IP. The code is: [CODE]#include<winsock2.h> #include<windows.h> #pragma comment(lib,"user32.lib"); #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include"tcpip.h" /*Function definitions for communication over TCPIP*/ /*Parameters for TCP/IP Communication*/ WSADATA wsaData; WORD version; int error = 0; SOCKET server_addr; SOCKET client_addr; struct sockaddr_in Start_Server; int length = 0; char tcp_ip_recv[20]; char …

Member Avatar for rapids79
Member Avatar for cktbrd

I have been away from c for awhile and was hoping that someone could guide me on how to code the following: I have a string for the time that is in the format hhmmss.sss (hour, minute, seconds, fraction of seconds). I would like to parse the string and store …

Member Avatar for kings_mitra
Member Avatar for mamashi

I have a small problem. I am a begginer in C programming . I need so help please. my project i am working on is in image. I use a camera to take a number in very small part for example ( 0901) but sometime those component have defect next …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for SHENGTON

Hello, good evening. :) I got some problems with the "Bubble Sort" and "Selection Sort". My "Insertion Sort" is already ok. I just can't figure it out with this problem. Hope you can help me with this and explain it to me my mistakes. Here's the whole code: [CODE=C]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for suvind

I have a statically allocated memory chunk and one dynamically allocated. Which one is preferable if a cache friendly function is to be written ?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for plike922

i am having trouble fixing this program... its not printing the number any tips??? i am using sieve of Eratosthenes [CODE]#include <cstdio> #include "simpio.h" #include "strlib.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { bool is_prime[300]; int num[300]; int i, n; printf("This program prints all prime numbers from 1 to …

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Member Avatar for xaop

I'm planning to design a program such that any number entered will be divided by all the numbers less than it and if any of the division gives 0 as the reminder,it is not a prime.Here is my attempt so far and iam not able to proceed after that.. [CODE]#include …

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Member Avatar for aianne

Hello, I'm almost completely useless at C, and as part of a project I've got to conjure up a programme, and I'm just hoping someone can give me push to get it started. I want to make a programme where the user can draw a CIRCLE, SQUARE, LINE and POLYGON …

Member Avatar for jhamelberja@yah
Member Avatar for vovasquez

ok so i know how to program in JAVA.. i am trying to learn C but the language is pretty confusing.. so i want to read from a file.. i created a FILE, numbers.txt ---> this file has int values. i have code to read the file, now i am …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for Green Anorak

Hi All Can anyone tell me how to read a file but only print to the screen certain parts of it? Below is what I've got already - apologies if it's very basic, I'm new to this! All I can do is get a program which prints the whole file …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for technology

Fellow coders Ive contributed this code to show how to send an email using winsock but Im having problems working out what to do to get this to be SSL oriented and know that it requires something to do with Secure Sockets and SetSockOpt and GetSockOpt and WSAIOctl but Im …

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Member Avatar for redeorhcsIT

can u help me in my assignment on Turbo C ??? this is the questions .. i need it badly tom.. at 10am in the morning !! Write a program to print a customer bill for Ajax Auto Repair. the parts and labor changes are input and a 6% sale …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.