15,555 Topics

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Member Avatar for dsrepublic

struct tnode { int data; struct tnode* left; struct tnode* right; }; struct tnode*talloc(int data) { struct tnode*p=(struct tnode*) malloc(sizeof(struct tnode)) if (p!=NULL) { p->data=data; p->next=NULL; p->right=NULL; } return p; } int main(){} I am getting a [error: 'NULL' undeclared] error, Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for omGac0W

So this is part of the code in one of my functions, and whenever I enter either yes, no, or something else, no matter what the response the do loop will loop again. I don't think my "if(response == "yes")" is working. Help please? :D [CODE] char response[10]; int answer; …

Member Avatar for ryuurei
Member Avatar for Aigulek

Hello everybody! I am just a beginner in C, so i have some problems with the password input . This is for bank account, it asks user for password input, but it doesn't works properly for three attempts, in order to go to menu: Could you help me please, what …

Member Avatar for Aigulek
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

I write this program to cheak user name and password enter by the use is same then the user is able to login, for this i declare a pointer array to store some user name and password (like sin up by user),and then the user enter her user name and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lux Fero

Hello World, [INDENT][/INDENT]Can anybody help me to create a windows applcation with turbo c. Am newbe in turbo c and I learned to make c programmes very well, but I Am facing a lot of problems since I moved to windows applications and i can't understant why turbo c doesn't …

Member Avatar for Lux Fero
Member Avatar for evinkeating

I'm working on a C program that needs a lot of dynamic memory allocation of 1-D and 2-D arrays. The program works fine when I compile and run it using windows and Visual C++, but when I compile and run it in a Unix environment, I get slightly different results, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for firoz3321

Sir, i'm new here searched the forums and web. I'm a beginner and dont know C very well. The Question actually is this: [QUOTE]Write a C function called DistinctWords that counts the distinct words in its input string and prints them in the descending order of number of its occurrence. …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for M4RUF

I've got to write an application in C which can take an input file containing RISC instructions and then output to screen the encoded version of these instructions. I will be working with the following op-classes: 0 1A 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 3C 3D I already have the code …

Member Avatar for vijaysrivatsa

Do the following for the user-entered number of students. Find the average marks for a student of his marks in 3 subjects. Print whether he passed or failed. A student will fail if his average is less than 50. Use for loop...can u help me writing this pgm.....thankss:-/

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for arsenal_fan

Hi, this is not a homework or assignment. I am preparing for interviews. I just wanted to know how do I find out say the next 6 byte aligned address given any random address? Hope I am clear. Any code or explanation will be appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for arsenal_fan
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

5. Write a program to automatically generate the telephone numbers. The requirements are as follows: Declare a character array to hold a 7-digit telephone number •Accept the telephone number as a string. The first four digits is the department code and the last three digits is the telephone number. (Example: …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for SHENGTON

Hello, good day. :) I got a problem here in displaying the items of array. In "Display Items", it should display the numbers that I inputted in the "Input Items". Is there lacking in my code? [b]Menu:[/b] [IMG]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u162/SHENGTON/menu.png[/IMG] [b]Input Items:[/b] [IMG]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u162/SHENGTON/input.png[/IMG] [b]Display Items:[/b] [IMG]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u162/SHENGTON/result.png[/IMG] Here's the code: [CODE=C]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for poornimashobana

hi This is Poornima.L any one can u help me how to convert double to int ???? int int_var=(int)double_var; wen i give the above stmt i get floating point error:abnormal termination in my console screen help me out

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Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

How to declare an array to store the different five(5) name and initialize the following char array with {"Lara","Lin","Nitin","Krishna","Sophia"}

Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777
Member Avatar for iqra123

hiiii, can anyone tell me about computational complexity of AES, DES and BLOWFISH techniques. i am using these techniques for a string. and calculating execution time of these thre techniques. and now want to know their complexity on the basis of execution time... plzzz Help me out! Regards!

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for adi.shoukat

I want to write a Code in C which can create copy any given file (txt, bmp, jpg, pdf etc) what i've written so far is: int main(){ FILE *fp; char ch; FILE *fpW; if((fpW = fopen("file2.gif","wb"))==NULL) { printf("Cannot open Destination file.\n"); exit(1); } if((fp = fopen("file.gif","rb"))==NULL) { printf("Cannot open …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for ice_cool

Hello all, I've had some java experience and looking at my uni units next semester, 1 involves using C, so I decided to start coding C :p. Is there anything wrong with the program structure below? I think there is also some code duplication in there also. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> /* …

Member Avatar for ice_cool
Member Avatar for Jeffrey0209

This is the code wrote so far.. I'm new to Cprograming. please help thank you! [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> //Compute f(n)=n!, for 0<=n<=100 void f(int n){ // Adjust the array a so that each array element contains a single // digit without altering the number represented by the …

Member Avatar for Jeffrey0209
Member Avatar for sdinu96

why computer takes more execution time when a function is called ? i want theoritical explanation.............that is what happens internally.......... this is diadvantages of Function Why it takes more execution time ?

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hi everyone, I am using TC 3.0 . I'm getting an error as.. BGI error:graphics not initialized. But I've used initgraph. So, i thought i'll use this [CODE]/* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); /* an error occurred */ if (errorcode != grOk) { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); …

Member Avatar for shahana.1988
Member Avatar for rajina
Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for chaingang

set operation using array in c without using library function

Member Avatar for d34dw4rd

here is my code of a linked list with a header file however it works in debugger mode but in normal run time it crashes Please help! Here's the header: [CODE]/* Lab3 Abstract Data Type - header file */ /* Type Definitions */ typedef struct { char state[20]; int year_adopted; …

Member Avatar for d34dw4rd
Member Avatar for johndoe444

[CODE]set_child_at (node=0x7fffffffe080, child=0x61e250, index=1) at 10679.c:319 319 if ((*node)->count_children == (*node)->m) (gdb) p *current_node $3 = (trie_node *) 0x0 (gdb) n 324 index = hash_insert((*node)->hv, index, (*node)->m, (*node)->m1); (gdb) n 325 (*node)->children[index] = child; (gdb) p current_node $4 = (trie_node **) 0x61e270 (gdb) p *current_node $5 = (trie_node *) 0x0 …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for oldbamaguy

I define a variable as float num1; I try to use a scanf to read it scanf("%f", num1); I get some (what I think is a crazy response) statement expects a float, argument is a double I am sure I must be doing something wrong because I also get this …

Member Avatar for oieronle
Member Avatar for johndoe444

[CODE] set_element* make_set(int key) { set_element* node = (set_element*) malloc(sizeof(set_element)); node->parent = node; node->rank = 0; }[/CODE] In the above code there was no return statement and the function was used like this [CODE]elem1 = make_set(f1);[/CODE] And the code was working as expected. This is very funny. I am not …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for largedimples

What compiler can I use to build/run an flex scanner? I tried mircle and visual studio 2010 neither one would run the program. I have until mid night tomorrow to workout all the bugs and submit them. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Jamesbch

Hello everyone, I'm working on a program that reads a PNG and extracts a custom chunk from it (using libpng). But now I've got problems to actually register my callback function to handle unknown chunks. According to the official documentation I have to declare which chunk is "unknown" (by their …

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Member Avatar for yuvaraj.ragupat

Hi all can anybody tried with mtd flash lock for spansion s29GL series ? Please guide me Thanks Yuvi

Member Avatar for potato4610

Using nested for loops, how do I write a program that asks the user to input an integral number and then displays a diagonal line with that many dots on the console screen starting in the column? An input of 4 would display four diagonal periods, while an input of …

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The End.